Who makes the best puller?



Lol @ InfoZerwg

Read my post again u [Edit: Removed Unnecessary Insulting Phrase :D]
EPIC situations as in EPIC ZONES

Ask any middie if u ever see a healer pull in Malmo
the answer is NO they DO NOT. Runies are the #1 and best pullers in Malmo, 2nd are Skalds/Thanes

dont go slagging off peeps u know nothing about, this aint a flame war, and I never insulted u at all, but if thats the way u wanna go, u arrogant [Edit: Removed Unnecessary Insulting Phrase :D]
, so be it

[Edited what I think is uncalled for, still think you are Arrogant tho] :m00:


Using a Scout as a designated puller, who does nothing but search for suiting enemies, and timing them in with the rest of the crew and the previous mob is nice, that's how we do it, if its a toughie, sure add damage aswell. :p

The Armsman with the x-box is also nice, really safe if the main tank pulls.

Wizzies - Load up that really lowlevel bolt that does 5(-1) :p That aint a big aggro fetcher, and with a good range. Gives plenty of time for getting aggro/mezzinh.

Tho mercs work pretty nice with that bow aswell, and can tank a fair bit atleast. :)

In dungeons, let your tank walk up with a few mezzers to the mobs, mezz the upcoming adds and let the armsman get in there and whack the ones they're not mezzing, fairly safe.

No class makes the best puller, its all about who's using that class atm.


Mercs can tank very well vajb, thank you very much :p


Eld sight debuff (and presumably cabalist (?) and runeys one too) is pretty handy to pull, especially if you pulling mobs from a camp with roaming scouts. The range is mad, does no no damage and if you fight casting/archery mobs they have to come a lot closer to do what ever they do.

On seriously hard mobs I'd prefer a shield Hero to do the pulling with a bow as if the tanks miss their first taunt the poor eldie might die fast.


I was doing a nice pulling strategy last night with a ranger and bard.

He'd fire an arrow, I'd send the pet and then stun the mob (with the bard catching adds) the pet would pick up the mob (generally) if it didn't, the bard would mez quick and I'd stun again (the second time the pet got the mob)


Originally posted by Vell
Why do you say thane is the best?

Very poor hitpoints mean that if they get hit, a huge chunk of life has just gone, making it much harder for the healers to do their job...

Hey that's my whinge.

Pulling with a thane can work but usually only for singles with far off bafs, certainly wouldn't work for savage wyverns as you have to get too close to cc gets tricky.

Pulling with 2 thanes can be fun though dropping hammers at exactly the same time then the cc hits them with a mez, although you really have to trust your other thane and mezzer

The key with pullign with a thane is having prot on the thane and the warriors standing in the path and making the first hit with styles. means you get damage in bofore they reach you and also save the thane a bit. although being a 2h hammer user I usually draw aggro from most warriors and need healing... ;-)

But in preference I prefer using Vell to pull as it hurts me less. :cool:


Interesting read guys :)

The wizzies in my guild are going to hate u now :D

I'll be volunteering their skinny little hides to go pull the mobs from now on.

40+ Armsman/Excal


Best puller = person in group with longest range, lowest aggro spell.


Originally posted by Calvin
Interesting read guys :)

The wizzies in my guild are going to hate u now :D

I'll be volunteering their skinny little hides to go pull the mobs from now on.

40+ Armsman/Excal

Just make sure they use their lowest bolt (like lvl 3 or something :))
Pulled a giant last night with a bolt for 0 damage :clap: :clap:


Since when do thanes have v poor hp? At level 50 we are only 2-300 hp off of 50 warriors, thast 1 extra hit that a warrior can take.

If you get to a point where u r relying on those extra 300 hp to stay a live you r in a bad group who dont know how to play.

With PBT and a Shield Tank Guarding me I can take 5 attackes from a Purple Executioner at the lair 1 absorbed by BT, 1 usually gets blocked/parried by tank or the guarder and 3 hits for 300-350 damage each takes me to sliver of my life, thats worst case scenario, usually the Exec only manages 3 attacks and so noone ever dies.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Solid
Since when do thanes have v poor hp? At level 50 we are only 2-300 hp off of 50 warriors, thast 1 extra hit that a warrior can take.

