Why are you REALLY bored?



I mostly agree with Hawksmoor - it's not a RP game really, as there is no suspension of disbelief at all, a RP game would have to have some kind of economy, with about 100 farmers etc. to support every single excess adventurer, shops would sell things other than weapons armour and poison, NPCs would have more than zero or one thing to say, they would have lives, , or the impression of lives, monsters wouldn't pop into existence every 5 minutes beside each town, and so on.

It just doesn't work for me like that.

What it is is a great socialising game, and tactical fantasy battle simulator, with some RP fripperies added (i.e. the necessity to get xp and level and so on).

i have no idea if a true RP MMORPG will work (this is my first one) but NWN looks like it might, not at all sure about it but I will give it a go.

old.Aird Fitzdeagle

That's funny... now everyone blames leaving on the 'bland' world...
Bland world?

Big smack on the head for every Albion player complaining...
King Arthur, noble paladins, high chivalry etc...
The whole saga (or in other words your background story is downloadable in ebook format on daocwarcry).

Midgard - try google -> keyword: edda.

Hibernia... gawds... google -> keyword: celtic myths, seelie/unseelie court etc etc etc.

There is your bland, oh so boring world... :rolleyes:

I remember the whole "rp server would be a zoo" discussion during beta.
"Every server is a roleplaying server"... laughable...

Oh, I try to rp... but in-char responses are extremely rare.
"soz" "ty" "thx"blablabla... /casts ward against d00dism...
I've met a lot of nice people talking like that... but using acronyms in a roleplaying setting just KILLS any kind of immersion into the world.
Powergamers and their minions have surely turned the whole game into a "I gonna powerlevel and be über" race... glad all of them leave one by one...

I wholeheartedly agree with Brannor on the whole issue.
Events may have been small (Including beta I have seen 3 so far) but gave me a big kick.

Still... my family and I will move over to the US in 3 month, then I will most likely join a friend who plays on Guinevere. I don't even care about the stupid, bloody patch everyone is whining about... DAoC is a beautiful game... but all the whining and powerlevelling is surely destroying it.

It is what you make out of it... not some darn patch that will add some minor changes.

Kemor... in case you read this thread, reconsider the "rp zoo", please?

Aird Fitzdeagle
Lurikeen Enchanter

Griffnir Beorneven
Butt ugly Kobold hunter

me-> disappointed roleplayer...

P.S NWN? Rp? Buahahaha... Wizards of the Coast said bye bye to storytelling rpg's when they introduced "Hack & Slash (tm)" aka "3rd edition rules"... :(


My problem with the game is the fact that I am the antipathy of the power leveller. Never power played at any game, in UO I was as inept four years after starting playing as I was six months after playing. I bumble along, quite happy to see new places, meet new people, and group with friends.

However, as I really do not play for the levelling, I find myself ostracised from whatever friends I do make. If they level way above me, then I cannot help them slay creatures, I simply swat the air around the creature and occasionly help with a chant. Where ever I go with them, I get picked off or chased by the creatures that are grey to them, so they constantly slow down, wipe the Damini mess from the pathway, make cooing noises and on we trek.

I agree that it is the people that we should derive the enjoyment from, but I believe the system as it stands is also geared towards the power player. I have made some terrific friends, but either due to not being able to commit the time to prolonged periods of play or because of my slow pace approach, they have far out levelled me and disappeared off to areas where I cannot realistically follow. This is not a flame towards GOA, and I am not demanding recompense or alteration to the system, I am simply stating that for a game which is heavily reliant on the social for stimuli, it is a shame that the levels system stunts this effect to a degree.

UO didn't care that I was a bungling incompetent, and I could role what ever character I chose within that environment, where as DAoC is less forgiving.

On another note, my account has been terminated now for the second time in under a month as well. And isn't repitition dull? :)


Originally posted by Damini
My problem with the game is the fact that I am the antipathy of the power leveller. Never power played at any game, in UO I was as inept four years after starting playing as I was six months after playing. I bumble along, quite happy to see new places, meet new people, and group with friends.

:) Bless you Damini, sounds so much like me. My motto is Jup is Jup is Jup because I never play alt characters (spawn of the devil) and still have friends ingame with alt characters overtaking me in levels. I am personally amazed that I have reached 40+ with my infil, but much of that is owed to partnering with a sorc and once they hit 35+ the area mezz is a big group-getter; I have piggy-backed all the way.:eek:

BUT, I have enjoyed every minute of it, the friends I have made and the guild I am a part of are like a second family now:)

On another note, my account has been terminated now for the second time in under a month as well. And isn't repitition dull? :)

:( :( :( :(



Oh and another thing that annoys me, when people do try and roleplay here, it all seems to involve the use of slightly stilted english, why?

