Why are you REALLY bored?


Brannor McThife

Well, I've been reading a lot of forums to do with DAoC, and I've found that most people get bored or frustrated with the game because they can't go to RvR fast enough and when they do get there, they die too fast. I believe also that many of the powerlevellers we saw at the beginning that got to L50 so fast, have left, because they "had nothing left to do".

Take a look at someone starting an alt. They know exactly what and where they can go and what to kill, level by level, to get themselves to L30 fast enough. And then go to specific places to kill the best mobs for the best drops and XP. In the end, I think too many of us want to "fast-track" it to L50 and then want to dominate EVERYBODY! in RvR.

Well, I'm sad to say, then DAoC is NOT the game for you. Patches will come, and class modifications will happen. Many will hang around to see if their characters can be more uber and to rush through the new areas. Powerlevellers will grow bored of Battlegrounds VERY fast, and I doubt Darkness Falls will hold them for more than a month at best. As for events, well, I know that bigger and better events are planned, but what do most of you expect? Why is it, that the only time I've seen actual roleplaying in Midgard, was when an event happens?

Some people have put forward many great ideas for events, but many are nothing more than glorified hack and slash. Content. Events with storylines that span weeks and months. Whole months passing without any "Huge battles", where an entire realm has to seek out a single NPC that is hiding from them, and then, only speak to him.

My concluding view? DAoC is a ROLEPLAYING GAME, not a hack 'n slash Diablo style game, not an FPS, it's an RPG. If all you're here for is to get that Level 50 at all costs, and be able to own solo in RvR, then I doubt that you'll be around for long.

/em shrugs.

Flame me, don't flame me. Your life, your choice.




I am level 50 with my main, love the class, have no regrets, BUT I am not a powerleveller, I have close to 40 days .played on my main and reached 50 on 30 days /played, thast by no means powerlevelling, however I am getting bored now, and cant see 1.48 really bringing a fresh face to the game to hold my interest long term.

What category of player do i fall into? I know how to xp fast but find even that bores me, xping in general is a chore once you have done some RvR. I like RvR but dont see a real purpose (and it wont change much in 1.48) we take keeps and we lose em, we kill loads of albs/hibs and we get killed by em, we have/lose/regain relics, but in the end, I dont see a real reward from it all. yet I do enjoy the thrill of small skirmishes in RvR and large epic battles.

Its odd, I like some aspects of the game, but have to question the point of others, am I alone in this opinion? does everyone else fall into one of your categories?


well Brannor
i think that you have summed it up just look at my sig and i have had DAoC since it came out over here i love it
nearly have had a devoice becuase of it but there you go
i don't know how to powerlvl XP
but i love the game and will still be playing it next year how knows i might ahve reached a high enough lvl to get to the RVR bit....

as for people that have played 30 days on there main char if that aint powere lvling i don't know what is.


yep totaly agree solid

after making so many crap chars i dont feel like lvling another no matter how fast it is cause i know all the places etc....

RvR is fun but ultimatly is ruled by certain classes and there isnt enough happening for low lvls who want to RvR...sure theres the bg but thats way off

and new patches arnt anything radical, new wpns etc but this will only matter to the elite player, casual lvlers etc like me dont care as much for every piece of info on every item.....

maybe its just me never on at the RvR times but its my view.....


I can't wait for some rp opportunites in Hibernia - mainly cos I enjoy rp, I pen n paper rp so I am looking forward to seeing some real rp soon.

I would like it if when we logged a player in a friendly keep, he would then become a realm guard at that keep and then respond to attacks as such whenever they occurred. I think that would be excellent if that happened. I think it would be open to abuse - I think it would be cool tho if to stop level 50s leaving their char on gaurd and then logging an alt on - when u log on again - if u log on as main char - you take control of your char, if you log on as an alt your main char immediately dies =)

I think that would be really cool - and I think it would add that extra dimension to rvr



Flame :flame: Flame :flame: Flame :flame:

just coz i can :)

nahh cerially tho, nice post Brannor just too bad the game doesnt really open for real roleplaying :(


Disclaimer: DAOC is the first MMORPG I have ever played. I therefore have no basis for comparison.

