Who or what class do nightshades fear?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
they only balme the person they attacked and got owned by if thier get out of jail free cards are down!


Loyal Freddie
Feb 5, 2005
xxManiacxx said:
90% of all stealthers are fodder for everyone.

I quite agree - we are very under powered and need a boost


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 5, 2004
Minstrel said:
Sorry dude but u became to obssesed with "i cant win vs nightshades cause of their remedy"

As for fear hmm nothing beside high rr BD's (pd4-pd5) and Necros above rr3 :(
Yes i jump everything doesnt matter what class as long as i get a fight. Forgot to mention Warhead :( to hard for me and he always pops Malice :(

you will fear me when i've tinkered with my paladin a little bit more :sex:


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Kerith said:
you will fear me when i've tinkered with my paladin a little bit more :sex:

Why?...you gonna delete and reroll a sorc?:)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
90% of all stealthers are fodder for everyone.

Amen brother,

Personally i fear no one when i play my NS, however this whole game is now fucked up by overpowered mage classes. Casting speeds, brittles, instas, Taps, u name they got it.

So now i dont play my NS cause 90% of the targets i should be attacking in this game i dont stand a chance in hell of killing. Instead as assassins we get relegated to fight on the fringes of the battlefield via duels organised over some shitty 3rd party messenger prog. All the spontanuity(?) has left the game for me atm,

Yes im bitter about mages, yes i hate inbalance and yes..... im hungry!


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Vipr said:
Amen brother,

Personally i fear no one when i play my NS, however this whole game is now fucked up by overpowered mage classes. Casting speeds, brittles, instas, Taps, u name they got it.

So now i dont play my NS cause 90% of the targets i should be attacking in this game i dont stand a chance in hell of killing. Instead as assassins we get relegated to fight on the fringes of the battlefield via duels organised over some shitty 3rd party messenger prog. All the spontanuity(?) has left the game for me atm,

Yes im bitter about mages, yes i hate inbalance and yes..... im hungry!

Things will get better in 1.82 with brittles dying on a successful PA (and BS?). And a few more tools / things to play with. I think NS get another spell they can cast etc. and when you get a kill, ns's get better stealth or something. And soon feedback spells won't pop stealthers, so things are slowly looking up.
And as much as other classes hate stealthers, they know that we feed them RP, so without us, they wouldn't be the high RR they are :>

Oli - Illu


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
illu said:
Things will get better in 1.82 with brittles dying on a successful PA (and BS?). And a few more tools / things to play with. I think NS get another spell they can cast etc. and when you get a kill, ns's get better stealth or something. And soon feedback spells won't pop stealthers, so things are slowly looking up.
And as much as other classes hate stealthers, they know that we feed them RP, so without us, they wouldn't be the high RR they are :>

Oli - Illu

i know where ure going Illu.. but those new fixes and abilities wont come near a enemy mage in all his glory blowing ML9onPet for example, in terms of overpowerdness. While i do agree the brittle nerfing is a good thing i feel ultimately its no more than a token gesture.

Atm Illu we as assassins are having to endure isolation from main stream rvr, dont get me wrong i dont ever envisage stealthers running emain bowl on par with visuals, but you gotta admit its a sorry arse state of affairs when we have to fight in some obselete location because we cant cut it against visual classes one of which should be our bread and butter kills!

I like you will wait for 1.82 however my hope in Mythic balancing these delicate issues hangs by a thread.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
I heard Runemasters are extremly feared among stealthers...

Okay, who am I kidding anyway :( :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
A suggestion make a thread on "Who mages fear most?" guarentee wont be many things in game.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Vipr said:
A suggestion make a thread on "Who mages fear most?" guarentee wont be many things in game.

Mages... hmmm.

As a caster (no lifetap QQ) when i play I fear..

Stun nuking hib casters

Decent banshee's

Rog Warlocks

Decent sm's

Decent runies (ones that know how to nearsight etc)

Charging light tanks (cant CC and brittles dont last long against duel weilders)

Decent NS's (Some are really tough and mix in the dd at start to make sure interupted - mind you i dont wait on 4 brittles)

Adding shits!!!


Ok so most my fears depend on a decent player being behind it, but then I know my class well enough to be able to survive most the time if I am actually playing properly (often I just piss about and run round like a headless chicken :D ) therefore a person that is a n00b wont often beat me because they dont under stand simple things like "NS dd will interupt unless I qc < with a few brittles i wont necessarily qc at first", "Sm's that pet me so i cant cast after my qc < most keep pets by them because of the oh so mighty intercept rates not figuring that i will just nuke them down without being interupted as got so many tools" etc etc


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Vipr said:
A suggestion make a thread on "Who mages fear most?" guarentee wont be many things in game.

That could be an interesting thread :> I don't think casters are invincible though. They do make occasional slip ups and any caster soloers near an assassin that has all their tools up will usually be a close fight. As long as the brittles get killed off, and the assassin gets the jump on the caster, the caster is usually doooooooomed :> But one mistake from the assassin and I can hear the caster say "Free RP!" :>

So what I've learnt so far is if a NS sees you, RUN FOR THE HILLS! and once 60 seconds is up, fight :> The rules obviously change in 1.82. Also, it should be interesting seeing warriors climb into keeps and how that works.

