Who makes the best puller?



Well, in some groups my alts have been in, we seem to spend more time discussing who should pull than actually doing it. So I throw the question open - who should be doing the pulling?

My personal opinion, is that the primary crowd control person should be pulling. Then they know exactly what is going on, and will find it much easier to actually do the controlling bit.

What do you all think?


I prefer having the tanks pull - and the mezzer on standby near the front.

That way, the healer has more time to heal and the mezzer can concentrate on getting any adds that go for the healer.


Always the Thane, there the best puller in the game IMO, but he has to give warning to the CC people (even if its just an "inc")

I find this is only a problem when the main CC is asleep or afk without saying :)


Why do you say thane is the best?

Very poor hitpoints mean that if they get hit, a huge chunk of life has just gone, making it much harder for the healers to do their job...

And generally, I have less time to mezz if someone else pulls, due to the fact that I'm never 100% sure which one they are pulling, so I have to wait to see before starting to cast mezz.

If I pull with attack speed debuff, I always know exactly what mobs are going to come, meaning I can start hammering the mezz button immediately.


If you have many scouts in your group and some good tanks that will surely be able to taunt the monster off the scouts... then the scouts since a few scouts can get a red con or even purple con down quite a bit in hps.
Otherwise... tanks...
But never ever have casters, especially fire wizards, do the pulling... a fire wizards blast will have the mob glued to him and a high con mob will kill the poor sod in no time.


But a caster using a debuff, such as spiritmaster or cabalist, would be ok to pull, since they don't generate any aggro from this...

And again - scouts have low hp and not-so-good armour, so if they do get hit, the healers have a hard job of it again.

In addition - 'true' tanks generally don't have any way to pull. Maybe it's different in other realms, but Midgard Warriors only have thrown weapons, which have the range of a flicked bogey.


High-level scout will have evade and a high shield spec (if they have sense) so will most likely survive while the tanks taunt the mob off them.
Albion armsman has the crossbow, mercernary has the bow and the paladin heal chant will most certainly get the aggro on themselves even if the mob is super-glued to a weakling.


Hmmmm, Albion archers are the only ones with shield spec, so that doesn't hold true for all realms. If a Hunter (midgard) pulled (and hit, which is a miracle), then they would probably get at least one hit on them, maybe more.
One hit = half the hunters life = very stressed healers.

What about Hibernia?


Rangers can use small shields but can't spec in it so it is very very rare to see rangers running around with shields. Some hib tanks at least get an unspecced bow skill for pulling - I know hero does for sure, not sure about the others.

Incidentally, can anyone tell me the best way for solo bards to pull a mob from a distance? My level 15 alt often needs to pull a mob out of a camp for kill tasks and at the moment my only really long range spell is mezz, so I mezz the mob, back up a bit, draw sword and shield, and then sit down and do my nails while I wait for the mezz to wear off and the mob to run towards me. It's effective enough but there must be a faster way... :p


Hehehe... must be extremely annoying to have to use mez to pull, especially at later levels :D


Surely lull is better for pulling? I think it has a longer range than mez as well.

(PS I don't have any idea if it even works, but I _think_ i have seen it being done).


I'll give it a try tonight. I confess I haven't really done my homework with the bard, and I'm not exactly sure how lullaby works and when to use it. :p I was very proud to have spent some time in a parth hunting party yesterday - my first full group of 8 ever (for some strange inconceivable reason no-one ever invited my ranger but everybody loves a bard) and I think I did okay, we managed to keep almost everybody alive and we all got good exp.


Paladins off course. We go to the mob, when we reach aggro range it's pulled. piece of cake:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p


Best pulling class in all three realms has to be an Armsman, with an xbow(so long as they have bolts!).

Otherwise in Albion, caster classes can pull with debuffs. In one group I was pulling with my debuff and a Paladin with healchant, would stand close by. The mob would run towards me, then suddenly turn and go for the Paly :)

Any strategy which gets agro onto your tanks ASAP, is a strategy worth holding on to ;)


IMO the best puller is the person who understands his groups capabilities the best.

Any class can excel at pullin provided they;

a:) know wot the group can handle
b:) communicate well
c:) listen to their team mates and act accordingly

Any class following those ideas can normally pull successfully for a group - especially at higher levels where tanks rarely miss taunts ;)



Originally posted by Chenuba
Paladins off course. We go to the mob, when we reach aggro range it's pulled. piece of cake:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
Then, you go to RvR feeling all good and die horribly.


Bard pull

I always use confusing cadence cast, not quite the range, but good enough. Even shout can pull from a reasonable distance I find.


Originally posted by Vell
In addition - 'true' tanks generally don't have any way to pull. Maybe it's different in other realms, but Midgard Warriors only have thrown weapons, which have the range of a flicked bogey.

We tend to use the thane to pull if we have one in a group, second choice is the hunter and third choice would be a low level bolt from runey or defence debuff from a spiritmaster.

I guess it depends on the individual make up of each group. I know what you mean about a warriors long range capabilities though ;)


Originally posted by LegoPirate
IMO the best puller is the person who understands his groups capabilities the best.

Any class can excel at pullin provided they;

a:) know wot the group can handle
b:) communicate well
c:) listen to their team mates and act accordingly

Any class following those ideas can normally pull successfully for a group - especially at higher levels where tanks rarely miss taunts ;)


aye too true, cept paladins etc who have no ranged pulling at all :D

Problem with scouts pulling is you dont want to have to have a hard time taunting the mob off, my wizard can pull fine with a bolt by using my very first bolt spell (which does about 5 damage on purples) and it is easy for tanks to remove the aggro with one hit.

