He did that already and then quietly came back a few weeks later.When are you going to pull your hissy fit and leave?
He did that already and then quietly came back a few weeks later.When are you going to pull your hissy fit and leave?
If you can criminalise said speech it's no longer free.Being an idiot while exercising your freedom of speech, however, can fall under criminalization of said exercise. For example, if you are obstructing the justice process, or if whatever you say triggers physical harm to other people, you should be fined or arrested, depending on how grave the impact is.
House of parliament have parliamentry priviledge so anything said in debat etc cannot be taken to court on. Theres been a few cases recently that mps were asked why they wouldnt make the statements they had outside parliament.Anyone know if the House of Parliament and Speakers Corner are exempt from these anti freedom of speech laws? Historically they were just not sure now.
edit: never mind just found a link, not exempt from anything considered unlawful.
Very distasteful; no doubt. Ill advised; of course. Illegal? WTF.
Well seeing that it's pretty much a hate speech statement, why shouldn't it be illegal?
Change downs syndrome to black people and there's no difference in the severity of the statement she made...
Have a read of my posts which explain exactly why it shouldn't be illegal.Well seeing that it's pretty much a hate speech statement, why shouldn't it be illegal?
Ah, I get it now. I thought you were talking about Toht. My bad. I'd forgotten you'd had a bad time of it. Don't take it so personally - I was talking about the seelDo we need to keep going back to things like that?
I am not advocating punishing anyone and I am advocating that a facility to punish people be there. I do not think this Lady should be punished and I think it should be used very sparingly.Like children who learn responsibility by being given things to be responsible over, and then failing occaisonally, adult individuals need to be given responsibility for watching what they say - full in the knowledge that a minority will fail to live up to that responsibility.
You advocate punishing everyone because of a minority.
I'm not doing nothing, as explained before. What do you expect me to do? Incite people to violence? Lol.you is you are getting angry about this while doing nothing about it and I am accepting it while doing nothing. The saying is (allegedly) All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing!
Again I am not for stopping freedom of speech more just freedom of hate preach.I -really- don't understand the argument of curbing our freedom of speech in order for security, I really do not.
I'm sure our crime prevention bodies love people like Anjem Choudary, simply because he can make videos about how he hates the UK, and then people go flocking to him, like YES ANJEM, TELL ME MORE, then they follow these people, and prevent them from doing acts of terror.
I disagree @Talivar we need education to teach people now not to say stupid things, not preventing stupid people from saying stupid things, because then it goes underground, then things like Nazis happen.
Sure, I don't like the fact that our freedom of speech is used against us by using the authorities to track our movements until we do commit crime, but that's unfortunately the reality that we live in, if we start to curb our freedom of speech, they'll still track us, but start to arrest us for mundane things.
Again I am not for stopping freedom of speech more just freedom of hate preach.
One thing I realised yesterday is that I actually agree with a lot of what @Scouse says but just explain myself poorly. I really do not want a law on things you think or say. But I do think there should be rules to stop people (like on the bus videos) forcing you to listen to whatever they have to say. Buy as he said that is more an harassment law which I am fine with.
I think this free speech should stay and if the KKK want to hold a meeting spouting as much racist stuff as they want It will not bother me at all I would not go. If they hold a march that will not bother me as I would not go. If they have a Twitter or Facebook account it would not bother me as I would not follow it. The stupid thing about this case is that a sudo celebrity Tweeted to about 15 people one of whom decided to report it to the Police. And this has now turned something that should have been ignored into this massive story with the stupid tweet being shared to millions of people.
And as I said the part about her phone is worrying as I got sent a joke about the Holocaust which is on my phone so does that mean I can now be arrested for racism?
I should add that I am not back tracking on being an optimist though. I still see this and think "oh look an idiot getting punished for saying stupid shit" I do not see "Ohh look the start of a police state this means everyone who disagrees with the government will end up sent to prison for life".
The Harassment part. On some of the videos someone who is sat on a moving train / bus gets an idiot come up to them and starts spouting all the racist crap. If you are on a train you can try to walk away but they can follow you which only leaves you with the choice of pulling the emergency break to get away. With a KKK meeting or march you just don't show up.What's the difference between the KKK having a march and someone saying racist stuff on a bus? :S
Meanwhile over in studentland, it just keeps getting sillier.
I think you misunderstand what the the term freedom of speech actually means.Again I am not for stopping freedom of speech more just freedom of hate preach.