who hates beggars?


Tesla Monkor

I don't mind people asking 5s for a horsie ride to god knows where. Anyone asking for 'money, plzzzz' (plz, m8 and all that other crap really annoys the heck out of me. Lazy typists.), gets told to go kill stuff. If they continue to ask, and they're guilded, I contact their GM and file a complaint. If you're in a guild, they should be the ones helping you.. :p


"plz" bugs me, dunno why......i had a level 5 ask me for like 5g when i was trying to get lumber....i told him i was broke anyway(30g) i needed to spend that on repairs and perhaps he could ask me later for help....and he went away... :)

I have been known in the past to donate 5g to some newbs....but its rare now, i dont like handing out free passes and whilst it may suck farming green cons for cash, ive done it many a time :)


I hate beggars... i never give 'em any money... i think its sad the new begging trend thats poped up a month or two ago.
why cant ppl hunt for the money like everyone had to do from the start? I sometimes wonder if some people think goa gave us 100g just becuase we joined the daoc-train early on...
I say, dont give away large amount of money to beggers (more than 1g), give them a buff or a friendly advice where to hunt instead.
Support your crafter, they deserve it :clap:


lol about 'plz' dont see anything wrong with it, neither do I see it as lazy... as you typed 'GM' and '5s' instead of guild master and silver :) think its just a personal prejudice :) each to their own though and im sure beggars get annoying( :rolleyes: ) just personally havent seen any yet but im still a lowbie :D

Roo Stercogburn

I think 'PLZ' bugs people since its abbreviating a courtesy into something that sounds insincere. Just a thought.

Have to say, I nearly gave up at level 4, had made mistakes, green cons were owning me, etc... I was getting very frustrated. It was only when someone helped me out that I got over that hurdle, made it to lvl5 and haven't looked back since. I didn't beg, but was sooooooo grateful for that help. Occasionally I would ask someone to explain something if they had time, but that was all.


I have a bag full of charged items and everytime a grey con even tryes to speak to me I Zap! the crap out of him. If they still come back after the rez I just ignore then and tell terrible lies about them to everyone I know.

ROFLOL Cordain!!!!

I never expected anything less nasty from a nasty like you!!

WICKED fun :D :D :D


I don't give to anyone who asks - it's easier that way.

I do have some low level alts, and if I group with some people who do have first char's then I'll give them some cash - it helps us all in the end.

old.Faye Arwen

We all know how hard it is in the beginning with keeping your armor up-to-date, same goes for weapons and shield, Im always having trouble getting the armor after the one you get from drops at level two so :p

But in the other hand of course you dont give money to people who bugs you about it and doesnt appreciate it. I have found nice drops at various places sometimes that I can't use, so I hand it over to someone else, and doesnt even get a 'thanks' so that ticks you off, but still, I DO give money to people who seems to be nice and so on.. some of them still speak to me and have reached level 37 nowadays so it pays off, some turns out to be real friends :)

and for the short names stuff, I hate "noob,n00bs,pls,plz" dunno why :p
we have all been "n00bs" so its just the "eliteplayers" who says it to stay elite? :p

Have fun all :)


I have no problem with shortenings like; plz, thx, m8, cya, rdy, grp, etc, etc... i use them myself and its not that i dont appriciate the help i get or beeing insincere... its just that i write too slow so some ppl run away before i can write "Thank you for the buff mate" (altho my typing is improved every day)
When it comes to the term n00b and noob, i dislikes it and only uses it when im joking or mad. Just becuace u are lower level doesnt meen u are a newbie.... i was called noob at lvl 35 by someone a few higher levels than me and it still buggs me everytime i see the person.


I try to keep it nice and simple.

I am a weaponcrafter, and new player who needs help, I will craft them a new weapon for free (Bronze, Iron etc ...)

Anyone who asks for 5 Silver for a horse gets it, nothing more annoying then trying to get somewhere and all between are Purp with Aggro.

As for other beggars I reply with /ignore ... anyhow I am a crafter and therefore permanently skint ;)

I hunt, XP, get cash Craft and hunt again (with a bit of dying in the middle) :rolleyes:



I think crafters get to see the most beggars - particularly if we are sitting by the forge or running consignments - I for one filled up my /ignore file in a coupla days and now am forced to recycle people who hopefully left the game.

If im in generous mood I'll make and enchant full suits of armor and give em away to unguilded characters but I never give in response to a request just on principle (except to mates of course!).

If we dont give they will either go and earn it or leave the game - eithers fine with me!

old.Ayam Ganbatte


Slow image download time. Enjoy.

old.Max Payne

Yeah, we on midgard has a guild named Children of Beggars...

They ported to emain and they pulled guard if you didn't gave them money :)

Roo Stercogburn

Lol Max... but annoying, that's basically blackmail. Give us your cash or we spoil the game for you. Not quite the same as begging, just done under the guise of begging. Wonder how many peeps wished it was a PvP server right then and there :)


I am completely with Hendrick on this issue, Spending all my ( and a lot of my guildmates) cash in crafting currently to 700 in armor I do not appreciate people asking me for cash the whole time, and they do, on occasions I have also seen people get a horse all the way to cornwall just to ask the crafters for cash.

When in Cam however I do watch the broadcast chat page and give people advice/answers to questions in private sends and also get people to stick to me and i will take them where they need to go if they do not know the way.. I have also been known to make a set of armor for unguilded low lvls. I have NEVER give money to anyone begging though.

