Why are you REALLY bored?



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
You know...that kind of thing...RP'ing isn't about how you talk, it's about how you come across. I wish I could give you some transcripts of a MUD I played. Where I had to completely inverse characters, one which was a Paladin-Knight, and the other a Rogue-Thief. From either side, my alts were hated. The rogues love(d) my rogue and hate my paladin, and vice versa. Why? because I roleplay the characters in theme.

Yes, there isn't a lot of RP'ing interaction with the creatures of the realm, they're simply all too static. but that's where the events will come in for those that trully enjoy RP'ing. I will say, that there were those in Beta that responded in Midgard with true RP'ing, and I rememberred them throughout the event, rememberring to name them occasionally.

In the end, RP'ing isn't about the language, but it sure as hell helps.


I come from MUD-background aswell and I must say it's ALOT easier to roleplay on a text-based system as you have no pictures to work of. To enjoy a MUD (LP-muds for me) you need to imgine everything from other players to your surroundings - that makes it easier to get, and stay, in char.

I find it really hard to roleplay daoc when you have a guy running by you with a name that fills up half your screen:

FasttrackersuicideFighter SuperlongLastnameCauseItsFun

FasttrackersuicideFighter says: buf me plz!!!!!!!!!!!
Fast... says: omg plz hry to buf me, need to go afk 1 min m8!!!
you say: sorry Mister but I'm not sure what you mean
<you look confused>
Fast... says: w0t?! n00b!

Senario right from DaoC. Kind of hard to keep pretending to be in-char after that.

Anyways, I really hope GOA gives us another english server, for roleplayers only, since I see that as the only way to not get bored of the game. In-char play is MUCH more fun in the long run... but I cannot do it on pryd or excal :(

Brannor McThife

Arlone, you had me laughing there with that small "clip". Yes indeed, we do have some, "interesting" people don't we? ;)

As for RP'ing. Well, from discussions with the other E&E people, and from personal experience on both servers, that Albion Prydwen seems to have a few roleplaying guilds.

In all my time on Mid-Pryd, and Hib-Excal, I never really experienced player RP'ing. I may very well be wrong. Now I'm not saying that people are not capable of RP'ing, just that there are those that are actively doing so without "outside" stimulae.

So, are there more RP'ing guilds out there? Perhaps list your guild here if you're an RP'ing guild. Then people can see where they can go to experience it. ;)


Orin Askhammare

A 3rd server (RP) would be ace. I would get to roleplay (I played p&p 2nd Ed and now 3rd), and I could play Hibernia without having to buy another copy of the game and paying for another account. Having to pay for another box and another €10 a month to see the last 1/3 of the game is kinda silly.

I can speak pretty decent German and can understand most things in French but playing in those languages doesn't really appeal to me. (I had a look on both the German and French versions of Gorre). Although English isn't my first language either I am almost fluent in it which would make rp-ing a lot easier also ;)


I don't believe games like daoc can every be proper RPGs, as I outlined above (i.e complete lack of ways to change the world permanently, a population balance of 98% adventurers, 1.9% people selling equipment to adventurers and 0.1% people who just stand in the same place and repeat the same little spiel to each and evey passer by).

Events could add some story and up the RPG content of the game a little, but if you came expecting to be able to roleplay here for the majority of your time, even on a server marked laughingly as roleplay only you will be sorely disapointed, unless as someone said merely saying 'Able bodied men and women sought for a journey into the plains.' rather than 'Anyone lfg?' satisfies your rp needs.

The game revolves around the concept of xp and levels stolen from D&D type games, which are pretty much anathema to roleplayers anyway, as I recall from my rp days playing D&D was for powergamers rather than roleplayers anyway.

I would be happy with the game as is with events added, but as you can see from the patches the essence of the game istactical, not storybased, hence the addition of say RP abilities in order to differentiate people solely on tactical abilities rather than a back story or connections to the world.

How you can possibly gain enjoyment from staying in character in a game with not much more story than space invaders, and less story than Ms Pac Man escapes me.

Occasionally yes, but all the time, no.


I agree with Armolas that a full blown RPG experience ala proper pen and paper ain't gonna happen, it can't happen for everyone that's for sure.

But at least having people play like they're medieval adventurers and haven't just stepped off the train from CSville makes me happier :)

It's nice to be someone else for a change...

old.Gombur Glodson

there is plenty of other nice rpg games out there but I dont think that mmorpg will ever be real rpg's but hey some people once claimed that the earth was flat


one acronym for all you D&D RP fans

ALFA aka A Land far Away

visit ALFA Homepage and drool at the grandness and pureness of it.

Unfortunately Apps are closed as after E3 they got thousands of apps and need to process em, and may well not let in more players till much later. (needless to say, I crept in before E3 and am looking forward to this game)

This game will be using NWN world creation toolset for the MMO Game World of Faeron and its frigin immense

old.Aird Fitzdeagle

How you can possibly gain enjoyment from staying in character in a game with not much more story than space invaders, and less story than Ms Pac Man escapes me.

