which class will YOU use for pvp?



just wondering, but which class are you all planning on using for the pvp server (even if it's only to be a casual player on there, with your main(s) still on the regular servers, like me:))?

personally i was thinking of a luri light/enchantments enchanter, the following reasons:

1: I've heared that they're great on pvp servers even though they're a cloth caster, not sure why though, i can't work it out personally :)

2: They are VERY easy to level with that spec when soloing, and can nuke well for a group, perhaps not as good grouped as with a mana chanter, but let's face it, they dont need to be :) i'm leveling one now and find that whenever i go to solo i think "i'll just kill a few then log off" then you realise when you glance at your xp bar after killing those "few" that you've somehow managed to get 7 bubs of xp :p soloing oranges with no downtime just rocks. and because however much i'd like an infil, i just dont have the heart to level another stealther :p leveled so many chars now that anything else i start will have to be totally overpowered in pve (i'm thinking along the lines of minstrel, enchanter, rangers (possibly, only to 40ish though, this is because they're great for solo pve against trees :) but they're a stealther, i'd like to group at least once or twice:))

3: Money, on pvp i'd think that during low levels you'd be constnatly buying back con, so the fact that you have NOTHING to buy as a chanter, exept the odd focus staff every now and then to make your stupidly efficient light nukes even more efficient, now that should leave cash for con.

but also (and this is the important one) i've found the ease of leveling, the lack of needed cash etc... to make the enchanter damn good fun! i'm loving it :)

so, what about you? and also, could someone please explain why everyone thinks enchanters are so uber for a pvp server? i'd have thought cloth = death sentence in one of those.


I guess enchanters are so good PvP because of pet+qc stun (baseline). You can just park your Luri behind a tree and send the pet to any passers by, QC stun then nuke. Pet will interrupt all but mellee class/insta classes, and a light chanter should be able to take down tanks before they get in range. Range on most instas is not as good as chanter nukes so instas shouldn't be too much of a problem. Pet + stun = ouch. Mana chanters is same gig, just get the stun in the paboe until death. I did read about a purp mana chanter PBAOEing mag mel town centre, killing tons of lowbies just because an infi was stalking her. She got him, and about 30 lowbs hehe.

I have read most chanters are KOSed on the 'dreds though, just because they are so deadly.



I keep asking people ingame "Why a Light Enchanter?" and I keep getting the reply "Because the spec line DD is better than the base one".


So take the base line DD, and on the fact that a manachanter gets a heat debuff, and then work out the damage from there. Ok, so it won't be as powerful as the Light sepc DD, but it won't be far off it (Still hitting yellow con's in RvR for 500+ with Heat debuff). And by speccing for the HEat debuff you also get a handy pbaoe and pet focus damage shield :rolleyes:

Don't know if I will go for an enchanter in PvP server, as I already have a lvl 50 one, and could do with a change. Was thinking of a Minstrel, Champion or Inf...


I Was thinking of playing a theurgist...cos they`re great :) ora skald or both


Probably whatever the Equivalent of a Cleric (from Albion) is on Midgard.


Chanters are popular because there is no LOS on their caster pet and it snare nukes. Park luri behind tree, set pet on passers by. If anyone spots you, qc stun, run, and let the pet snare nuke them. Might be a bit better once snare gets fixed in 1.53 but I doubt it. :p


Bard ---> love the heal + speed combo :) also feels good to play various instruments, i can even perform for money hehe or for mah life :p


Pet class maybe (always easy to level) - there all good tho i think Dark specced SM with lifetap nukes + pet + pbaoe mez could be fun but I'm not starting another!!

Casters are probably easier on pvp because they are least dependant on having decent weapons/armor.

Seriously tempted to go theurgist because they are such a joy to level and the self bladeturn will be a lifesaver!

Albs a bit open to level in tho - I'd prob try Mid - lots of opportunity to level away from prying eyes there.


Originally posted by danskmacabre
Probably whatever the Equivalent of a Cleric (from Albion) is on Midgard.

umm none?

maybe if you took a healer and a thane (that has gotten alot of love from Mythic all of a sudden) , but then again you cant crossclass =)

Wouldnt that be cool.. muticlassing?