I addition to that, I have been lucky enough to have had lots of hand me down dropped items from guildmates but other than that have got to my lvl on my own merit without the need to beg from anyone

Originally posted by old.Hendrick
I've spent 650 skill points of weaponcrafting in Camelot, and after that I often came/come there for various things, and I always find a beggar. When I was crafting, those guys used to step up to the forge, and say something like "Can I have some cash plz" etc. When I am running around camelot, I oftne get shouts like "Wait" etc. I wait, say helo, brace myself, and then the inevitable "could you spare some gold" turns up. My stance on this: NO!
I don't ever give away gold to anyone, even guildmembers have to give me a reason (emblem and crafting is the only thing I really accept). I spend tons of cash on my craft, and I just decided to be strict. I need every copper coin I can get, therefore nothing ever goes out to some guy who is just too lazy to work for himself, or too stupid to make friends to help him out. The problem is: If you start giving gold to Person A, very soon Person B and C will say "you gave to Person A, now ffs gimme cash too m8".
I've been asked by people from other guilds, by individuals and in the different kinds of ways. Actually, once a guy was even polite enough to write a full sentence. Still, I don't give gold away. There are far more people in my guild or on my friends list, who actually deserve my help and receive weapons for free.
I don't like beggars, and never will.


Some one....

When i started my thane there was a guy, havent seen him since, and have forgotten his name, that dragged my into jordheim and gave me armor and weapons that lasted my until lvl 20. I'm gratefull for this, and i know there are givin peoples. I cant say i never used please. but only do this to ask for a buff or two, pot mainly since i can use my magic's more... And solo yellows faster...


I've worked damn hard to get where I have. I haven't begged, I've always made an effort to say thanks when someone's buffed or rezzed me, with or without me asking. I've been grateful to all those higher levels who've donated an item to me.

I've spent a lot of time xping and crafting and I didn't do it so some lazy sod can beg for that money. If you're particularly polite in a request I might give you an old item I no longer need, but don't bug me about it if I don't.

What annoys me more than anything else is the people who spend so much time begging that if they'd got off their lazy asses and actually hunted for a while would have earned cash AND xp for themselves.

Oh, and the next person who just sends me "wait" before begging is going to catch hell. :flame:

Natorum DeMontus, proud member of The Fallen
Level 3x armsman


Sceenario that works

Lasher: <running through Camelot>

Pathetic tosser: "wait"

Lasher: yes?

Pathetic tosser: "cash now plzzz" (seriously)

Lasher: "ok mate, 50G be enough?"

Pathetic tosser: "k"

Lasher: "do /stick"

Pathetic tosser: "k"

Lasher: <continues journey to Sauvage and beyond>

Pathetic tosser: "y u do this?"

Lasher: "You waste my time, I'm wasting yours. Good day to you, Sir"


As a fair newb myself, im glad to say ive never begged, not because i dont need anything, its because that alot of the time (not always but almost half) i ask a question of a older player, i get 1. Ignored 2. Insulted 3. Ridiculed.

So i now dont ask at all.

I do accept donations if they are given freely, at around lvl 5 i was given a few items (not rare or magical) and i was genuinely grateful.

Then a few days later, 5 minutes after my girlfriend made a character someone gave her 10 gold. Now thats a hell of a lot for a lvl 1 character.

I agree that begging should be done in a polite way, but not all newb are annoying and abusive, just the same that not all Vets are nice and helpfull.
It works both ways.

old.The McScrooges

There are beggers and there are b3gg3erZ.

If someone asks politely and with a well thought out request I'll give them something.

But I don't give to another guild's members, characters with dyed costume, characters 2 levels lower than myself or to aggressive persistant beggers.

Think everyone is happy to help out, well most people, but we don't want to help out idiots.

Begging is a last ditched effort when you're really stuck, not a career.


well i may give people gold when i think they are nice sometimes people come and say "wow thats a nice emblem" or "nice colors on your armor" or just come and want to talk to them i usally give more then they need cause i think they are nice people but to the beggers that say "money plz" or some shit like that are just anoying.

but this is a roleplaying game and it is the dark ages so beggers are a part of roleplaying to =)



Only thing I dont like , I got myself to lvl 25 with my Thane mostly solo , no guild , yet I have people from guilds constantly asking for stuff ? When I tell them all I have is what I've found and look above my head "no guildname" I dont have a lot , they usually leave , or I ask why does'nt your guild help ? , I have never gotten a decent answer why ,weird :) Usually I walk around giving non guild members stuff I have grown out of or are no use to my character type so never have too much anyway .But on a different note I was helping transfer cash last night and was on my ranger when a low level with a guild stopped me and asked if I could give them some cash for an upgrade on armour , this guy was very civil using "pleases" "sir" , you get the picture , appealing to one's vanity :p , anyway he said he could'nt afford it has his guild was new , I was going to find out the price and buy it for him , he was only lvl 5 , I turned the corner and the group he was with were there at the guild registrar all low lvls and skint , so I welcomed them , wished them good fortune in their new guild and proceeded to give them 2g each , not a lot but they were extremely grateful . Totally different situations even though all had guilds , but the last were new and not well established like others .Waffle waffle waffle...................


I started DaoC after having 12 lvl 80-90 + characters in DiabloII. I was a newbee again. I was so happy that at lvl 9 a guy named Kryst bought me some chain and gave great advise.

- Pathfinder -

Bloody Dutch :p Stick to a semi-civilized language will you, and not the fake German conversion :p


Thank you guys :),
My wife made up the name when she saw how much time i spend with her :p and when she saw her great looks. She is in all green plate. To bad she uses a full helmet which ruins her hair....

fake German conversion

that hurts!


i sometimes feel kind.

like 1 time i gave a lvl1 person 40gold and loads of items, her name was idara.

about a week later she is lvl40 and im still 35.....ARGH!!!

i cry myself to sleep every night now

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