
Nobody should be saying "Quake 3 Is Shit" - I mean, I personally think CS is the biggest wankiest game I've ever clapped my eyes on... but how many people play it?
People like the games that they like to play and will back up why they like them, and I backed up my reasons for not liking Quake 3. Gibz, you slate me for not liking the friendly fire, lack of weapon dropping etc - I point out, thats my personal opinion shared by many others, lots of other people share their own opinions. I've not seen any good people play q3 tdm, so I don't know how the weapon distribution is done... but would I be right in assuming timers ? Timers have always pissed me right off in Q2, and if thats how its done, its just another reason for me personally disliking q3.Friendly fire : Matter of taste, myself being a Q2 TDM player, the skill i spent so long nuturing (well, trying to) is wanted to be ditched for ID's latest game.. No, its not going to happen, So I need say no more about that.
Games are all about personal opinion, Planetarion is bullshit, CS is crap, Q3 isn't what it should be, flight simulators are all wankpiles : A few opinions : My opinions.
Theres no point in saying what games are shite, every game has its fan.

[Cw.F]Kryten, the Voice of Reason and Regular Spouted Bullshit.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
So where does q3 fall down?
Well for a start, i think the introduction of rockets at a q1 speed is not such a bad thing but ffs the amount of
splash damage they do is way to powerful. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


The Q3 RL has way less splash damage then the Q2 RL. You only had to hit near the opponent in Q2 and you seriously injured them. You need to hit people head on with the Q3 RL to do any serious damage (and at that only 50% health is taken off). So no, the Q2 RL was a far more potent weapon, and if Q3 had carried over anywhere near the same level of splash damage with the increased rox speed, then Q3 would be just rox-spam central. And it isn't atm imo.



| Y A R N | LL |
The Consortium & Clan Wars - Be a part of it.
Exterminate your progenitors, and call them heathens.
Lie to your people, cover up the facts, and you call yourselves men of God?
- D.S. James

[This message has been edited by Sar (edited 15 August 2000).]


I personally do see the appeal of FF on, because it leads to a more spacially aware playing style, but, that said, I've never really tried it, because I 'grew up' on HLDM, which is possibly the spammiest gametype known to man (and woman, and beast :D)

Weapon stay off in Q3 isn't v.good in Q3 due to the poor mappers at ID s/w. There's about 3 weapons on a map and the person who has the RL will almost always dominate the guy who could only get to the shotgun.

Plus the way FFA is done in Q3 is more 'action' orientated, with 15 seconds weapon respawn and whatnot, thus you can become acustom to that, and find yourself lacking @ 30sec weapon respawn in TDM.

Oh, and RA3 annoys me :)

if I could get my Q2 to run in Win2k I'd give that a bash coz I've not played it for ages, but it doesn't, so I won't.


Apologies Kryt wasn't trying to slate anyone, everyone has their opinions, I agree with some of em. I'm just trying to show some of the reasonings I think are behind some of Ids choice.

I personally think FF should be on for matches, but I can imagine the true horror of it all on public CTF servers ;)

Timers? Well..ID include a default timer, at worst you can use that. I know other people use at least manual timers tho, I don't. At least Id have given everyone some means of timing something if they are inclined to. Interesting that CCTF have totally automated a quad countdown at 10 secs. Haven't heard any complaints at that, think Id should have done the same.

Kez, I do agree the Id maps are very sub-standard, which I think is a very big failing.

Never underestimate the power of the supershotgun in the right hands tho :(


One of the biggest failings was maps, and unfortunately at this stage there doesn't seem to be a big enough user base for better maps (customs)

its a shame really because UT has some awesome mapping :(

Bring DM-Tempest & DM-Deck16][ to Q3, and it'd be better for it.


Well quite a response really from such an aggresive title :)

I gather from the posts that a fair amount agree that vanilla q3 is not a great game, but I do play and love ra3. Its a shame that the mod makers are making better games than the publishers. RA3 imho is prolly the most polished mod out at the moment. Nice interface, loverly mp3 player which makes waiting out games a lot more tolerabe and some excellent maps (apart from avatars hand level) should have put this as a four finger shuffle coz i think this map is wank).