You aren't speaking authentic old or middle english, and by translating into modern English at least you will give the impression that you are fluent in the language.

And I don't for a second think that saying "Hail and well met fair travellers and whither are yee off to on this fine day?" is role playing any more than "hello all, what are you up to?"

If you are going to roleplay it's not the manner you say it in, its what you say!


Originally posted by Aird Fitzdeagle

Oh, I try to rp... but in-char responses are extremely rare.
"soz" "ty" "thx"blablabla... /casts ward against d00dism...
I've met a lot of nice people talking like that... but using acronyms in a roleplaying setting just KILLS any kind of immersion into the world.

Like Armolas said, this attitude above is the kind I find disappointing about roleplaying in daoc. I do not want to talk or type like some kind of sixth form drama student murdering Shakespeare. I communicate via the chat interface (which ultimately is the biggest roleplaying killer ever, no?) in the most efficient way possible in order to convey my meaning with no ambiguity.

For me, roleplaying is about what you say, not how you say it.

imho roleplaying snobbery is as annoying as 'd00dism'......

old.Faye Arwen

Amazing thread Brannor and I agree 100%, the game has too many of people who doesnt care about the roleplay feeling and ive seen ppl even ruin the RP in Events by saying specific words (wont mention here)
so stop powerlevling and start to hang in those tavernas guys! :)


Same here

I was 100% rp mode for the Gunnar/SnowBndit event recently and some guys decided to spam with snide comments bout GOA and basically acted with no regard to the evtn planenrs and players who were controlling the Event chars.

More events, but wish ooc babblers wouldnt mess up events for others

Brannor McThife

Agreed Armolas, although the language does not dictate the setting, it most definately helps you fulfill the role.

And really, your point only applies to Albion. Because let's take a few of the other races:

<Glauthrong stands there eying out that tasty looking pebble.>
"Me hungry."
"Me need kill somfing."
"Me go hunt somfing to eat."
<Glauthrong turns around and walks smack into a tree.>
"Ow, silly tree sneak up on me."

"Arrrr, ya be lookin' at me?"
"Arrrrr!, Ya be lookin' at ME?!"
<Grulph puts one hand on the shaft of the huge two handed axe lying on the bar top>
"Arrr!!, Ya BE! lookin' at me!!"
<Grulph downs the last of his ale and tosses the mug aside, grasping his axe is both hands before falling over.>

Kobold (Inspired by Spug Darktyde)
<Spug's eye twitched back and forth as he sensed an enemy nearby.>
"We's think there be a sssmelly elf nearby."
"We's best go ssslit itsss gut open to sssee what it has been eating."
<Spug draws his cloak about him and fades into the shadow.>

<Brannor looks up from the rough map he'd drawn in the snow.>
"We know the ogres are camped here, and by Thor's hammer we shall slay them here they stand!"
"Have the hunters prepare to slay their guards, for none must hear of our coming, nor any escape."
"Now by Odin! TO WAR!!!"

<Kaganos froze in his tracks, and slid silently behind a tree. He had heard a low rumble from over the hill, and no others of his clan were to be found here.>
<Slowly he crept forward, remaining hidden in the shadows of the great trees.>
<There it was, a troll, bellowing out a challenge to the world.>
"If a challenge you want my dear rock friend, then a challenge you shall have."
<Slowly Kaganos drew his bow and took aim, controlling his breathing>
"Tonight my friend, tonight the reaper comes for you."

"oooh, look'it all da pwetty flowers."
"I bet this one will match my new dye colour best."
"Pooksie dear, does this robe make me look fat?"

You know...that kind of thing...RP'ing isn't about how you talk, it's about how you come across. I wish I could give you some transcripts of a MUD I played. Where I had to completely inverse characters, one which was a Paladin-Knight, and the other a Rogue-Thief. From either side, my alts were hated. The rogues love(d) my rogue and hate my paladin, and vice versa. Why? because I roleplay the characters in theme.

Yes, there isn't a lot of RP'ing interaction with the creatures of the realm, they're simply all too static. but that's where the events will come in for those that trully enjoy RP'ing. I will say, that there were those in Beta that responded in Midgard with true RP'ing, and I rememberred them throughout the event, rememberring to name them occasionally.