I think 1.83 is on the horizon too, with patch notes starting soon, early next week I think I read somewhere.

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
illu said:
Also, it should be interesting seeing warriors climb into keeps and how that works.








Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
I phear teh instaport !

Main thing my Ns fears is my shitty 56k connection and lack of mls ><

Also Timing an unbuffed Pa on dialup and taking down a buffed wl > Sex ......Well ok maybe not >:/


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
censi said:
well for me
RR10 Ranger. A unique design concept where all players of this class exclusivly try and daze there opponents while spinning around them...



Nov 29, 2005
Stealthers for a nightshade really aren't much of a challenge (ty remedy) but to put them in order of uselessness, starting with the most useless:

Shadowblade -> Scout -> Hunter -> Infil -> Mincer -> Hugmeh:(


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
theslayeruk said:
Stealthers for a nightshade really aren't much of a challenge (ty remedy) but to put them in order of uselessness, starting with the most useless:

Shadowblade -> Scout -> Hunter -> Infil -> Mincer -> Hugmeh:(



Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
i m a bit surprised people talk in general so much . i can understand how adding warlocks/sms/bds can be a pain but lets not forget that practically any caster can be a pain when he adds. i dont rly have problems with visibles as i can choose whether to fight em or not and as i m fighting stealthers most of the time . To be honest i dont fear classes but players . for example i ll go uh-oh when i see maji vf arraudry papasan but i ll laugh with the majority of high rr assasins( lxn(lol),binfil(HE_HE),lick( he uses rapier then axe wtf ? he s doing something wrong :( ). on the other hand minstrels are always a pain but i dont think that there is an active minstrel atm that can take em2 cl resists melee resists and energy weapon combo so i wouldnt tell that they re a problem. as far as archers i dont think they do stand a chance against an assasin unless they have a nice opening and use strong ras/mls. even then its hard to kill a well played/equipped assasin. The only archer atm that i d clearly use everything againt on sight is censi because of this bad habit he got to purge meh debuffs when he fz's (so lame imo!). if he gets heat debuff in then i m toast ;d thats all ! that aiteal dude was aswell quite strong tho he s a lowbie with the ml10 cloak and shit :D . My point being that i fear players not classes ^_^


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
i fear scouts :< cos they move in herds of 30+ an if u disturb the nest the turn vicious. also they are born without a consience an make the mistake of thinking rpts = skill, as with any animal thier are a few exceptions...... like 2 maybe 3 \0/


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
since DR im finding it a lot less easy to kill assasins without timers tbh.

used to have a good chance of just out battering them pound for pound but now Im finding enemy assasins are packing purge 3 and higher MOP. Im getting poision spiked dumped a lot and I find a lot of assasins packing malice for the FZ. And purging poisons asap can get you stun killed later on (but u cant win fighting assasins while debuffed and lifebained, purge early and hope they dont repoison, most dont)

qq. cl resists dont help, but physical pierce isnt much of an option V assasins and blade isnt much of an option for luri ranger imo.

I think the fotm tag on melee rangers isnt really deserved. Theres nothing really easy mode about the class at all.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
censi said:

I think the fotm tag on melee rangers isnt really deserved. Theres nothing really easy mode about the class at all.


I fought a melee ranger the other day with high PD, WH up, he used Malice2 charge (or something that had arrogance - can rangers use malice?), I didn't even get close to killing him. Then another SB tried to kill him and he IP'd and killed the SB easily :> Melee Rangers are evil :>

I like what Hugmeh said though, about the difference in play styles and sometimes the player being the difference. Saying that though, how much is down to playing skill and how much is down to what stuff your toon has and how much is down to class?
I reckon it is something like this:
Playing skill 30%
Stuff on Toon (Artis/Template) 40%
Class (RAs and how tough the class is) 30%

Some people are definitely more frightening to fight than others. But the good thing about this game, and I suppose the same thing happens in football, sometimes the unexpected happens and you lose a fight you should have won or you win a fight you should have lost :>

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
yer theres times when u can be ultra tough.

When u have WH up and you have pd3-4+ and you used malice on a slash resistant class. sure SB gonna struggle...

but like as a "class" melee ranger has nothing really. its just abusing OP artifact and RA's.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
illu said:

I fought a melee ranger the other day with high PD, WH up, he used Malice2 charge (or something that had arrogance - can rangers use malice?), I didn't even get close to killing him. Then another SB tried to kill him and he IP'd and killed the SB easily :> Melee Rangers are evil :>

Oli - Illu

The ranger you are talking about, Habemus, has 1 PD


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
censi said:
yer theres times when u can be ultra tough.

When u have WH up and you have pd3-4+ and you used malice on a slash resistant class. sure SB gonna struggle...

but like as a "class" melee ranger has nothing really. its just abusing OP artifact and RA's.

hope you never try something like PD4 + AoM4 ;)

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