But it does show that with some tweaks it can be an enjoyable game. I stick to what i said at the start of the post but i admit my tact was a little to aggressive. I WAS EXTREMELY PISSED OF WITH AWAITING CONNECTION, AWAITING SNAPSHOT etc. I was calling id the biggest c00nts for this. I am suposed to enjoy the games not get frustrated by them.

I am very happy with RA3, and play this all the time. I play very little q2 ra2 now coz of it. Maybe i have adjusted. And a lot happier happier now.

Still think the LG is shite weapon. Only for public servers. It is good for the final kill but thats not the reason i play public. I play for fun and respect someone killing me in a skilled manner. Unfortunately, i dont NOT regard a strafe weapon skillfull. and those that use it simply show that winning is more important than fun. THATS WHAT PISSES ME OFF. The ones who use it the most are the ones that are actually v.good players. Shame their attitude is not as good as their ego's.

/me starts on his "Why Barrysworld sux ass" thread!!! ONLY JOKING :)



Originally posted by Teddyboy:
I can say one other thing. There have been recently 2 outstanding mods created. One ALLIANCE, and the other RA3. Both of which are outstanding efforts by both teams but they are let down by one thing only. They use the q3 engine.

were can i get these mods?



Hm :)

I wub u EmryS :)

Well I think Q3 is ok... I still remember when everyone slated the Q2 weapons for being unbalanced and shit compared with QW.

I don't play QW any more but I sometimes wish I did because I think the level of gameplay was top quality compared with these newer games. Friendly Fire? ROFL! Maybe I'm too much of a QW oldie but I played with FF on for years and I think it rawks :) It blatantly discourages spamming, though you stil get ppl doing it - and they lose points for it and rightly so :p

When I moved to Q2 with a heavy heart, I must admit I hated Q2DM. In fact I still do to be honest :) But it could be also because I moved away from DM completely and concentrated on RA2... I loved RA2 and I still enjoy playing it - the weapons I have obviously got used to, but I still remember the old QW RL and LG and they still are way better and require alot more skill to master.

When I got Q3A I was expecting more I have to admit, but I was pleasantly surprised actually... It has some of the QW traits in it - even though it is heavily blinkered with the 'luvly graphics' appeal and dodgy weapons :) I would say the RG in Q3 is abit of a downgrade of the one in Q2 as imo it requires less aiming :) The RL is deffo 50/50 between the Q2 and QW RL. The LG is pish and the PG is crap... hehe :p

Personally I stick with RL and RG in RA3 - but thats mebbe because of playing RA2 for so long :) I have very little experience of playing Q3 on modem - but I would agree it is definitely far easier to play on ISDN or better - id have kinda reverted that way and mebbe it will take a Q3 equivalent to QW to improve this.. but I doubt there will be a demand for it as more and more of us become 'LPB' - we will probably have to rewrite the rule book on that one...

I enjoy playing RA3 for what it is, and I like Q3CTF, I have played Q3DM too but as with Q2DM, I think being away from DM for so long has made me lazy and thus I am never in the correct frame of mind for playing DM these days :eek:)

Oh yeh one more thing - HL Counter Strike ROCKS YOUR ASS! :eek:)


old.JaK swan

I think one thing that I would most liked to see changed in Q3 is the RL. The speed ain't too bad but the splash damage is stupid. I was on 5 health the other day got caught by splash and walked away with 3 health, wtf?

I'am an ex-qw'er so peeps are quick to do the 'yeah yeah like qw, heard it all before now bugger off'. But I thought I'd try to put it forward again.
The speed was balanced such that you couldn't avoid it or be deadly accurate with it, you'd maybe get the odd shot bang on.

So in a typical fight you had to predict, not only do you need the reactions, hand-eye stuff to get the rok there. But you to use a combo of experiance and a quick mind to think where to put it.

