Who makes the best puller?



"Bard" and "solo"... 2 words that should never be in the same sentence together :p
There's no point teaming with someone else if you're just doing kill tasks. I know that now because that's what we were trying to do when I took that screenshot - I thought that since Vindicare and I were the same level we could pick up tasks and do them together faster. But that just doubles the amount of running around you have to do, even with bard speed. In the end we went and joined a full group of 8 hunting parths and did that instead.

DD shout is a good option too but it's range is a bit short :(
DD range is aggro range anyways, isn't it? Not exactly my idea of safe pulling. As I say, when I've been needing to do it I've been using mezz but I'm going to try the other spells.


There is no such thing as a single best puller, it all depends on the situation like everything else.

mobs that stop to deal ranged damage is nice to pull with nearsight.

mobs that baf like mad are nice to pull with mes/root.

single mobs that hit very hard should be pulled by a shield tank.

and so on..

there is no single right answer to that question.



If a healer pulls and the bafs are not mezzed, they carry on running for the puller, correct?

Does the snare not reduce BaF?

(seen this 2st had in Muspel when the Seared Skelleis only came solo in a group of 6 when a Skald pulls, but when a Thane or Hunter pulled we got 2-3 in total)
last time i was there, skald pulled and we got baf.

If you wanted to minimise BaF would you not use a skald if the above holds true?

in this game you want to maximize baf, not minimize it.

oh and one a side note, ofc you are right when you say that nearsightpull is best in epic zones. well maybe not in dartmoor, cause you would need a cabalist to do it.

Just hope one day I run into you on Prydwen (do you play Pyd or Excal?) and can spank your TinCan ass back to Camelot
i have a lvl 9 menatlist on prydwen, if you want, i can run it to mount collory sometimes. :m00:

No they don't. Healers have snare. There's a difference. Go look it up.
i know the difference between a snare and a root and my healer has root. if you think you have a snare, its because you are specced low in pacification, so your root is very short.

Now, if healer pulls, things get VERY nasty... was fighting throws, and healer mezzd a mob.... no baf, so he mezzez another... resist... 1 BAF
We deal with the first one ok, second one strains us.. the first one that was mezzed comes, bringing 1 baf...... thats 4 throws with no break....
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

phun phun phun



I have a thane and they are mean arsed close to being warrior tanks. Think about it I take a weapon to level 50 with my storm calling, everything else into parry (spec for 2h). Yes we are not official warrior tanks but we wear chain and hit bloody hard. I believe either a archer or a thane should be pulling more a thane maybe cause he can handle aggro better than any other char bar one, a warrior. Since warriors can't pull from a mob then I suggest a thane in mid if you want range then a hunter.

But to be honest I think archers should be the pullers and the official artillery. They can handle aggro better than mages and their range is a beauty.


Think about it I take a weapon to level 50 with my storm calling, everything else into parry (spec for 2h). Yes we are not official warrior tanks
Congratulations, you are now officialy a gimp.




now u r saying a offensive thane is a gimp?

I woulda gone 50 Hammer, 46 Storms (or 48), 7 Shield rest parry if you wanan make an offensive 2H thane (which is not a gimped build)

I do have regrets about not getting Slam and maybe I will in respec if we ever do, but I have no problem getting realm points in RvR at the moment and have made my fair share of kills specced as an offensive 2H thane.

Maybe you are right regarding snare Info, i just posted obversations, shame you get kicks out of putting people down :(

Think what u said to wicoa was a bit harsh, even tho he posted some silly stuff regarding PC gamer and GOA (yeah u know the thread Wicoa :D)
ahh well, as u say :clap: Phun Phun Phun :clap:


Oh Wicoa if u do spec to 50 SC u will be called semi-gimp, orjust wasteful, simply cos 50 SC is usless, the Str buff gives only +50 str as the buff is capped at 50, same amount of Str we get from the 41 Str buff.

Take Storms to 46 or 48 mate and use those 99 spec points elsewhere


Yes, offensive thanes are gimps. We all know how wonderful a shield is for blocking in RvR encounters, and how uselss 2handed weapons are.



Might as well go calling 2H skalds gimps too, cos they het a shield, albeit round and no spec, dont hear anyone calling em gimps (80% of skalds use 2H weapon)

you are an advocate of the cookie cutter class then Vell?
why dont we all just go 44 Hammer 42 Shield 46 Storms, oh what a diverse world we live in


Best pulling tool: nearsight.

Best range, no aggro (even a caster hitting the mob barehanded could get aggro lol) so you can be farther away and have more time to check for adds.

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