which class will YOU use for pvp?



Originally posted by Dannyn
Hey, they have 2 swords! That's double damage. and an extra sword with TW for TRIPLE damage! And they have uber evade 3 and studded! And parry! And 360 degree evasion!

yeah they still can't hit for toffe :D

seeing a guildmate of mine (blademaster) get pure meelee'd to death by a scout was the funniest :) granted the scout was red con to him but that' easily ignorable :m00:



You can get to over 100 skill with not alot of money, but I'm going to be playing until at least level 20 before starting to craft. Then after that I will probably be taken into a nice guild or will fund the crafting using crafting tasks. Granted, not as fast as powerlevelling tthe crafting, but you make some money with it.


Originally posted by old.Charonel
yeah they still can't hit for toffe :D

seeing a guildmate of mine (blademaster) get pure meelee'd to death by a scout was the funniest :) granted the scout was red con to him but that' easily ignorable :m00:
They are clearly not specced right. Also PvP has no to-hit modifier based on level don't forget. Just wait, my BM will make even mattshanes' merc look like a gimp!


Originally posted by Dannyn
well I shall be playing blademaster, they're uber!

might do one too ;)

they're actually not half bad come 1.52 ;)


Anyone who makes a Theurgist for PvP is quite possibly insane, check the US severs and see that the Thuergist is the lowest ranked class for a very good reason. Average at best damage output compared to many caster class and a limited range of offence. Mezz with poor range and radius, pets are useless unless in pure 1-on-1 combat and your oppopent has no instas. PBT = Not a blind bit of difference if a PvP melee as 1st hit is blocked and then you are dead. The 6 sec PBT and the insta haste debuff will help in melee but then you are stuck with the baseline nuke and huge variance because you spec earth to high and Ice is under 2/3. Seriously, don't roll a Theurgist unless you have some very good friends you are going to play with everyday. Pretty much everyother class in the game can solo us blindfolded if they are melee or if the got instas.


On the topic of enchanters and to some extent theurgs a large portion of the population (guess which class the other portion played ;) ) would kill them on sight, you want reasons? here you go.


Possibly the most annoying class ever, hundreds of them around and very hard to kill normally, even if you get the jump on them. What is really bad is when they jump on buildings, hide in troll guards or do other very annoying things like that. It's a shame that a few (well, quite a few on andred) idiots made the class practically KoS to some people. Hell, I was in a group with someone who killed luri's on sight just in case they were chanters who had parked there pet somewhere.


3 words

Air..... pet..... stun. very annoying and you are dead if the caster starts chain casting on you. even if the pets do hit for crap you can't move will die in the end.

don't be surprised to run into fort atla at level 20 and have some level 12 enchanter stood on a roof try to kill you.

Just to annoy those enchanters out there though heres a tip :)
if a enchanter pet attacks with nukes, run at it and melee it. they hit for very low damage and can't nuke when in combat. If the enchanter is higher than you or you don't want to fight, just hit the pet once and run, the pet will just try to melee you then :)

On the actual topic subject ;)
I played a Thane on andred and I want to try something different now. Zerkers are unbelievably good up until 30-35 so I might make one of them, as a main though I'm thinking either shadowzerker (one of the few midgard class specs I haven't played) or maybe a warden. However I might make a cabby just to get the unsummon pet RA (is it cabbys?) to use on chanters :D :D :D :D :p


Severing the tether RA (to make pets aggro their owner) is mentalist. Could be nasty on a chanter. :D
Chanter attacks ment, ment QC stuns chanter, chanter's pet kicks seven shades of shit out of chanter, ment also kicks chanter about. Chanter dies. :p


ta dannyn, think I've just found my new PvP server class :)


well im going to be playing a healer.
should be able to beat a chanter fairly easy i think.
and if i get ganked i will find where the ppl are exping and go mezz them all mid fight. then stun the tank thats being beaten on. then do that for all of them till they are dead :D


Originally posted by Dannyn

They are clearly not specced right. Also PvP has no to-hit modifier based on level don't forget. Just wait, my BM will make even mattshanes' merc look like a gimp!

note to self, wait till dannyan is orange con and start routinly nuking her :) easy kills lvl you fast i've heared :D


Originally posted by -dewey-
ta dannyn, think I've just found my new PvP server class :)
BM I hope!! :D