I imagine when most people bought this game they envisioned one of two things. The first was a roleplaying environment. Which we don't have. There is a disturbing lack of character or atmosphere throughout the realms, both in terms of the environment Mythic provided us with and the lack of roleplaying in character amongst players. What the game boils down to is a number of open zones filled with a few NPCs and a stack of monsters who ramble around set areas and respawn every so often, and there's rarely any information about why they're there or what the Dungeons are. You kill some. You level up. You train. You kill some more monsters who look identical but are harder and have a slightly different name. You buy equipment or use magical equipment that looks the same, but is a bit better numerically. By the time you've hit level 15 you've probably seen everything available to your chacter. Casters get the same spells but more powerful. Melee characters get new styles which look the same as their old ones but are a bit more powerful. You can do some crafting. Neccessary. But far from fun. Oh yes, there are quests. With paltry storylines that effectively amount to an extended fed-ex or killtask which can see you wait for 2 hours in one spot waiting for a named monster such as Arachneida or Sephucoth to spawn. Of course, these quest actions are broken up by funsome horserides. The ones where you go and make a cup of tea. There is nothing in the game to roleplay off and GOA have made no attempt to organise rolepaying events or take any interest in the community. The only thing we can do is arrange things through these boards, and I would guess that only about half the DAOC players even read them. Hell, I only started reading them recently.

The second pull factor of the game was the RvR environment- DAOC's standout feature. As things stand, and until the BG are operational, these are a deathtrap for anyone below the level of 35 and not really viable until about level 40. Of course, we still like to try and join in, and it can be tremendous fun. But there are only so many times you can watch your character do miniscule amounts of damage, before dying in one or two hits, releasing, and then horseriding and teleporting your way back. The initial excitement soon turns into frustration and an overwhelming desire to level up to a point where you can actually be useful and get your own back on the purples thant have been chopping you into hamburger. Some people want to dominate and be the hero of the realm. Most just want to survive longer than 5 seconds and make a decent contribution.

Which sends you back to the disatisfactory PvE. And the only response to boredom engendered by the PvE is to group with some friends (not always possible) or do some RvR to break up the monotany (see above), or do some tradeskilling (I just don't understand THAT one).

I think the BG will make a good contribution to killing the boredom that's driving players off the game. Instead of having to level for so long they'll be able to sharpen their claws on a bit of RvR as early as level 20 which is v. easy to reach. Then they can spend their time making friends and foes ina PvP environment before heading back to the leveling grind. The main reason that people were powerleveling was to hit an RvR respectable level, not because they were obsessed with being Uber. Maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe you're being judgemental. I wouldn't like to say.


DAoC is like the Final Fantasy Series of games.

You are given the impression of freedom, you are made to believe you are in control when really we are all running down are a pre-planned path.

The game is too linear, not enough opportunities to shape the world around you. Once you've levelled one character and explored the realm, that's it...

I hate to agree with the patch whiners but the fact that we don't play in an ever changing world is just not good enough. I'm not happy because everything I see around me is the same and I can't change it.......Just run past it.


I agree with Hawksmoor to some extent...

It'd be cool to have those books and whatnot in Mithra's tomb actually have something in them.

If anyone's played Morrowind there's a whole host of books of history and culture that I personally can't be bothered to read :) (must kill kill!) then again I'm an Orc...

But to have that there is so cool.

Who was mithra? why was he there? there's noone you can go and ask about all this. There are some brief attempts at this if you chat to some of the characters in Camelot for instance.

But it's mostly about hibernia and midgard and who they are and how we should go and stomp them down.

Some more fluff would be appreciated :)
(someone else asked - who is that Dai fellow?)