Ok...for the record. Unbuffed, with items,. I have 1337 (bah! trying to get off that number. :p ) hps. Buffed, healer and shammy, I can close on 1700hps. And that's at L45. For interest's sake...you have?

Also, about healers pulling ALL the aggro. That's not true of Malm. Reason? You don't go single parties. That's the whole reason of Malm, 2 parties pulling. Means more adds. And when you get more adds, the adds split between the parties. And, since the healers heal so much, I've watched many times as the adds split up and only ONE (ok, sometimes 2) goes for the puller...the one he aggro'd. The other 3/4 split up between going for the healers of the two groups.

E.G. little kobold thingy (skald? - we didn't have runeys) pulls, runs back. Target he pulled went for him/her. Other 3 split up between the 3 healers, one to each. Now THAT, is good AI. ;)

Still, runeys make best pullers in Malm. :D

But in dungeons. Step aside for me and my mithril axes and 1 throwing skill. ;)



Originally posted by Solid
Since when do thanes have v poor hp? At level 50 we are only 2-300 hp off of 50 warriors, thast 1 extra hit that a warrior can take.
Thanes are on the Rogue HP table - they have the same number of HP as hunters and shadowblades, once you allow for con differences. The difference is much larger than 2-300 if the warrior maxxes out on hp and con bonuses with items - more like 5, 6 or even 700.
If you get to a point where u r relying on those extra 300 hp to stay a live you r in a bad group who dont know how to play.
Or maybe its a group who like to take chances, pull things they've not pulled before, go places they've not been, not look at spoilers to find out exactly what level everything is and whether it bafs before they go fight it, and generally enjoy the whole experience more than the groups who sit in one spot (can you say Malmo?) for days on end pulling the same mobs over and over.
With PBT and a Shield Tank Guarding me I can take 5 attackes from a Purple Executioner at the lair 1 absorbed by BT, 1 usually gets blocked/parried by tank or the guarder and 3 hits for 300-350 damage each takes me to sliver of my life, thats worst case scenario, usually the Exec only manages 3 attacks and so noone ever dies.

Well, not every group can get a runie/warden/theurgist, particularly in Albion/Hibernia where these characters are played very little. Also, true shield tanks are hard to come by - most preferring to opt for 2handed weapons, so they have much more important jobs to do than guard a thane who wants to pull when they could be guarding a major damage dealer (eg berserker) or a second tank who is also taunting the mob instead. Allowing one of the zero-aggro pulls means that guard is freed up for someone who may need it more.

(ps Solid - Us Ghosts who aren't thanes have personal Vendettas against thanes because about 75% of the guild is thanes :p Although that has changed now we have many more people joining the guild, new recruits every day - Yay!)


let me replay that conversation. Solid said something about healers in malmohus:

all the adds will atcak the puller unless someone peels em all

he also said something about skalds:

because they can use snare which usually gets less BaF than a than pull

please note that i didnt change the spelling from the original. referring to this quotes, which most experienced players here will find rather amusing if read closely, i said:

now solid, who seems a bit choleric even to a casual observer, said:

and as if thats not enough, he also added insult to his injured pride by saying:

u arrogant fuckface

Solid, i will forgive you your stupid insults if you apologize.

I have to agree though that a shaman root pull is very effective too, because it incapacitates a mob immediately too.

Vell, did you know that healers also have root? its not like someone is forcing you to pull with debuff. :rolleyes:



Well, I'm a Thane.... I get my face in the Dust all the time because my group expects me to Tank.... I have about 8-900 hps when buffed... red/orange mobs do 100-200 dmg each hit

thats 5 hits and i'm dead... been having some bad luck with healers... some are simply too slow... especially the shammies who try all that poison crap... by the time their done, I'm dead.

Skalds DO make the best pullers.... they pull with mez, any adds are dealth with, warrior takes the aggro since no one has done any damage to the add.

If I pull, I do 100 dmg on an orange... that means 1 hit for 100-200 of my health gone unless I have bubble, which I usually don't

Imagine me pulling purp mobs? Undead troll warrios can double hit.... 2 times for 300-400 dmg =600-800 dmg.... thats me nearly dead unless healer is rdy... if its a shammie with the poison crap, im dead

Now, if healer pulls, things get VERY nasty... was fighting throws, and healer mezzd a mob.... no baf, so he mezzez another... resist... 1 BAF
We deal with the first one ok, second one strains us.. the first one that was mezzed comes, bringing 1 baf...... thats 4 throws with no break....

