Whos next?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Same, usually around 29.99 for a new release. Direct downloads are the norm these days, disk media is dead

As I said elsewhere, which doesn't only imply bricks and mortar locations where they may be a match but also against the other locations such as Amazon where they are often more expensive even with a big sale reductions:

Steam vs Amazon
Far Cry 3 - £29.99 vs £25.48
Borderlands 2 - £29.99 vs £19.79
XCOM - £29.99 vs £19.19
FM 2012 - £29.99 vs £19.49
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - £34.99 vs £18.88

Steam is more convenient, easy to use and fills impulses quicker, even though the games you buy from elsewhere often link in with steam any way, so the extra cost is ignored. It then becomes easy to see the benefits to MS and Sony because while there are benefits to users the reality is it'll limit resale, piracy, good margins and mean they don't have to share those margins with others so in the end I doubt Consoles can survive on the high street.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
As I said elsewhere, which doesn't only imply bricks and mortar locations where they may be a match but also against the other locations such as Amazon where they are often more expensive even with a big sale reductions:

Steam vs Amazon
Far Cry 3 - £29.99 vs £25.48
Borderlands 2 - £29.99 vs £19.79
XCOM - £29.99 vs £19.19
FM 2012 - £29.99 vs £19.49
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - £34.99 vs £18.88

Steam is more convenient, easy to use and fills impulses quicker, even though the games you buy from elsewhere often link in with steam any way, so the extra cost is ignored. It then becomes easy to see the benefits to MS and Sony because while there are benefits to users the reality is it'll limit resale, piracy, good margins and mean they don't have to share those margins with others so in the end I doubt Consoles can survive on the high street.
Except you're not going to see everyone buying them from Microsoft over the internet directly imho. Retailers are still required. An independent game retailer however, not so sure.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Except you're not going to see everyone buying them from Microsoft over the internet directly imho. Retailers are still required. An independent game retailer however, not so sure.

No, but I did state that earlier with some places like supermarkets perhaps carrying a top 10-20 games but even then there is a good chance these could got the way of MS/Adobe card type activation systems where you still don't get a physical disc.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
As I said elsewhere, which doesn't only imply bricks and mortar locations where they may be a match but also against the other locations such as Amazon where they are often more expensive even with a big sale reductions:

Steam vs Amazon
Far Cry 3 - £29.99 vs £25.48
Borderlands 2 - £29.99 vs £19.79
XCOM - £29.99 vs £19.19
FM 2012 - £29.99 vs £19.49
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - £34.99 vs £18.88

Steam is more convenient, easy to use and fills impulses quicker, even though the games you buy from elsewhere often link in with steam any way, so the extra cost is ignored. It then becomes easy to see the benefits to MS and Sony because while there are benefits to users the reality is it'll limit resale, piracy, good margins and mean they don't have to share those margins with others so in the end I doubt Consoles can survive on the high street.

I paid substantially less than those prices, on steam


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
You probably hit them on sale then. And that is all well and good unless you want it now and it is not on Sale where Amazon offers a discount you might decide to wait.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Unless steam have a sale I get my PC games from shopto.net for £10 cheaper than buying off steam and shopto deliver 99% next working day usually 2-3 days before steam release the games.

£10 is £10 if it was £2-£5 I wouldn't bother.

Consoles won't have this problem because they know more people buy the game boxed than download it, there is no way they are going to just remove games from shops.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Surely the next thing to go is satellites...ulta high speed interner will start to make them a bit pointless for the majority...as soon as you can stream all the channels in hd..whats the point of multi million dollar launches and monitoring...


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I paid substantially less than those prices, on steam

Skyrim hasn't been less than £19.99 on steam last time I checked.

Farcry 3 is £29.99 with 14% off? Giggle tbfh.

FM12 £29.99 with 25% off down from £39.99.

I could get all those games boxed and delivered from shopto for about £30 less in total probably more, of course if you don't mind getting shafted up the arse just because you refuse to buy boxed copies that's fine but don't come saying you get them substantially because that's just crap.

I'm all for downloading if they stop reaming me with the prices, it's the principle.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I did pay less for them because I bought them when they were on offer.

If you want to dick about with disks and shit and sit around and wait for stuff to get delivered to shave off a couple of pounds then that is your problem. Frankly I am unwilling to spend an age fucking about, click, download, play.

I think I have used my DVD drive once since building the PC and that was to install windows.

Plus I have some 200 odd games on steam, to store all that on disk would be a ballache.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I did pay less for them because I bought them when they were on offer.

If you want to dick about with disks and shit and sit around and wait for stuff to get delivered to shave off a couple of pounds then that is your problem. Frankly I am unwilling to spend an age fucking about, click, download, play.

I think I have used my DVD drive once since building the PC and that was to install windows.

Plus I have some 200 odd games on steam, to store all that on disk would be a ballache.

It's not a couple of £s though its like £10 cheaper, surely you can see my point, I can understand yours.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
But it isn't £10 :p

From the examples above.

I paid £19.99 for Borderlands 2, it did go down to £14.99 at one point
I paid £15 for FM 2013 - about the same last year for 2012...
I can't remember what I paid for Skyrim but it wasn't full price...and more than worth it anyway for Steamworks.
I paid about £30 for farcry 3 delux.

