lol me too, and iplayer on the family tvI still have mine, it's a very nice silent DVD player.
Preorder pricing from Zavvi and a few other retailers, alot of people in the trade seem to think 349 is nearer the price it will launch at though. Will know more when they release details on CPU/GPU/Memory, until then it just guesswork based of the horsepower Nintendo says it has and factoring in the cost of the tablet controller. Oh and remembering that Nintendo will not be launching the hardware as a loss leader.
fee is peanuts today, paying someone to create play back software is not, tho they should makes it a doanloadble program or something, one less reasion for someone to hack it
also just wondering would ati need to be paid as well if ninty say offered a media player app to buy? thier ageement wouldnt cover multimedia use would it?
The only things under my TV that plays DVDs is my PS3. If I plan to buy only one console next generation, it can't be a Nintendo one because I won't have a DVD player once my PS3 is put away.
I'm not that interested in the controller concept anyway, but this really writes them out of the race for my cash already.
That is quite risky bud, the failure rate on PS3 Blu-ray drives is pretty high, especially on the earlier models. Personally I wouldn't risk it just to play DVD's because if the drives goes there is no way to replace it.
What, Sony can't replace a blu-ray drive? I don't understand what you're saying.
SOGA their arses.
Also, to me it just seems that Nintendo are remaining to keep distance between them and Sony/MS by offering a different product. If they include drives for DVDs/Blu-Rays their machine becomes instantly more comparable to the other, more capable systems, and people will be encouraged to buy Sony or MS as they'll do the same kind of things but with a much higher quality gaming content.