

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
The only difference between the 2 specs is the ae instant mezz, WHEN you use that instant mezz its because you are left without a choice and need to stop ppl in their tracks, so the 10s difference between the 2 doesnt matter really.

When you get alot of experience and high rr, when you play regulary with a buffbot, you dont use the instant mezz much...except vs NP because that guy got frikkin insane aiming skills


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Imo only reason to spec above 44 pac nowadays is for the last AE stun for sm PL trips :) With so many people having Field of Power, power wont be an issue in pve.

Spread Heal v pom5 and better insta mezz you would want spread heal. Its far more worth in rvr than a few secs longer mezz and tiny bit faster power regen.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Sinnica said:
Atleast I admit it. Read the whole thread. I should probably be the one whining on the group instead. :| But as osmeone said "pickup group".


Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2004
whining? how about lame

well u got moaned at - try being lvl 24 in vendo lvling with a grp then someone purple to u calls for heals and u try to heal them but with them being purple u do swat all really :/
Then the person grps with u and moans further on and then continues after disbanding the grp to constantly kill my new groups pulls <how lame> and then the fool has spent the last 5mnths moaning at u for not healing you and theres loads more to it - thats master pimp the gimp gimmly for u m8 - look at some of the other stuff in the forums about him, u get moaned at - lol i had to put up with him.
ppl need to learn its hard for healers to heal sometimes, and at lvl50 in rvr its even harder since a green pet can bloody put u off healing lol - even a spreadheal uses a fair whack of power, u heal u get wrong for not stunning,u stun u get wrong for not healing - harsh world -all healers go aug and lets thank! roar :p :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
May 21, 2004
Deadman:Reloaded said:
well u got moaned at - try being lvl 24 in vendo lvling with a grp then someone purple to u calls for heals and u try to heal them but with them being purple u do swat all really :/
Then the person grps with u and moans further on and then continues after disbanding the grp to constantly kill my new groups pulls <how lame> and then the fool has spent the last 5mnths moaning at u for not healing you and theres loads more to it - thats master pimp the gimp gimmly for u m8 - look at some of the other stuff in the forums about him, u get moaned at - lol i had to put up with him.
ppl need to learn its hard for healers to heal sometimes, and at lvl50 in rvr its even harder since a green pet can bloody put u off healing lol - even a spreadheal uses a fair whack of power, u heal u get wrong for not stunning,u stun u get wrong for not healing - harsh world -all healers go aug and lets thank! roar :p :flame:

Amen to that, let em use theyr bloody bb's to heal :twak:



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
Im speced 39 mend / 37 aug and i think it roxz.. still i miss the instas and AE mezz...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
I agree actualy, healers are a hard class to play, bouth in pve and rvr. And as most ppl have, I have also complained about healing. I mainly play tank classes, so if a healer cant heal, its my foult not the healer, cuz the healer wants nothing else than keeping his team m8s alive.
I have a good eksample of this, the other day we tried to take Eremai with 2 tanks and 2 BB's, that usealy works oki, but a centaur healer baffed.... ofc we sendt one tank on the healer, and I tanked Eremai, but Eremai hits hard, but slow, eventhough a BB should be able to keep me alive without much problems, but by healing me, the shamys got agro from the healer, something I didnt see, and ofc I got pissed at the shamys for not healing me... and it ended in death ;)
This is a typical "tank" reaction, and is hard to supress, but when you look at it later, its pretty obvious that it was the 2 tanks that did something wrong not the shamys, they had to heal like crazy to compansate for the 600ish Eremai did each hit. So stop the bitching when seers cant heal you, its not like they dont WANT to heal you.. in most cases anyway :worthy:
And im guessing that atos is Trollum due to the signature on the first post's.. if not forgive me, but LOOOOL... :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I don't bitch when it hapens now and then.. but several times a row. And duh did you figure that out on your own? :p Grats?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2004
atos said:
Atleast I admit it. Read the whole thread. I should probably be the one whining on the group instead. :| But as osmeone said "pickup group".

You told your group they dont deserve to play with you? or why did you take offence of what I wrote? :p
ill quote from the original poster again,

No thanks i'll leave myself. You don't deserve to play along side me.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Araudry, yes plz I need some buffs, can you send ur BB to MPK later and buff me plz? :wub:
And Trollum, heh seriously "No thanks i'll leave myself. You don't deserve to play along side me." is like the funnyest thing I have ever heard. Its rather you that dont deserve to play along side the rest of the mids if you are even close to meaning that. :twak:

EDIT: And trollum, that bitching part was a general statment, not meant explicetly for you, but that LOOOOL was meant for you :kissit:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
tbh..... everyone says things they regret, and ill defend trollum here since i say stupid things quite often, but people always forgive me :fluffle:

oh and have some cheese:



Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2004
think ppl need to also rememer some of the amazing feats healers pull of at times<healing being one of them> lol - this topic reminds me when i took my lvl38healer into rvr and no shit - tanked with the fucker lol...got a RR4HibbyFirby on my own...sounds hard to believe but the gimp turned and ran and had this lil healer buffed stuck to him...so if healers can make misstake - who ever this tank was made the misstake - green/grey con. healer tanking you to death? Spose poor firby was running crying for heals lol...ehhh, memories of my little tanking spree lol - good old days, miss DAoC in a way, but its funny to read the forums n that now and again - pissing my self at the whole master pimp/gimmly thing cuz i knew that dude was a rude twat since the beggining of the year but i was "being harsh" apparently. Neway enuff memories think i gone off topic..ever so slighlty :p

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