If I had been pulling, which I did after this incident, we would have gotten a max of 1 baf

And having a warrior with guard on me saves my but more times than I can count (no one said trolls were smart)


Thanes are definatly the best pullers lvls 1-20 as they are usually one of the best tanks in the group, and can easily hold the aggro if they want to with the provoke style.

Past 20 i'd say it depends on the situation really, and to be honest with amnesia, taunt and detaunt it doesnt matter who pulls but how they taunt.

A puller has to be awake...many times its easy to get annoyed with the more "relaxed" pullers who like a 5 minute nap between fights :) (Its why I dont like archers pulling at low lvls, it takes them soo long to get that shot off :))


So Infozwerg, not only are you insulting me by questioning how I got to 50, but you saying I am talking nosense AND ridiculing (sp?) me for typos?

Not quite sure what bit of my post was nonsense bar the typos?


If a healer pulls and the bafs are not mezzed, they carry on running for the puller, correct?

If these Bafs are not peeled off their target (ie by a spell or melee attack from another team member) will they not carry on targetting the healer?


Does the snare not reduce BaF? (seen this 2st had in Muspel when the Seared Skelleis only came solo in a group of 6 when a Skald pulls, but when a Thane or Hunter pulled we got 2-3 in total)

If you wanted to minimise BaF would you not use a skald if the above holds true?

Take each sentence in the context they were written in and they make perfect sense to me, seems you get kicks out of rubishing other posters!!!

p.s I spent extra time spell checking this post in case you felt you wanted to attack me with a barrage of verbal abuse using fancy words such as "Choleric"

I dont need to justify my playing skills as I have the respect of most of my realm mates that know me.

Just hope one day I run into you on Prydwen (do you play Pyd or Excal?) and can spank your TinCan ass back to Camelot


Being a healer myself who has spent quite a lot of time in Malmo and Spindel, I don't really think Healers should pull on baf mobs if you have another option.

Reason being is mez and root are by no means a certain thing, especially in malmo. A failed CC cast on a undamaged mob already draws aggro onto the healer, and you only really have time to cast a mez once more before the mob is on top of you.

Many a time a healer finds himself mezzing a mob beating on another of his grp members, and this is not possible (discounting instas) if the healer is the one getting the beating him/herself. In short, by not pulling you get much more time to do stuff. A healer should really be untouched during a conflict in my opinion, people begin to die once the healer can't heal/stun, even if its just for a short while. Plus you deplete your mana for healing.

Anyway, I hate having to change my taskbar for the debuff/root. ;)

Best puller in dungeons: Skald for speed pull

Best puller in malmo: Runemaster for range

Best breaker of mezzes: Thanes as their bolts are very visible.


Glad to see at least some people share my opinions for pulling in Midgard, makes me feel like I am talkign less "nonsense" than led to believe - yay :clap:


Originally posted by infozwerg

Vell, did you know that healers also have root? its not like someone is forcing you to pull with debuff. :rolleyes:


No they don't. Healers have snare. There's a difference. Go look it up.


Originally posted by SilverHood

Now, if healer pulls, things get VERY nasty... was fighting throws, and healer mezzd a mob.... no baf, so he mezzez another... resist... 1 BAF
We deal with the first one ok, second one strains us.. the first one that was mezzed comes, bringing 1 baf...... thats 4 throws with no break....

Your healer is incredibly stupid. Harsh, but true :p


Is that the spell with the funky Blue/White effect that makes same sound as a Shammy/Runie root?

I can see how it can be confused with a root, all thelevel 30-40 healers that used it in spindle to pull with adds called it their root, and guess it caught on.

But yes it was super effective in dungeons when you were unsure of which mobs will BaF.

regarding Thane hp

Why add buffs from shamans/healers in to further extend the gap between thanes and warriors hp? Thanes can be equally buffed by same Healers and Shamans.

When Buffed by a decently specced Aug Shammy and a reg spec Healer (both level 50) my hp are 1700, and thats with only approx +100hp gear on, so theoretically I could prolly cap at 1850 ish as has been confirmed on US.

add 300 to his and thats 2150, round about what warriors can cap at with buffs.

Dont be so quick to ridicule Thane hp and say we are 600-700 hp short of warriors.