Not got Xcom yet.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You're missing the point. Games will go entirely digital because the publishers will be able to control the price to the end user. Even if there's "competition" (e.g. more than one Steam type provider), the publishers are trying to push agency pricing so there's effectively NO price competition to the end user. It stinks, but its already gone that way in music and books (although Amazon are fighting it - as the dominant player they've more to gain from price competition). It doesn't matter if you prefer to get your games in a box, you won't be able to (and if you don't like it...they don't care).


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
You're missing the point. Games will go entirely digital because the publishers will be able to control the price to the end user. Even if there's "competition" (e.g. more than one Steam type provider), the publishers are trying to push agency pricing so there's effectively NO price competition to the end user. It stinks, but its already gone that way in music and books (although Amazon are fighting it - as the dominant player they've more to gain from price competition). It doesn't matter if you prefer to get your games in a box, you won't be able to (and if you don't like it...they don't care).

But it isn't £10 :p

From the examples above.

I paid £19.99 for Borderlands 2, it did go down to £14.99 at one point
I paid £15 for FM 2013 - about the same last year for 2012...
I can't remember what I paid for Skyrim but it wasn't full price...and more than worth it anyway for Steamworks.
I paid about £30 for farcry 3 delux.

Not got Xcom yet.

You had to wait for a steam sale to get those prices though, they have been that price on most retail websites for ages.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
You're missing the point. Games will go entirely digital because the publishers will be able to control the price to the end user. Even if there's "competition" (e.g. more than one Steam type provider), the publishers are trying to push agency pricing so there's effectively NO price competition to the end user. It stinks, but its already gone that way in music and books (although Amazon are fighting it - as the dominant player they've more to gain from price competition). It doesn't matter if you prefer to get your games in a box, you won't be able to (and if you don't like it...they don't care).

This isn't going to happen for years, of course when it does then i won't have a choice and I'll download.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ofc I had to wait but who cares? It's not like there isn't anything to play.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
ofc I had to wait but who cares? It's not like there isn't anything to play.
Then you could of bought them off Amazon sooner then added the code to Steam and got all the benefits at a lower price. The appeal of steam should be the instant Want - Have even at a few £'s more. If you are waiting for a price you might as well buy it from anywhere and add it to Steam.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
This isn't going to happen for years,

That's exactly the kind of mentality the boards of GAME and HMV had. HMV had already stopped selling PC games, GAME are down to one bay, and Gamestop have dumped them as well. I would be completely unsurprised if MS bit the bullet with the 720 and went all digital, or maybe offered a cheaper version without optical media.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Most high streets are shit holes anyway. Certainly most of them in Zones 2-6 London.

I had the misfortune to go to Ilford this morning (North East London) as had to pick a friend up. Christ alive! what a shit hole.

Tatty, depressing, dirty, litter everywhere, boarded-up shops. None have any personality. None of the shop fronts make any effort to look neat, or tidy or attempt to match or blend in with the building architecture. Its all bright garish signs. Horrible. Pound shops, Bookmakers, maybe a post office, shops with fruit machines, Superdrug, nail salons, newsagents, those piece of shit tatty phone shops selling calling cards, burger and chicken joints that reek, 2nd hand furniture & junk shops. They're no-go zones at night, full of dodgy scumbags, drunk troublemakers, and ne'er-do-wells. It was never like this 30 years ago. The changing face of Britain.

I don't want to sound like a member of UKIP or BNP but....no I'll leave it there.

Seriously, getting back to Notting Hill was literally a breath of fresh air. I felt safe. Jesus


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Were you going to mention walking down the high street and not hearing a single conversation in English?

I get that whenever I go to watch Arsenal and it is intimidating.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Yep, Ilford is a massive shit hole. Many parts of London are the same.

Hackney used to be shit but at least it had some character. It's becoming really posh now. I remember when if you made it through London Fields without getting mugged it was a great success. Now it's full of hippies having picnics. Broadway Market is the same. It's only a matter of time before my favorite kebab shop turns into another delicatessen.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
London, on the whole is a fucking dump.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
There's good bits & horrible bits. There are some lovely areas, down by the river, west of town. And some hell holes (Peckham, Brixton, Norwood, Bruce Grove, Nunhead, Catford, Bromley, etc). The stuff in between is just meh, for want of a better word. Even the tourist attractions look like they need a jet-wash and a make-over. Most of the areas outside the centre are tired, shabby, needing a good spring clean, a massive cash investment, and a mammoth dose of local pride in neighbourhoods.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
You might disagree, but I have to say, I doubt anyone on this forum knows the geography of London better than me. I have practically a licensed cab-drivers knowledge of the streets. I've driven down most of them. And most of London looks tired. I love London, but I'm not going to lie.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Lamp said:
You might disagree, but I have to say, I doubt anyone on this forum knows the geography of London better than me. I have practically a licensed cab-drivers knowledge of the streets. I've driven down most of them. And most of London looks tired. I love London, but I'm not going to lie.

You do that regularly then? Update your detailed drivers knowledge of the whole of London? How up to date is this knowledge?


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Its about 5 years out of date to be honest so all the points of interest are not bang up to date, but I'm good on the streets. I can get from A-B anywhere within a 6 mile radius of Charing X without maps or Satnav. I did the Green Badge KoL part time 5 years ago ;). Something to fall back on if my job at the bank goes tits up.

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