30 days of playing time isn't fast... I've reached 50 at that time also. 30 days ingame play time is about 4 months of playing every night and whole weekends (don't say me that is quick). I'm happily lvling my alt and will after that one I think lvl my other realm char. Trying another realm is nice but sometimes it gets bored as well. Ah well I just gonna see if it is still fun after the holidays. Enough other games that will come out and are worth checking. Have fun playing!


Hawksmorr hit every single nail on the head as far as my experience is concerned.

NWN based AD&D world, ALFA will be a dynamoc persistant world (ie changing) and run by a set of dungeon masters and you actions actually change and shape the world and storyline, this will be the first revolutionary step in MMO gaming imo, wehn we can truly be immersed into a living breathing world.


yeah it needs more depth and storyline...

i dont really know about Nwn cause i aint really looked into it but it sounds like it may be a bit to harcore Ad&D for some people, ive only recently started playing d&d and i know not many do.
so does anyone know how deep it is with regards to difficulty and learning curve


I'm bored because I have not met a single like minded person.
Not even one.

Wish there were some US players in Hib/Excal.. most US players I've met have the frame of mind I'm looking for :/


Originally posted by Tzeentch
I'm bored because I have not met a single like minded person.
Not even one.

Wish there were some US players in Hib/Excal.. most US players I've met have the frame of mind I'm looking for :/

And what, may I ask, would that be? Tell us what you're looking for, an someone out there may be able to recommend someone to get in touch with...

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Hawksmoor
There is nothing in the game to roleplay off and GOA have made no attempt to organise rolepaying events or take any interest in the community.

Excuse me, but... :twak:



You know for a fact there are no RP events? Really? Hmm. Damn. I coulda sworn I've taken part in at least 2. And that was just for my realm/server (Mid-Pryd).

Oh well, I must have been dreaming. ;)

And, since I assume you're new to the game, I'll not flame you too much for it. Search for a post made here a few months back about "The Chosen returns"...wait...in fact, I'll help a little. ;)

The Chosen Returns

Hope that backs up my point of a view a little. ;)



brann those were teaser events mate, and not everyone played beta.

But if we r to get events they need to alter the game world, not just happen and fade away into memory again.

What were the repurcussions of recent teasor events? I am hoping there are som follow on things that happen, and that effects peoples regiular PvP as well, if events only change otehr event pths and not the normal course of exping then they are kinda like acetate films sitting on top of a picture adding more stuff but not really integrating with the realm


I also think people tend to get bored waiting for 'the new things' in future patches. Only reason we CAN get bored waiting for this is because we have the US-version 6 months ahead. I really think this game had/has a better chance in US, since they can't get bored/irritated waiting for 'the new items in next patch'.

We all know whats ahead of us, 1.48 some items - battlezones, 1.49 DF and so on.

Atleast, this is what I get bored of ... waiting for a better DAoC experience due to late patches AND already knowing what they will bring to the game.


Originally posted by Solid
brann those were teaser events mate, and not everyone played beta.

But if we r to get events they need to alter the game world, not just happen and fade away into memory again.

What were the repurcussions of recent teasor events? I am hoping there are som follow on things that happen, and that effects peoples regiular PvP as well, if events only change otehr event pths and not the normal course of exping then they are kinda like acetate films sitting on top of a picture adding more stuff but not really integrating with the realm

I think they said something about needing alterations to the code in 1.48 and reassurances from Mythic that the next lot of patches won't overwrite anything these events change.

(would be crap if, say, Humberton Keep was razed to the ground, and then patch day came along ... and voila it was brand spanking new again)

Brannor McThife

Solid, dude. (hehe...non RPG talk :p )

I don't know how many times we've said, that until the patch, world changing events CANNOT take place. They are physically impossible. Does that mean they will happen?

Um. Dunno. What you asking me for. :cool:

No, seriously though. As said many times, those we've seen so far are ALL RPG events, and require you to play in character, i.e. YOU the player. Speaking in slang, etc. will often not get you anywhere. Those we've seen are single night events. We've seen people suddenly have mobs start talking to them... Remember the GG before it got killed?