In the end, RP'ing isn't about the language, but it sure as hell helps.


[EDIT: Fixed some typo's]


Brannor please read.

100% agree what Solid is saying. I have not powlvl's either, been on many events, keep raiding, RvR battles etc etc.. I've been there done it, seen it....

Brannor I value patch 1.49 so much I think it would give me at least 4-5 months of playing. and now RvR is really boring you have to agree here with me. Group rp is not fixed, you can not use bounty points, claim keeps, effects on all items, everything itemized, lvl 50 epic, new spells for classes + 100 other things...

I think this is a decent game as I posted before, but to keep it decent and not turn to a booring game you need to update it like evrything else in this world you have to be updated IF you have updates. GOA just have to work day and night to catch up with US servers. And many that plays this game unemplyoed, going to school and playing this game 24/7...which leads to they are lvl'ing and exploring the game pretty fast and again if you don't update and give us something new/changed it's getting pretty booring.

I know many ppl says "But look at Blizzard, they have good support/patches free servers etc." and I know market is very tough out there, but thats life you have to give everthing today for the costumers or else you wont last for long.



Brannor McThife

Cero, and others. Have you played all the realms? Done all the dungeons? I've done roughly as follows:

95% of Midgard, last 5% being the H-stones in Malm and the Jotun king area.
60% of Hibernia, never been to the epic/dragon zone and still gone one dungeon to do.
35% of Albion, well, never got past L20 here, so there's a fooking lot of stuff for me to experience here still.

There's still a lot of unpatched stuff for me to see.



I guess I just have a different concept of roleplaying to Brannor. I personally cannot take seriously the cliched roleplaying stereotypes, as it doesn't fit with my personal opinion of the world. Bad tempered Dwarves talking like Scots or Pirates, Kobold Gollum impersonators, and Norseman saying 'by Thors Hammer I shall be avenged' every 5 minutes. This is laughable to me.

The fundamental problem with roleplaying is that it is a personal experience. You either must form a guild of like minded players or prepare to be bitterly dissapointed...

old.Faye Arwen

Originally posted by Solid
Same here

I was 100% rp mode for the Gunnar/SnowBndit event recently and some guys decided to spam with snide comments bout GOA and basically acted with no regard to the evtn planenrs and players who were controlling the Event chars.

More events, but wish ooc babblers wouldnt mess up events for others

exactly the one I meant too Solid, and people went "zzZ" when we waited for the right moment to attack the isalfs, <major sigh>


Brannor, I agree some of those are better than some of the things I have heard here - and yes in Hibernia I have heard the "6th former murdering Shakespeare" (thanks for that, that Chesnor, that sums it up so well) playing elves, firbolgs, celts anything.

Thats why it annoys me so much, people seem to think if you say things and sprinkle in a bit of thee and thou and hither and yonder you are suddenly role playing, even in contexts where it wouldn't fit.

Even a few Oirishms would fit better, and I despise that sort of thing.

Again, I think it's about the story, not the language, and at the minute this and the atmosphere is missing from the game. As you know the end of beta event, was great, everyone was talking about it, and wondering what was happening - this was more roleplaying than anything else, seen so far, so we do need events and big ones at that - no the story wasn't exactly complex, but it was someting, anything for people to latch onto and gave the sense of the world actually changing, if only a little. How else can you roleplay ina game where you can go and send the muire family to their final resting place, removing the curse from their tomb, and then wait 5 minutes for them to respawn and do it again in case they happen to leave a better ring behind as they depart to the afterlife? Then do it all again tomorrow?

Without events, the game is still a social game and fantasy battle simulator, and I am happy enough with that, but more big events would be so nice.

BTW, tis just reminded me of the introduction of the book "Ash" (great book if you haven't read it) where the author tells us that all the bad language in the book has been translated to modern day English, as phrases like "damn" and "by god" and so don't give the same shocking effect today as in the period, whereas sexual swearwords back then weren't particularly offensive.


Originally posted by Faye Arwen

exactly the one I meant too Solid, and people went "zzZ" when we waited for the right moment to attack the isalfs, <major sigh>

So they didn't fit into the roles of battle hungry vikings, unhappy at being made to stay their axes when an enemy was in sight, getting bored and tense and angrier and working themselves into beserker fits?

