Xyliana said:dont poke people with sticks thats not nice
that was a fake quote!
Xyliana said:dont poke people with sticks thats not nice
Graknak said:haven't seen any improvement, housing zones still as crap as ever, despite them saying that the 1.68 patch would fix that already and now with the so called server upgrade it didn't got any better.
and it's no secret that animists are very useful for taking down keepdoors ~~Brite said:not all realm have animists
Lubbock said:Ill bet 100 gold that somethign goes wrong and servers will be down till late evening
Tareregion said:Cos Mids were too lazy to get off their ass
Ormorof said:so us mids that have jobs, have school or whatever are lazy because we dont want to stay up until 1am?