This had a number of implications:-

1) The splash damage was such that using it up close was a bad thing to do, in Q3 the rl up close is pretty viable.
2) For modem play it did something about leveling the playing field, its as much about experiance and quick thinking as it is about raw skill and reactions.
3) Its horrible for new players.

I would change a number of other things but their pretty subjective, and I honestly don't see how the RL issue is, but I'm sure a whole host of players will put me right on that score :)


Hmm splash damage etc, and rox feels ok to me. Dunno about for other people.

Think I don't understand, is why people keep saying the RG is easier in Q3? How come, am I missing something, or is it that autofire bot u use ? :). Tell me how it's easier to aim.


Because the Q3 rg requires a lesser degree of accuracy to hit successfully with.


| Y A R N | LL |
The Consortium & Clan Wars - Be a part of it.
Exterminate your progenitors, and call them heathens.
Lie to your people, cover up the facts, and you call yourselves men of God?
- D.S. James


Erm would you care to explain the reasoning behind that?


rofl, yes, QW sluggish, lmao.

I went back & installed QW yesterday after a month or so of Q3, christ it was a culture shock, I had died from 3 rockets before I'd even realised I could fire a second because it had reloaded, it was eeeeeeeevil.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VendAr:

Well I think Q3 is ok... I still remember when everyone slated the Q2 weapons for being unbalanced and shit compared with QW.

I remember when people slated Q1 for having biased weaponry and being sluggish to play. I've never really cared for this bleeting about which game is better.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zazel:
Originally posted by Teddyboy:
I can say one other thing. There have been recently 2 outstanding mods created. One ALLIANCE, and the other RA3. Both of which are outstanding efforts by both teams but they are let down by one thing only. They use the q3 engine.

were can i get these mods?


Alliance can be gotten from http://www.planetquake.com/alliance and RA3 can be gotten from http://www.planetquake.com/arena
Please ot both these mods are 50mb+ - bear with it they ARE worth it


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kez:
rofl, yes, QW sluggish, lmao.

I went back & installed QW yesterday after a month or so of Q3, christ it was a culture shock, I had died from 3 rockets before I'd even realised I could fire a second because it had reloaded, it was eeeeeeeevil.


Play Doom on a decent connect, and fast gets another meaning.. :)


Doom2 was less fond of my puter than Qizmo was. :(


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I've not seen any good people play q3 tdm, so I don't know how the weapon distribution is done<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pretty easy really. A weapon spawns and you pick it up or notify and leave it for a team-mate.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>would I be right in assuming timers ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In some cases yeah. cg_drawtimer "1" does the trick.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Timers have always pissed me right off in Q2, and if thats how its done, its just another reason for me personally disliking q3?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How did your clan time quad ? With an alarm clock ? :)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Friendly fire : Matter of taste, myself being a Q2 TDM player, the skill i spent so long nuturing (well, trying to) is wanted to be ditched for ID's latest game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I see your point being a Q2 team-player myself. It's just another aspect of Q3 that some Q2er's can't/don't want to adjust to. Fair play :) I won't say that more skill is needed for Q3 TDM, but it just needs the players to think a bit differently. It takes a while, did my head in when I switched from 2 to 3.

Q3 is a step forward, great fun, fast paced and loads better graphics IMVHO. Q2 and Q are great games (probably still be knocking around for a good while yet), but they are SO brown (ducks). :) I've got Q2 installed in a folder called "brown_items_only". No jokes about sick pr0n pls, ta.


do you have pictures of trees & wood in this folder?


O no!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the Q3 is kack thing in here too!!! :rolleyes:
Why is anyone who doesnt like it in the Q3 forum? weird!
If you don't like it, don't play it! Simple!
This kinda thing normally generates from reluctance to change. People's nature is to make comparisons and if Q3 doesn't meet or beat what you enjoy playing, then you will not like it. It will only take time to find that it's a great game though. If you like what you already have, then don't change, but how many of us would still be playing Doom if we resisted change to that extent? I know I'd still be spending all my time looking at hollow geomaetric shapes in Elite if I didn't except change and move on.

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