I still reckon tanks should be doing the pulling unless there really is a need for the extra range and then the ranged classes should wait until the mob is into melee with the tank before letting loose. Mezzers can mezz any of the mobs in this case (well if it is cast before it gets into melee range), it is very unlikely a tank is going to be doing enough damage to enrage the mob, and if the mob is damaged it wont aggress on the mezzer if his spell fails.


Aint read all replies so sorry of i repeat someone else.

but as a Thane I can say we make excellent pullers till level 40, ie anywhere except BaF Central Malmo.

We do not have lame hp, on the contrary, we r the only tank that can pull with a nice visible spell (Lightning) and soak up damage, leaving Healers without aggro to mez at will.

Once you hit Malmo/<insert Alb/Hib Epic Zone here> then its the robed casters turn to pull, they got the range to pull and get back to camp spot before they take any damage and leave enuff time for healers to mez.

Healers make the absolut worst pullers in epic situatiuons because of the baf, if they dont mez em all, all the adds will atcak the puller unless someone peels em all, not a good situation to put a healer in is it?

Skalds make excellent pullers, if not the best pullers, when you want as little BaF as possible, because they can use snare which usually gets less BaF than a than pull and has great range and the pulled mob is clearly evident as it crawls towards u at a snared pace.

Once again, us Thanes make best pullers till level 40 IMO


I've no idea about high levels...

but fighting groups of 3 I find it handy to pull with a root as my wizard... then sprint back, and root the third, whilst the second gets pounded by the rest.

If you're going to pull with bolts for range - use the lowest level bolt you have...

Can bards use a lower level mezz? if you can pull with a 6 second or something mezz you'll not have to wait so long...

(or do they get theirs overwritten like clerics and friars do? and no nice collapsing spell list like mages)

Madonion Slicer

Cant see whats wrong with a tank and a crossbow, you can get bolts with excellent range, and we dont mind the aggro, simple.


Aye Laughing, if I was playing in TinCan land (GOD FORBID), I too would say the TinCans theselves would make best pullers :)


Best puller in hib imo is the champion, since we have insta dd with 1500 range for faster pulling than other classes, and we are tanks so we can handle the aggro, also if needs be we can insta snare an add if the bard is asleep ;)

However, the true most impotrant thing for a puller is that they know what their group is capable of. If the puller knows that, whatever class they are, the whole party will do fine.

oh and a bard can pull using lullaby should they need to be puller (can't imagine why unless they're soloing, and a bard soloing?!? ROFL)



I'm playing Hibernia non-stop now on MLF and IMO the best puller there is an eldritch using nearsight.

1. 2300 range pulls, nothing beats that.
2. 2 seconds casting time, nothing beats that.
3. Extremely low aggro using this spell.

A bit more in depth...

1. 2300 range owns to pull mobs as you can stay miles away from the aggro zone and yet still pull a mob from it. I hate it when a hero is pulling, runs into range and you see mobs spawn behind him. :)

2. Pulling time means everything when you are chainpulling. Again, readying a bow and all that blahblah. I always prefer a non-bow pull for the simple reason that it takes less long. Nightshades and champions make great pullers too.

3. Casters pulling with a DD or bolt (even worse) are just asking to get killed because they get a LOAD of aggro at once. But the nearsight doesn't do any damage and does very minor aggro to the mob. Every hit by another player easily takes the mob of the eldritch.


a) PBAE groups
Here it's best that the tanks pull because more mobs initially target the puller. I prefer NS or champ here but hero/warden with bow is nice too.

b) mess-em-then-whack-em
In this case I prefer the mess/root pull. Whether it's a druid pulling with root or a bard pulling with a mess is about the same.


Originally posted by laughingboy
Cant see whats wrong with a tank and a crossbow, you can get bolts with excellent range, and we dont mind the aggro, simple.
Simple really, isn't it :)

Solid, there is nothing more annyoing than calling albion tanks tincans... although the only tank I have now is a mercenary with chain armor, which you dumb midgardians wear also ;)
I still think trolls look extremely dumb, I mean they are just large legged piles of lard that you might just touch with a polearm.... dwarves are these people who have been compressed from all sides. You know they look as wide as they are tall. Kobolds have been dumped in toxic waste of some sort and norsemen are just plain hilarious with those helmets they wear with the nose protector and all. :)


It depends on where you are fighting. In dungeons I find it alot better if a healer pulls (mezz pulls or whatever), good for Varulvhamn and Spindel in Midgard. In epic battlegrounds then you're a fool if you let anything but those low hp casters pull... :)


Healers make the absolut worst pullers in epic situatiuons because of the baf, if they dont mez em all, all the adds will atcak the puller unless someone peels em all, not a good situation to put a healer in is it?

Skalds make excellent pullers, if not the best pullers, when you want as little BaF as possible, because they can use snare which usually gets less BaF than a than pull and has great range and the pulled mob is clearly evident as it crawls towards u at a snared pace.

amazing how some1 can get to lvl 50 and still talk so much nonsense :rolleyes:



Isn't it funny how everyone says that thier class is the best for pulling.

Allow me to reiterate/explain why I believe the primary mezzer should be the one pulling.

In order to mezz at my most effective, I need to be in complete control of the situation. Do we all agree on that?
Well, how can I be in complete control unless I know exactly what is being pulled, and what mobs are going to come with it. When I pull, I can tell 99% of the time exactly how many, and which, mobs are going to come. Sure, occasionally I get it wrong <cough>re-incarnate orms<cough>, but most of the time, I know.

So, in order to be most effective at mezzing, I need to be the one pulling. I think if you gave most healers the chance to pull, they (after a bit of pratice) would agree that it's better that way.

I have to agree though that a shaman root pull is very effective too, because it incapacitates a mob immediately too.

Oh, and Solid...what he said. :p

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