Occasionally yes, but all the time, no.

Well, have a look at my earlier post... just how much background story do you need? Does a GM have to forcefeed it to you in-game?
Or do you shun the effort of reading through Le Morte d'Artur or the Edda (ok, admittedly... the english Edda translation is one tough read) etc.?

I have a couple of friends playing on the US rping servers...
they lovingly call the GM's there "RP Nazis" - in other words:
If you don't roleplay, yer off the server sooner or later (rather sooner).
They also have a naming policy that will prevent Banzaiihaveajapanesenameinamedievealeuropesetting-d%ds to spoil immersion.
Which will ultimately lead to my guildies and me playing on Guinevere.

Give me one good reason why proper rping is not possible in DAoC. Admittedly during combat we (The Ny Markee Shee - a Hibernian rping guild by the way) use acronyms in combat (cptm-RUN!! ;)) but that's it. The rest of the time we rp... and
not in a pseudo-shakespearian (which is ridiculous).

Oh, Brannor- I accuse you of speciesm! Ugly troll...
"Look at all dem pwetty flowers!"...pffft...
Tough guy Aird rather talks about how tasty water beetle stew is... or lately Pookha.
"Pwetty flowers..." *grumble* ;)

Gah... and I will repeat myself here.
WotC killed AD&D effectively... half-ork ninja-monks etc. Bwahahaha... Pen&Paper Hack'n'Slay, that's what it is..
Hey, DaoC basically...


Gombur the earth is flat. Where did you hear otherwise, shish.


Arlone - love the story, gonna have to try that on people. Just stop understanding them if they're talking in abbreviations.

Unless they're polite I suppose.. but usually the abbreviated ones ain't.
(I'm sorry but adding 'plz' to the end of it doesn't make it polite in my opinion)

For anyone else who thinks like this (or anyone who likes a good rant ;)):



Um yes I know a fair bit about celtic mythology, and that is _not_ the back story to the game - nowhere is it suggested, for example, that Fomorians were ever reduced to being killed over and over again as one of them might leave behind a nice pair of cloth sleeves, nor does it suggest that if one is to be an effective wizard one has to stand outside a fairy ring and kill leprachauns for a few hours until the correct staff drops.

Do you see what I am getting at here? The settings add a certain atmosphere, but the action is in no way connected to the story, as there is no story, or rather the story is suspended in a single moment in time and never moves on, except through the tenuous link of quests.
Although the story to the Mentalist epic wan't too bad, and it played out fairly well, as I had to go and enlist the aid of a hunting group to hold off an entire village of angry Siabra while I smuggled out the druid captive), but even so, afterwards he was held captive again for the next mentalist to come along, likewise I have killed the King of the Fomorians and his 3 sons, yet I run past 2 of his sons again every day.

A 100% roleplayong game in an atmosphere like this is impossible for me, maybe for you, but occasionaly we can break out of it, look at Iziz who successfully played the sex crazed husband trapping midget so well ;) But not all the time in game.

NWN may well be the best thing along these lines to come out, I certainly hope so but it will be a very different type of game than this, Which is first and foremost a MMOG and very distantly second a RPG - NWN promises to reverse that trend to some extent, but I won't be leaving DAOC as I like it for what it is although, more events and story lines would definitely be welcome.

As a matter of interest, can you tell me wht the character you play is like? I would really rather like to know what you domanage to do in order to roleplay here, if it is not just a steroetyped cookie cutter druid #325 or similar. If you are hibernian, what do you think of the politics of hibernia? do you ever hink you can persuade fagan to let evan come back to mag mell, have you talked to him about it, or have you tryed to get meara to desert her post so she can be with her love? Have you been successful in establishing guard posts on the route to Innis so that they canget thesupplies they need and is there now a regular wagon train form Connla going down to innis, so that every time yousee one of the farmers go past in their wagon you feel you have helped? Is the farm in Connacht free of Curmudgeons and Parthanon and providing food every year to the surrounding villages?

Whats your character like why does he act the wayhe does, why did he follow the crowd and start adventuring rather then be one of those rare souls who stay at home on the non existent farm and crop the non existent harvest?

I really would like to know how much RP mileage you can extract out of DAOC because I can see precious little there. I can live easily with that, although a littel bit more in the shape of events would be good - As brannor said the EoB event was huge, and changed the world, and we could do with more of that. I think that will always be theside show to the main action of keep and relic taking and the struggle for power in theborder lands howeve, but none the less welcome for that.

And D&D was never more than hack and slay for powergamers IME.

Edit: Argh; After rereading this, I realise my grammar is awful, but I aready spent too much time typing this instead of working, so I'll leave it be.