Edit: I wasn't there, at the time of course, but what you said could easily fit into that context, I am sure there was more to it ...
But roleplayng doesn't have to mean being nice and not upsetting anybody all the time except for us elves who have good manners and are naturally kind to all you the lower life forms, so long as our ancient lands remain unmolested

Brannor McThife

Actually, I (Glauthrong) was at the Isalf/bandit event. Got there late. And proceeded to try follow what was happening. Then someone yelled charge, and like a good troll I ran around hitting F8, /stick and 2 (Plague)

Eventually there were no more isalf, and like a normal troll, got bored after the first word of dialogue. Then proceeded to eye out the hostile bandits and try stir things up. But I couldn't. Damn them.



Brannor no I have not played much in the other realms and thats not my style of play to test/play all realms. It would take me HUGE time to do that. I rather play 1 realm and to know it in and out. And I don't think it have to be like that, that you have to start a char on another realm not to get bored. Here I think it's GOA job to patch for us not to get bored imo.

:m00: Moo


Myself I'd prefer to see a bit more than 'zzz' for someone working themselves into a berserk rage...

'Why are we standing around? attack!'

that's not mangled-shakespeare..

'Is this an isalf I see before me? wherefore art my sword! Brannor thou art a goat-snobbing pus-pouch! Verily shalt we go!'

that is :)
There's a sliding scale from 'buf plz' to the above... both extremes can be equally annoying.

It's all about playing a character rather than just being a character (if that makes any sense).

Try and get past the mechanics and pretend you actually are a mercenary warrior with hopes and fears, rather than saying things like 'its only red'.

Before the anti-rp-fascist leage gets on me - things like 'its only red' make perfect sense on a group line or when you're organising things. Speed is important sometimes.

When it's an event and you're doing something unusual (e.g. invading an isalf camp) people should try and get away from G part and more into the RP... but you'll always have people who don't wanna play along.

Myself when I'm looking for people to join my group I'll shout something like 'Able bodied men and women sought for a journey into the plains.' rather than
'Anyone lfg?'

it passes the time a bit quicker and you never know some people might forget they're playing a game for a moment :)

An Aside:
Another issue that came up recently: one issue with roleplay is translation - if english isn't your first language (and you're not one of those many scary people that can speak it fluently _anyway_ gah! jealous, I am.)
you're going to find it much harder to get your point across than by using simple terminology like 'lfg'

Everyone knows what that means, even if they only speak spanish. But if you speak spanish (and a smidgeon of english, enough to get by in a group) you're going to be hard pressed to get something as complex as what I was yelling above.

That said I guess I could try and roleplay in German - I'd just have to play the barbarian that can't speak the local language very well/ the troll that's a bit slow :) (no diplomats or politicians on Avalon for me I think)

I think that's enough waffling for one post :)


Originally posted by Cero
Brannor no I have not played much in the other realms and thats not my style of play to test/play all realms. It would take me HUGE time to do that. I rather play 1 realm and to know it in and out. And I don't think it have to be like that, that you have to start a char on another realm not to get bored. Here I think it's GOA job to patch for us not to get bored imo.

:m00: Moo

It's GOAs job to patch... but they do patch the whole game.

There is more than one realm.
If you only want to play in one fine, but you'll only get content at 1/3 the volume (and hence 1/3 the speed) as if you play all three realms, or even just two.

Brannor McThife

Cero, a wise man once said:

"To defeat your enemy, you must know his every move; his very soul."

I wasn't saying that to keep yourself entertained you HAVE to try out the other realms, but well, you did pay for the game, why not experience the other realms, and learn more about them. So that you can more easily overcome them in battle.

As Armolas pointed out. The EoB event was big. And last roughly 1 week. Everybody heard about it. And it affected a large part of every realm...remember the undead spawn zones afterwards?

The patch itself, will not give much more content besides some itemised dungeons and the 3 BG's. What it will give us, is the opportunity to have events that will last well beyond one week, and will probably have multiple threads discussing them.

Ideas for future events are being churned out all the time. And I personally can't wait for some of them.



Hmmmm. Cero, you seem to believe that the patches will make DAoC a completely new game, give you another 4-5 months before you get bored. Trust me, if you are getting bored now, the patches will make zero difference. Just another (albeit bigger) dungeon to wander round and kill mobs. Some new sparkly spell effects. A few bug fixes. In the end, all thats added is whats already there, just in different forms and different places.

Me, I'm enjoying the game for what it is, not what i think it should be. There's a big difference. I recommend you seriously think about it - do you really think the patches are going to make so much difference? So much that it will completely renew your interest in the game? Maybe for a week or two, but once you've done it once, you've done it a million times, and you'll be back complaining about something else.


