Now that's how to spend your money:
Bit too out there for my taste (and I like wild and whacky), but fair play to them for their vision, and they've thought it through.
Seriously? It's basically just a house. With £5m, there is no way I'd spend the rest of my life in one place. No hookers, no coke, just a massive enlightenment expedition*
The headline should read "Stupid kid wins money and spends disgusting amount on stupid shit (and watches children starve via his 100" TV)".
*Until I impregnate someone and settle down to a nice cottage in the country.
And its basically just £5m out a £45m fortune. I wouldn't spend that much on one house but between somewhere in Ireland and another place in London it would be similar money overall. With £45m you can have the wonder house and the "enlightenment expedition".
True .. the number is almost too large to comprehend for a humble Scotsman such as myself. I'm sure I'd probably go slightly insane worrying about it.
I had this discussion with my lass not so long ago. I came to the conclusion that I'd do something truly virtuous and retrain as a pediatrician and travel the world saving small children from Cholera. I quickly realised this was a lot of work and decided I'd just explore and shit. A bit like Lara Croft without the nice ass.