As for you Charonel, can you at least spell my name right? (Danyan or Dannyn is fine, but don't try to mangle them together :p)


I was just thinking about a new hib hybrid I may try out for a laugh!! I call it the Nightmaster!!! A mix between a nightshade and blademaster (naturally a luri ;) ), same sort of thing as a SZ. Also I may try out a melee scout, dex as main stat + full shield :D hmm, maybe I think I'll go check out spec lines for a Nightmaster and Armscout ;)


That post actually had me laughing out loud in the office I am gonna get told off by the boss now

Always a pleasure to be of service :)


Technically, a wind spec theurgist has the same nuke as a light mentalist, darkness runie or light chanter. Plus, given the pets' level-based to-hit factor is removed, they hit a lot. Pet-bombing a higher level to death is entirely possible. The AEmezz is, if not amazing, good enough for a lot of PvE purposes and also useful for PvP escapes. You get speed, you get PBT, you get baseline damage add/haste.
No, theurgist is by no means a poor class for PvP....

Solid: please, a hunter? What the HELL for? :E Really has nothing to recommend it over scout/ranger unless you think the pet makes up for totally inferior melee dmg output AND inferior ranged bow output, and frankly lower defence due to the lower evade lvl.
Archers are rare enough on PvP than you can make a ranger or scout and not feel like a flavour-of-the-month char, though I did see a fair few scouts admittedly.

Severing the tether.... oh MY yes. Saw a chanter-only guild try to take total control of Fort Atla in midgard for an hour or 2, there were about 10 underhill pets right in the entrance.
I think you can guess what some passing mentalist did... :)
Totally hilarious to watch, although my own weedy spiritmaster pet also attacked me - very wierd since I was lvl 7 and supposedly immune to PvP, at the time.


a kobbie sb. and xp my way to 50 killing orange con casters :D :clap:


I'm going to make a luri chanter camp gna lake and kill anything that moves. Then get mastry of water 4 and when I kill ppl ill send everyone of them a tell saying how uber I am and what a newb they are. Its going to be a right laugh. :clap: :clap:


i think im gonna make a celt mentalist with alot in holism for the best power regen. then im gonna prance around buffing everyone and smell the flowers. ahhh pvp is gonna be great :)


i really want a only lurikeen casters/chanterguild. i am going to play a chanter b/c i know it can own everyone. and a pure guild with lurikeen caster/chanters would be great. Heared that nick(alb infiltrator) and steph(alb minstrel) is going to make a chanter and a mentalist...... would like to be apart of that gang and kick som ass ;) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:


There's an <Annoying Lurikeens> but AFAIK they're not chanter-only. :>


Originally posted by old.LandShark
There's an <Annoying Lurikeens> but AFAIK they're not chanter-only. :>

Well only as it is just lurikeens ;).

THose litle midgets are so cute and cuddly. But a pure casterguild with lurikeens would be most fun. keeptaking would be strange, but as mentalist and chanters can have pets it could work fine, and with some rams. Well there is no stopping.. muuahahaahaha...

I want a guild like that, but i do not want to be a solo guildmaster or something.... Well think about it ;) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:


Lurikeen caster guild = KOS to 99% of the rest of the guilds in the game. Not my idea of fun. :p


Also Lurikeen only guilds will have no resser :(


KoS is fun. a feared guild. muuahahah. i think it is fun. but if you can't take the heat. don't join the greatest guild bla bla bla*jibberish* etc etc ;). well no ressers is not so good, but make some alliance, or just some friends with other guilds and promise not to kill them right away ;) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:


I'll be a cheeky Celt bard :)

Run quickly jumping up n down, shout AoE mezz and then mah groupies rip a group of red/purp con apart :) one by one.... im gonna be ewul !!! Now all i need to do is find myself a few zerkers, a healer/cleric and possibly a runie :)


BUt like. i want pvp now and i want some neat guilds. like noooww ;).. my lurikeen manachanter wants blood. could make 2-3 guilds in a speciall alliance with lurikeen casters,tanks(meatshields and other gimps) and support(healers,musicgits,rest of the casters that are not lurikeens).:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:


i think ill make a Scout / Hunter and a skald


Druid, probably. May get killed a lot but hey, at least I will have a pet tree.



Originally posted by old.linnet
Druid, probably. May get killed a lot but hey, at least I will have a pet tree.


that tree sure makes up for it :rolleyes:

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