These are all small to (maximum) medium events, that have no real lasting effect on the realm, but follow the theme and faction base of the realm. Those to come, well, let's just say, what you do today, will affect your life henceforth. ;)

/em runs off before Kemor smacks him. :D



There is nothing in the game to roleplay off and GOA have made no attempt to organise rolepaying events or take any interest in the community.

First things first...my quote of the year...I am not GOA, I don't work for them, I don't even like them RightNow. :p
- that's you that is...

So the bit about GOA is right. Yes? You or others might try to organise RP events but when have GOA?

By 'there is nothing to Roleplay off' I mean the world is entirely bland with little background or storyline concerning the monsters or dungeons present in the realms. Which mean that the players have to do ALL the imaginative work. It's hard to create an RPG PC when you know so little of the world around you. Each player doing so would end up with his own viewpoint. Where's the consistency?

You know for a fact there are no RP events? Really? Hmm

When did I say that?! I went on a Dragonhunt organised on the boards although that could best be described as an unholy mess due to chronic lack of Dragon. And did you read

The only thing we can do is arrange things through these boards, and I would guess that only about half the DAOC players even read them. Hell, I only started reading them recently.

And your link was.. well.. where was the RP event? That post doesn't really tell me anything.


Vell, someone who has a great sense of humour... doesn't mind mild swearing at times (usually this indicates how uptight the person is to me), rvr orientated (wants to kick ass and 'own' the other realms)...someone who isn't gonna get cold on you...that kinda thing.

Brannor McThife

Ok, Hawkmoor, to put it simply. GOA has an event team. They run events regularly, and they're always RP'ing. They don't announce them anywhere, because they're ingame. To find them, you basically have to be in the right place at the right time, or have your guildmates tell you.

Search the boards for events on the realm specific forums. You'll find lots...in fact, here's one someone PM'd me to help with this post...there are of course, many others.

An Event



This game would be alot more fun if people actually understood that it's a roleplaying game. The only mid I ever found actually roleplaying a character is... well Brannor... wish more could follow his example! :)


Word up Brannor, ive seen too many quitters the last weeks. Ppl who powerleveld to 50 and then quits because of boredom. I played beta up to lvl35 with pally, now im 50 with my pally since 5-6weeks. Im kinda bored tho, pally in rvr isnt that fun but i like PvE in daoc. But i got almost all the good items, so im having a small break and waiting for the patch to come (battlegrounds are a real blast btw, im playing some at US too).

So, like u said: if u get bored and quit, well then this game isnt the one for u. short and simple

Bleri McThrust

Not sure if Ive got this right but Im under the impression that..............

GOA have organised an events team. That they have tried a few minor things so far. The test server is not only being used to test translations but also used to test events backgrounds etc.

Also that more major events will be in the pipeline.

Personally I havent been lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to witness any, but Im listening out for rumours, new NPC's or NPC's doing something different etc.

One day my time will come. One day the damsel will be lying in my arms, gazing into my eyes, forever gratefull to me <sigh>.


Hey Brannor, I notice in your sig, both your characters are paused. Does this mean your currently having a go at being an alb on the US servers, as you said you would? How is it? Is the grass really greener?


I am eager to experience the realm changing events that are now expected after patching, and f they do indeed summount to my expectations I will play in in DarkAge, because that implies a changing world (meaning a changing game, independant of patches)


I can see the points that many are making, but at the end of the day I haven't played a game that is perfect and forefills everything I want in a game, but the thing is I don't think I ever will nor do I think many will.

That said DAOC is the pick of the bunch for me at the moment and will continue to play it, if something else comes out in the future which provides me more entertainment then I will go - period.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Vell
Hey Brannor, I notice in your sig, both your characters are paused. Does this mean your currently having a go at being an alb on the US servers, as you said you would? How is it? Is the grass really greener?

No. Not playing there. I'm playing on a different server. ;) Not leaving just yet...my copy hasn't arrived.


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