Edit again: I may have come over aggro, but I'm not; I am genuinely curious about your character and what you do in game.

old.Trine Aquavit

I'm not sure you need a continuing story-line for the world to role-play. Role-playing is playing the role: generally a persona with certain traits and behaviours, with a back-story (that doesn't always need to be heard!) that affects the way the character percives and reacts to the world.

And for those that do want a story, DAOC has the best ongoing war-story of any MMORPG to date: RvR. Since I've been playing on Prydwen we've seen the rise of Midgard; Hibernia's famous defense of Bledmeer; Albion's surprise attack to take Hibernia's keep from under the (bloodied) noses of Midgard; and most recently, Albion's haul of three relics recovered in one campaign.

And yet, how many avid roleplayers have taken the opportunity to record the history of your world? In a year's time will anyone remember the fact that, on Prydwen, Midgard once held all the relics, or will the 'story' be lost in time?


old.Aird Fitzdeagle


First of all- you didn't strike me as aggro. I respect your point of view and you certainly have your points. :D

And now for my rant:
An ongoing story line, an ever changing world- something desirable... but think about the implications.
Something like that is possible in an offline rpg/pen&paper.
I don't think this can be achieved in a MMORPG.

You would have to basically triple your monthly fee... to come up with the money for a larger event team, deal with increased whining ("It was ME who killed whatshisname to prevent the Siabras from doing this and that! The bards should praise me in their songs!! Not XXX!!") etc.etc.

... and Trine made a good point. What one can do is rp his/her character. I mainly play on Hibernia/Prydwen- where rping is possible to some extent- ie. a lot of people reply in-char or at least not in D%D /em casts ward against D%D's...

There are tons of little examples just how much fun rping can be (not even rp stereotypes).

One morning, I was sitting at Merchant's square in Tir, trying to raise my tailoring skills, when Arienh (a guild officer) tells me to have a peek at the smithy and the funny looking Firbolgs standing there...
A Firbolg druid ('ello Solrak;)) and a Hero friend of his, were engaged in a conversation, when suddenly the druid starts summoning his pet.
The moment the wolf appeared, the hero turned into his stag form and started /em eating the wolf. Hehe.. not very shakespearian, was it?;)

Of course little Aird was quite shocked... then summoned an Underhill friend to protect him from the scary 'bolg.
... quite the funny conversation began ... and in the end, I fed my Underhill to Solrak (who was quite hungry himself...)... so now, every time said druid's path and mine cross, I offer him a little snack...

Perhaps not the funniest or most exciting incident, eh? Well, I had a blast. :)

Better than Aird walking over to Solrak and his friend, watching the stag go munch-munch on the wolf.
/s LOL!
/s can u buff me, plz?
Then walk off again...

So rp is not possible? It is- even with people who don't call themselves "Rpers".

And the "camp a Formorian camp until item xxx drops" point?
I whole-heartedly agree with you here.
Me, as a Lurikeen... I have a point disliking Siabra- don't they hate and despise non-elf races? ... So I kill them.

Now- what do I NOT kill? Animals- as long as they are not aggroing me. I might miss out on some drops, but that's the price I am willed to pay (and sorry, a LOT of good items drop from aggressive "evil" mobs).
Gawds... how many times did I watch druids killing faerie horses, bear cubs etc.

How many times did I have friendly arguments with people when I said: "Sorry, I won't kill animals."?

The world doesn't need to change. One just has to find all the adventure hidden it.

Edit: Most likely this post needs editing... but I decided that I am just too lazy for that right now. :)

Aird Fitzdeagle
Lurikeen Enchanter (on vacation)

Griffnir Beorneven
Kobold Hunter (gawds... Kobolds are sooo ugly... but cool;))


Brannor, at the end of the day DaoC doesn't have enough varied content to support a serious Roleplaying community like UO does.

Let's just hope future patches allow a lot more scope for pure rp and player run events.

I for one would like to see inter-guild wars and grudges supported via a consensual pvp system, ridables, landscape editable by players (ie housing), etc.

I can't see things getting any better tho - the servers are pretty empty.


Posted by Armolas
but occasionaly we can break out of it, look at Iziz who successfully played the sex crazed husband trapping midget so well ;)

rofl - do I detect a hint of jealousy elf ?! :D


Originally posted by iziz

rofl - do I detect a hint of jealousy elf ?! :D

Certainly not, i've seen what happened to Nero, I don't know if Tylar will be OK, but I wish him the best of luck. :p


Originally posted by Armolas
And I don't for a second think that saying "Hail and well met fair travellers and whither are yee off to on this fine day?" is role playing any more than "hello all, what are you up to?"

actually, if you use words and titulation (is that even a word?) that you dont normally hear anymore then its easier for your fellow players to understand that youre talkin in character.

the difference between a "thank you kind sir" and "thanx m8" is in other players abillity to seperate you from your character.


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