I admit Thanes have lower hp than we would like, but to say its crappy and we are on par with hunters because we r on the same table is misleading.

Thanes Prime objective with stats are to cap their Str followed by capping thier Con.

Hunters would go to Cap their Dex and Qui above Con so the likely hp with optimized equipment at 50 between these 2 classes is vastly different.

I feel I should defend thanes as tanks as even tho we are on hunter hp table our whole set up is geared towards Melee.

We get Best Armour possible in Midgard (Chain)
We get Shield Spec
We Strive to cap our Constitution and +hp

all 3 are also the same for Warriors.


Originally posted by Veluden

Reason being is mez and root are by no means a certain thing, especially in malmo. A failed CC cast on a undamaged mob already draws aggro onto the healer, and you only really have time to cast a mez once more before the mob is on top of you.
See, now this is why you should pull. I can quite easily get three mezzes off before a mob gets to me if it resists them all, because the first one is on a stationary mob. If you wait until it's running towards you, you have to wait until it's in range before you start casting, so by the time you get the mezz off, the mobs has already closed the distance from maximum mezz range.
And a failed mezz will draw aggro onto you whether you are mezzing an undamaged add or mezzing an undamaged soon-to-be-add, so that arguement doesn't hold.


Problem in malmo is vell that we dont all sit in range of the mobs for a puller not to have to run.

The puller runs a mini 100m dash to pull and get back to the camp spot.

Its just not possiblt for a healer to pull, run for 10 secs to get back to the camp site, turn around and mezz all the adds.

I am sure its different in Hib and Alb but for Midgard, Healers never pull in Malmo and rightly so.


Originally posted by Solid
Problem in malmo is vell that we dont all sit in range of the mobs for a puller not to have to run.

The puller runs a mini 100m dash to pull and get back to the camp spot.

Its just not possiblt for a healer to pull, run for 10 secs to get back to the camp site, turn around and mezz all the adds.

I am sure its different in Hib and Alb but for Midgard, Healers never pull in Malmo and rightly so.

I suggest you let your healer try it. Pull, mezz one, maybe two adds. Then sprint back. Turn, and get two more mezzes off. That's four mezzes before the mobs get to you. Which is more than if someone else pulls and the healer stays back. Trust me.


Its not needed tho

we have minimum 2 full groups at lair and always have 2 mezzers who stand a bit infront of the main melee mob, the runie pulls, runs back past the melee mobs and to the back, the 2 mezzers mex the adds leaving the closest one to be whacked to death by tanks and spellcasters.

There is absolutely zero benefit from letting a healer mez at the Lair

God I must be bored, I am spamming forums left right and centre today :D


Originally posted by Alrindel
Incidentally, can anyone tell me the best way for solo bards to pull a mob from a distance? My level 15 alt often needs to pull a mob out of a camp for kill tasks and at the moment my only really long range spell is mezz, so I mezz the mob, back up a bit, draw sword and shield, and then sit down and do my nails while I wait for the mezz to wear off and the mob to run towards me. It's effective enough but there must be a faster way... :p

"Bard" and "solo"... 2 words that should never be in the same sentence together :p But it is nessecary sometimes, and I've found the confuse spell to be best for a long range pull. Blur doesn't actually cause any agro and the mobs ignore it so that doesn't work, DD shout is a good option too but it's range is a bit short :(

I'd just find out whatever this poor guy is doing, and then do the opposite.



Roo Stercogburn

2 Man pull team

Except at low levels its best to pull with a 2 person combo since in most situations where you are hunting decent xp you get more than one incoming beastie.

Puller is best if it is someone who can move quickly such as a Runie on long distance pulls, but Thane is good for close up pulls. Healers also make good pullers if they can get back to group fast and the team are ready to intercept. Hunters are good for long distance pulls but it can be really hard to get the agro off them sometimes on tougher mobs.

Spirit Master or other mezzer is slightly forward of group to mez incoming adds as far away as possible. Its always best if adds are mezzed far away from groups because then debuffs can be used safely on current target. Once the adds are mezzed, the SM debuffs the original pull on way in and by the time it hits the group it is softened up nicely for the tanks. This means less work for healer and tanks can hit it more often, speeding up the kill.
SM keeps watch and remezzes adds if fight taking too long or adds to damage on mob.

The Runie/SM chain pull combo rocks, really eats up the beasties :)

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