Why do you still play?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i dont!

this game becomes EQ more and more, but with extra nerfs and the ability to spam tons of random shit to people of other realms on irc

this game keeps getting worse and worse every patch


Loyal Freddie
May 28, 2004
klavrynd said:
i dont!

this game becomes EQ more and more, but with extra nerfs and the ability to spam tons of random shit to people of other realms on irc

this game keeps getting worse and worse every patch
So true klav.
Glad I quit.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Well not really still playing for me. More like playing again. Played since open beta with more or less one year break in between.

The reason why I still play is just to meet the mates again I got over time online, trying out forming an own guild and to experience the new areas ( ToA ) Mythic has created. On my class you see that I don't really care about what other people whine about. Also because of some really bad happenings in real life I just needed some place to escape to.

Another reason my be to improve my still lacking English skills. Online playing improves that better than any school ever could imo ( Even tho my teachers weren't happy to see things like "m8" or "sum" in my essays hehe... )

Tbh it's a cheaper addiction than alcohol. One evening at the cocktail bar will cost me more than a month DAoC


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
one evening at the cocktail bar might get you laid though, a month of daoc wont.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Oh at the moment I am not looking for a girls thanks. Just a too expensive hobby hehe. :p ( Has something to do with the bad happenings I mentioned above aswell. )


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004

Took a break to deal with stuff, then tried new realm but as we don't have 3rd English server that means playing "enemy" realm on one or other servers and at least I knew some people in Alb/Pryd. Still playing partly because got whole new realm to explore and have fun in. I think the game is more fun than it has been for a long time but it took going back to nothing to realise that. There was definately a degree of burnout in Mid because of some of the things I was dealing with day in day out. I miss all the great peeps there, but not what I was doing.

I also still play and get fun because I can find new and bizarre ways to have a giggle with people whether its nekkid bodypulling cabby or in a late night group discussing things like if there is a god what type of biscuits does he eat and does he dunk them. Setting up a treb and seeing if I can bomb the crafters in Goth to wake them up (that was unsuccessful, if anyone is interested). General idiocy.

I like ToA - I don't go at it hell for leather. Did a few MLs with paladin and will still help out on hunts when needed but focusing on cabalist which suits the way I like to play better, even if massively gimped. Therein also lies some of the fun for someone like me: its a challenge. Paladin is easy to play in most ways with a pretty straightforward role most of the time. Something like an utterly gimped cabby is a challenge. Been out a few times now in RvR even though not 50 and while versatile, it certainly isn't going to be a pwnz0r char, at least not the way I intend to play it. The thing for me is to give it a go because it looks like a fun challenge.

And there it is really: I still have fun challenges in the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Oro said:
Something like an utterly gimped cabby is a challenge.

Pff utterly gimped.. You rock mate so far as I can tell. :fluffle: Tho I remember that nekkid bodypulling lol. Damn funny. Rarely been laughing so hard online.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Enjoying stealther RvR, especially when you get the chance to roam in DF while a enemy realm got it.

Infiltrator was too easy ( in my opinion ) changed to ranger, was no fun exping it, and hibernia is too green for my liking. So now im exping a shadowblade, hoping it will be a bigger challenge.

Not whining at the game often, it's mostly some of the people that makes me bored :p


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
becouse regaurdless i still like some of the ppl in here and i miss them when they (or me) is gone ;p

yes i still miss big G too m8 (and all the rest of TU)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
People actually have fun playing?

I thaught addiction was the only thing who kept people going.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
after all this time, all these chars, all these realm, actually i still have fun.

less and less of course, but nothing is more than what you make it.

Of course, i miss the old days, begging encantment specced enchanters @ MM for Dmg add, running around in hib as a lowbie and being facinated by every turn i took, the old daoc feeling, a feeling that will never come back, ive realized that.

but i still play the game cause me and my friends have fun doing what we do, and we do it good together, if it was just me (of my friends) doing daoc alone, i doubt i would still be doing it.

Some people seem to enjoy whining, dragging other people down with em by crying every day about inbalance and other shit them CS kiddies do, but. .whatever rows your boat i guess... ;o

like everything, nothing is more fun/boring than you make it yourself..

Daoc will never be what it once was, but i am curious of what the future brings for daoc...

oh.. and: LÆWL n3wbz! da0c r34lly z00k5 M8! 0mfG n3rf 1mb4 f0tm lagrs7rafez0rs DI3 IRL m8TY!.. for those who might find that more understandable o//


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Brannor McThife said:
So I'm sitting here thinking, reading all the nerfs/patches that Mythic are churning out, and I wonder.

Why do any of you still play? Does PL yet another fotm alt really "do it" for you? Do you only play because you have supposed friends that you've made in the game? What makes you click on that icon, select a character, type in your password and play again. Day after day?

Just wonderring really.


i'm playing cause i can, not cause i really want to :) that and i have nothing else to play that i feel for :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
i'm playing coz i just got started with the RvR proper (newly ding 50) and it gets me buzzing when i get jumped and die coz I did something wrong.
So while I'm w8ing to port again, and I try 2 work out wat i should have done instead and it worked the next time I get attacked.

It's not always fun, specially when i don't get a grp (being a noob necro and all that), and mids/hibs are zerging (not a whine - every1 does it and it best way 4 solo to get rps tbh) coz I don't get a chance. When that happens I just go get arti or scroll or even craft.

I think the main think is not 2 care if u die, coz its gonna happens some times or another (more when u r inexperience) and 2 accept peeps trying 2 explain how u can improve.

the best bits is when u've just been few times in a row solo and some1 invite u in their grp and say "it must b ur lucky day" to then just roll out out of apk and b steam rolled. much funnier in fg than solo.

the worth thing 4 me is not getting rps when u die even though u almost kill that guy by urself (but that should b sorted with NF)

no doubt i'm still enjoying it coz i don't fell like "been there, done that" as loads of u must do, as i haven't played as much hours as most of u. Only time will say.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
short answer, dont \o/
finally given up , after far too long :twak:
using CoH to tide me over till WOW :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 28, 2004
I play because this is my replacement for Heroine :eek7:

Right now I've been offline about 6th months and it's like an itch...A horrible, mind-numbing itch.

Itchy. Hungry.

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