

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Why do a lot of the threads created on this forum get locked and/or deleted? A lot of them for no real reason. What is this? A carebear forum? Soon enough there will be no more interesting or funny threads being created through fear of getting them locked because they contain a few bad words or some slight hostility. I think the mods should calm down and be a bit less nazi because this forum is becoming less fun and more boring every day.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
threads that were not really having a constructive discussion about reputation, but were talking about that topic were closed. Other than that there have been no threads closed today or yesterday?

And 9 threads closed versus 16 open if I am not mistaken(on this page), so there arent that many closed, is it now?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
i dont see the problem in discussing rep.. really

jupitus has been going a bit over the top


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
k9awya said:
i dont see the problem in discussing rep.. really

jupitus has been going a bit over the top

I have been reviewing some of the wonderful work that goes on in this forum as well and I do not believe he has been OTT, he is just setting a precedent. The reason I haven't posted before is that I do not play this game and therefore do not know the characters I am dealing with unlike the specific mods chosen for this game and Jup (ex doacer).

You have read the CoC absorb it and post by it and the mods won't interfere but farm and mod bait like you have been and you can expect exactly what is being given.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
this forum is off topic but has been subject to so much limitation topic wise, im not even sure what we are allowed to talk about here.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
At a guess anything off topic within reason - see the CoC. However the fact that you guys seem to use this place like IRC and farm posts seem to be the reason for the trouble.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
this forum is almost as exciting as prydwen.net :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Yoni said:
At a guess anything off topic within reason - see the CoC. However the fact that you guys seem to use this place like IRC and farm posts seem to be the reason for the trouble.
On the Old BW I agree that we got away with way too much, yet now its gone the complete opposite way and threads are locked simply because two or three people in a row make non-contributing one-liners. I can find you a tone of threads full of that content in the general forums.
k9awya said:
jupitus has been going a bit over the top
I think this is the biggest problem, I do actually respect what Jup is trying to do but I think the fact that he doesnt know the posters here or how threads her enormally operate has pu thim at a huge disadvantage and as such he is being too harsh, I think he needs to take a less active role in actually moderating here. Bels on the other hand is doing a spot on job here.

Oh and one more thing which is a complete mystery to me - why is it that half the general forums posters seem to be mods, yet well over 70% of the forums contents come from the DAoC forums (or at least they will do once BW closes, the majority of DAoC posters are still using it).


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
BlitheringIdiot said:
I think this is the biggest problem, I do actually respect what Jup is trying to do but I think the fact that he doesnt know the posters here or how threads her enormally operate has pu thim at a huge disadvantage and as such he is being too harsh, I think he needs to take a less active role in actually moderating here. Bels on the other hand is doing a spot on job here.

Oh and one more thing which is a complete mystery to me - why is it that half the general forums posters seem to be mods, yet well over 70% of the forums contents come from the DAoC forums (or at least they will do once BW closes, the majority of DAoC posters are still using it).

DAOC in FH has 4 full time Mods which is more than any single game here. Bif has huge amounts of expertise with running DAOC forums even though he dosn't have the game and Jup is an ex DAOCer so that makes 6 people with experience of this game and forums.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
k9awya said:
i dont see the problem in discussing rep.. really

jupitus has been going a bit over the top

There is a difference between discussing rep and repeated one line post-farming bullshit. There are a few threads around still where the rep system has been 'discussed' as in debated properly, but there were also an abundance of threads where one person started a thread and then the bad apples around here (if I know who you are already, I am sure YOU do too) dragged it to the depths of lockage through whingeing at each other about their -1 rep being dished out.

It takes alot longer to individually remove those prattish posts than to delete an entire thread. The threads I deleted were usually over 90% crap, and the ones I closed usually beyond redemption.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
surely its clear that we're not doing this for the post count? .... i mean if coim and dil and lox were still here, they wouldn't be posting any less im sure of it ... post count is just an added bonus, this is off topic. and i've read the CoC, most of these threads that have been closed are not saying anything that breaks these rules ... if the thread is closed for breaking 1 of the CoC rules, atleast have the manners to state which rule exactly is being broken, if its not breaking the CoC why the fuck are you closing the thread? its off topic FFS! this is the junk forum for talking bs just like in rl, if every thread here was fully discussion based ... then it would be "general discussion" ... and as we have 1 of those forums ... :kissit:

requesting a reply from a mod please as i feel im making a good point for once :p