Actually, as a caveat to my long-winded post earlier, I've been enjoying the game a lot more since I started exploring Hibernia on Prydwen. My Mentalist is only level 11, but I'm having a lot more fun with him than I ever did with my Merc because he's so damn versatile. And I just find Hibernia more to my taste than Albion. Possibly because of all the cute ickle Lurikeen running about :)

So something as simple as a realm or class change can let a new lease of life in. I think it takes a bit of messing around until you find what suits you in the game. If I hadn't invested a couple of months in my Merc I probably would have retired him by now and run off to play my Hibbie alts more.

I still stand by a lot of my earlier rantings tho. :p


Well I have not seen or heard of any event except the HUGE event in beta and dragon event on prydwen/mid where I play. I think I would love events and if there is any site/forum wher you know ppl starting/making/discussing events please feel free to spare some for me. I would sure like some more events in this game. But then again I wonder how many events could there be which is challening? GG and Dragon, is there anything else that you can remind me of?



Quite an interesting thread this so i'll put in my €0.02 coming from the worlds worst roleplayer (if roleplay is happening I just keep quiet).

Having roamed all of Midgard what i'm looking for now is some form of uniqueness, events and GM interaction can provide that but only if things get big improvements. Todate i've heard of 2 Pryd/Mid events, both of which were spur of the moment and both of which I logged in to catch the last 5mins of. Well thats no good to me, i'm a 9pm-2am player more or less so having an event that is unpublicised and geared (rightly) towards the peak hours player just leaves me frustrated.

We need more persistant changes to the world as well, time limited NPC's, NPC's in unusual places, an evolving story like the EOB event that I can pick up on when 'I' have time not limited to a GM's overtime schedule :p

I'd also like to see random spawns or invasions, take Midgard as it stands the whole area between Gna and Hug might as well be wasteland I cant think of a single reason to be in that space.

What i'm trying to say is roleplay is good if thats your thing, but without GM content to span the gaps between patches a whole host of people will start to get really really bored.


Originally posted by Cero
Well I have not seen or heard of any event except the HUGE event in beta and dragon event on prydwen/mid where I play. I think I would love events and if there is any site/forum wher you know ppl starting/making/discussing events please feel free to spare some for me. I would sure like some more events in this game. But then again I wonder how many events could there be which is challening? GG and Dragon, is there anything else that you can remind me of?


Try looking around the board... at least 4 have been posted..
think Aiedel has written a few up on www.daocnation.com

But I think vell hit the nail on the head... if you're bored now, the patches won't help for long. Might as well stop frustrating yourself and try something new.


Okay, look at it, from this point of view.

You bought Baldur's Gate. you played it. Some looneys (me :clap: ) even played it twice. But then it got boring.

Well, is that so strange? You spend an ammount of money, which will net you an ammount of gaming hours. When you get bored with the game, you look back, and say: hm, was those 2000 playing hours on my main, and 1000 on my alts worth the 20£?

Look at a movie theatre. in DK we pay what sums up to 5-6£ for a movie ticket. we are entertained for 2 hours. thats 3 £ / hour of amusement.

I think its safe to say, that the amusement rate in DAoC WELL exceeds that of Movies, Baldurs Gate, Diablo II etc.

When youre bored with the game, and feel you can get no more fun from it, by all means, play something else... There is a reason why new games get published

ive played since start beta, in Albion all the time.

I reckon i can play hibernia for about 2/# [EDIT: 2/3 :p ] of the same time, and midgard for about 1/2 the time (or vice versa) before i get bored.

I am not feeling cheated here...

Please feel free to agree with other people than the "occasional" flamer/whiner here :p


Hey hey... :)

Baldurs gate imo is the best game ever ever ever ever, but it's a diffrent game from DAoC. I just hope that NWN will fullfill my expectations when I'd say DAoC will not have a chance. Rock solid AD&D 3 rules (since I played MANY ours RP pen&paper style AD&D 1,2 rules) I plainly think it will be awesome game.

Truely a BG fan :D


I played BG II 3 times. BG I / II rocks. but it gets boring as well :)

sum it up:
Extract the fun you can/think you can (most of the time we miss out on stuff :p ), then move on.

We are all addicts, to some extend. why not be addicted to something you actually like?


1.05 What if I don't have a lot of time to play this game? Will I still be able to play with my friends who do?

We wanted to avoid power differentials that prevent hard-core gamers and the more casual gamers from playing together, so the two will be able to play together fruitfully.

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