[NEWS] Winds of Change in test


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
This is another "bandaid" to stick on top of the fort's "sticking-plaster".

I predict the next bandaid will be locking the max number of people inside a normal keep or warcamp. Within 3 months.


One of Freddy's beloved
Sep 20, 2004
"We are limited in what we can currently do in a limited timeframe"

Trouble is we have no idea on a number of issues:-

How limited their time is.

Why is it limited (limited because they feel a crappy bandaid will lose them less customers than maintaining the crappy server issues until a fix is found ?)

How temporary this solution is (never a clue on timescales).

What the realistic end result is going to be (is there a likely fix or should we expect a change in terms of number caps).

How much of a priority "fixing" the existing game is being given in comparison with bringing out new things (in terms of time and resources).

Unless we get some proper information (and I fully understand they have to be careful on timescales) we are always going to draw our own conclusions. This seemed like a badly thought out and rushed through fix that someone had over a morning pancake. Personally I don't mind a short term measure but it should not make things worse.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2005
God all mighty what a way to fix the problem....... Laffing my ass off. Thats a sure way to get even more ppl to abort the game and find other things to use their time off... Only Goa/Mythic could be so absolutely idiotic, but well, let them commit suicide, then we migh actually see a company running a mmorpg that knows customer service and actual skill in maitaining such a game....


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Unless we get some proper information (and I fully understand they have to be careful on timescales) we are always going to draw our own conclusions. This seemed like a badly thought out and rushed through fix that someone had over a morning pancake.
Exactly - while i appreciate the need to keep things all PR happy-clappy and cover their arses legally with announcements, the playerbase would react much better to firm commitments to a timescale that these "band-aids" would be removed by rather than just seeing them starting to stack up before the first one has been removed.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Band aid fix stacking needs to be nerfed in the next patch.

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