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Nuked said:
surely its clear that we're not doing this for the post count? .... i mean if coim and dil and lox were still here, they wouldn't be posting any less im sure of it ... post count is just an added bonus, this is off topic. and i've read the CoC, most of these threads that have been closed are not saying anything that breaks these rules ... if the thread is closed for breaking 1 of the CoC rules, atleast have the manners to state which rule exactly is being broken, if its not breaking the CoC why the fuck are you closing the thread? its off topic FFS! this is the junk forum for talking bs just like in rl, if every thread here was fully discussion based ... then it would be "general discussion" ... and as we have 1 of those forums ... :kissit:

requesting a reply from a mod please as i feel im making a good point for once :p

The general discussion forum is for general DAOC discussion, ie not related to any single realm or server. The OT forum is for discussion, jokes etc about non-DAOC related things but still not for spamming and trying to get a better post count.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
you're not reading what im saying! you took the post count thing away and dil lox and coim still posted shit loads, rvr whine threads loop over and over going over the same subject 1000 times, but i dont see those stoped dead in the tracks, or Jox banned for his constant infil whine


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Nuked said:
you're not reading what im saying! you took the post count thing away and dil lox and coim still posted shit loads, rvr whine threads loop over and over going over the same subject 1000 times, but i dont see those stoped dead in the tracks, or Jox banned for his constant infil whine

... and I recognise the fact that there are still plenty of folks round here gently trying to increase their post count, though not as obviously as the others were at the start... it's not for post count now, it's for the next forum title, particularly amongst the ones who take this forum for granted and wont shove the 10 quid towards the founders to help pay for it's upkeep (note the irony of that statement).

If you think the spammers won't be punished then you are very much mistaken.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
:rolleyes: what? does the £10 "title cost" also get you insurance of not getting banned for 3 months? please :rolleyes: if you honestly think the reason these people post so much is purely for the post count then we must agree to disagree, and tbh .. coim is like 13 ... i don't know about you but at 13 the $$$$ aint rolling in :D


OT used to be a place where people could come and have a 'conversation' with their in-game friends, post jokes and then have other people dissect them, have arguments about foreign policy and umm...homosexuality. Sometimes the arguments became childish and immature and they were dealt with in the proper manner with either a lock and a warning or a simple 'settle down, guys' post from one of the moderators. OT used to be its own little community unto itself but now...now there is no love here. Topics are closed too quickly which ultimately leads to mod-baiting out of poster frustration. Your heavy handed approach to forum etiquette is the main reason so many of the regulars have been banned because they are frustrated and irritated that they can no longer post in the style that they were used to.

It won't be long until this place becomes a desolate wasteland. There is no love here...and that is a shame. You might as well close this OT section down or rename it because it is a mere shadow of what it used to be.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
jup you are closing threads that i would have liked to keep open

these were non daoc related things and theres no chance of me even slightly caring about post count, and half the thread would often be people saying things to me or replying to me..

i dont need the next titles, as i paid a tenner.
i dont check how many posts ive made, delete them all and reset my count etc.. i wouldnt care one little bit.

so how some of these threads constitute as people trying to increase post count is beyond me.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Driwen said:
threads that were not really having a constructive discussion about reputation, but were talking about that topic were closed. Other than that there have been no threads closed today or yesterday?

And 9 threads closed versus 16 open if I am not mistaken(on this page), so there arent that many closed, is it now?

Ok, so you think it's OK that 9 threads out of 25 have been closed recently? Maybe 3 or 4 out of 25 but when you see 9 you know there's some kind of problem.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The problem is the shite contained in the threads.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Isnt the whole point of 'Off-Topic' to spam? And tbh i doubt that mods locking loads of threads and banning loads of people at the start is helping u or your site? U survive on donations now and ure 'upsetting' the very people that will help u.

I dont mean to be rude but it just seems your being too harsh on popular(ish :p) people which in turn alienates everyone else. Yes the rules on BW were a bit loose but ure going over the top here IMO.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Glorien said:
Isnt the whole point of 'Off-Topic' to spam? And tbh i doubt that mods locking loads of threads and banning loads of people at the start is helping u or your site? U survive on donations now and ure 'upsetting' the very people that will help u.

I dont mean to be rude but it just seems your being too harsh on popular(ish :p) people which in turn alienates everyone else. Yes the rules on BW were a bit loose but ure going over the top here IMO.

I agree with this guy.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
If we, the OT spammers, are popular, then how comes we are discussing this crap on new years eve... ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
BlitheringIdiot said:
If we, the OT spammers, are popular, then how comes we are discussing this crap on new years eve... ?

People like us. It's just that we don't like them ;)


Ah well...s'okay. I have never really been much of a spammer anyway. I will go out with my friends, drink myself stupid and wind up in a gutter being repeatedly ass raped by a homeless guy. New Year's Eve is getting really boring.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I just realised I met 2 people called Mercutio in as many days. That's without leaving the house on account of assembling furniture. Weird no?

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