News Will Smith is a diva


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
also his children talented? whip my hair back and forth is utter shit and mostly manufactured by the producer, and his son was well shit in Karate Kid remake even for a kid. They wouldn't be anywhere near stardom without him

Indeed it was horrible. The kid was whiny as f*ck and annoyed me to no end. His mother too. I wonder why.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Seriously?? No i mean really SERIOUSLY!!!! :(

Get a grip why on earth would /should he fly economy if he wanted 1st class in the first place.

If anything Aer Lingus should be the ones that are considered wrong here trying to fob the guy off with economy seats when they already new he wanted 1st class ones??

Poor service of the highest order and they are lucky they are not being sued :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
those planes that fly between dublin and manchester are tiny and do not have 1st class seats, they might have a 1st class area at the front, but tbh its his management or whoever booked the seats in the first place who should have done their homework first

and Dublin to manchester may be 50 minutes but its more like: 15 min taxi to runway/take off, 20 mins in air, 15 min landing/taxi to terminal

and despite all appearances Air Lingus are effectively a "no frills" airline (well maybe their Atlantic flights might be a bit more swanky but their euro flights certainly are not), they work in a similar way to Ryan Air these days.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Seriously?? No i mean really SERIOUSLY!!!! :(

Get a grip why on earth would /should he fly economy if he wanted 1st class in the first place.

If anything Aer Lingus should be the ones that are considered wrong here trying to fob the guy off with economy seats when they already new he wanted 1st class ones??

Poor service of the highest order and they are lucky they are not being sued :p

you're joking right? afaik Aer Cunnylixus doesn't even do first class dude :p

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