I heard alot of people moaning about lack of leadership with in albion, and that is why Mids got all the relics. Lets be brutally honest, the Mids organised an excellent raid that caught us with our trousers down. I honestly believe we could have done nothing once they had gone neutral. Our only chance was to spot them before they got to Excal, that did not happen so we were on a losing wicket.
Anyhow going back to thread, Albion who would you nominate as the 3 best Field commanders in our realm. Maybe we can nominate them and all give our support to these people once action is required.
So come up with 3 people you would follow to hell and back and whose tactical and field command you respect.
Probally get flamed here or people will say it cant be done but inless we try we will never know.
Anyhow going back to thread, Albion who would you nominate as the 3 best Field commanders in our realm. Maybe we can nominate them and all give our support to these people once action is required.
So come up with 3 people you would follow to hell and back and whose tactical and field command you respect.
Probally get flamed here or people will say it cant be done but inless we try we will never know.