Or prestige classes


Originally posted by old.Krusha
maybe if you took a healer and a thane (that has gotten alot of love from Mythic all of a sudden) , but then again you cant crossclass =)

Well, I'm not looking for an Exact match, otherwise I may as well stay on Alb.
So, I guess the Healer would be the main Healing class yes? ;)

I'll probably go with that...


Main healing class in Mid is ,doh, Healer, they get insta heals + CC + chain armor + a beard + target No 1 drawn on their forehead :)


I want something unkillable and really really REALLY overpowered. Can't make my mind up really....


Originally posted by ivan_tribbiani
Main healing class in Mid is ,doh, Healer, they get insta heals + CC + chain armor + a beard + target No 1 drawn on their forehead :)

Ooohh...A beard...I'm sold...:)

old.Trine Aquavit

Main healing class in Mid is ,doh, Healer, they get insta heals + CC + chain armor + a beard + target No 1 drawn on their forehead

Of course you could play a Norseman Healer, equip a 2-Hander and disguise yourself as a Thane :) Or a Norsewoman Healer - less likely to get ganked, but more likely to get drooled on ;)


Originally posted by klavrynd
I want something unkillable and really really REALLY overpowered. Can't make my mind up really....
Considered chanter? :p


As mentioned above, chanters are KOS, and everyone and their dogs is gonna play one


well I shall be playing blademaster, they're uber!


As someone else has said beforehand, I think I'm gonna concentrate on a nice, overpowered, extremely hard to kill Weaponsmith. Anyone who kills me doesn't get a nice weapon except through their head :)


Hey, they have 2 swords! That's double damage. and an extra sword with TW for TRIPLE damage! And they have uber evade 3 and studded! And parry! And 360 degree evasion!


gonna make a skald and a berserker... why? becuse i wanna play some mid tanks and there is only 2 english servers :p


Originally posted by old.Krusha
maybe if you took a healer and a thane (that has gotten alot of love from Mythic all of a sudden) , but then again you cant crossclass =)

Que? A lot of lovong? name it please sir, and how those changes effect PvP? Only beneficial change effecting PvP is increased damage on our Insta DD bolt.

Oh and there is no equivalent of a Cleric in either realm, if u want a cleric type char, pick the cleric, no other class is like it.

Personbally I am gonna go Friar, tho will dabble with a max Bow/Stealkth, high beast Kobold Hunter (sniper, can 1shot greens and the like maybe :D


Originally posted by old.Arnor

Ahahhahahahahahahah....good one....<wipes a tear>

That post actually had me laughing out loud in the office I am gonna get told off by the boss now


Originally posted by Dannyn
Might be a bit better once snare gets fixed in 1.53 but I doubt it. :p

Atm snare has a very mild effect and slowly inreases to 99% root before breaking, as its duration timer ticks away. When it's fixed, it will start at its maximum extent (not 99% btw) and fade out. Which, fine, makes more sense, but does mean that it's no easier for you if you have a chanter pet snaring you.

It's all very well to say that chanters will be on everyone's Kill-on-sight, but they're disgustingly difficult to kill; a manachanter with mastery of concentration is a truly hideous thing to try and ambush, they just make toast out of you unless you are a ranged DD-specialized caster (e.g. light chanter/ment, darkness runie/SM).

Still, to answer the original poster, I'm going for a light mentalist, or possibly a melee-spec ranger. I will be stopping my levelling at lvl9 and spellcrafting to very high levels, however, so my choice of class is pretty secondary right now...


Originally posted by Solid

Que? A lot of lovong? name it please sir, and how those changes effect PvP? Only beneficial change effecting PvP is increased damage on our Insta DD bolt.

i didnt mean they HAD gotten alot of loving, i was merely paiting a picture of how a mid equivalent of a Cleric would be.. hence a Thane that has gotten a lot of love, and a healer in one.... maybe it was a bad choice of wording, if so i stand corrected, i know that thanes isnt that loved.. as many classes in DAoC :(.


Originally posted by old.LandShark

It's all very well to say that chanters will be on everyone's Kill-on-sight, but they're disgustingly difficult to kill; a manachanter with mastery of concentration is a truly hideous thing to try and ambush, they just make toast out of you unless you are a ranged DD-specialized caster (e.g. light chanter/ment, darkness runie/SM).


I'm usually easy to kill.... as long as you don't use melee :)

Still, to answer the original poster, I'm going for a light mentalist, or possibly a melee-spec ranger. I will be stopping my levelling at lvl9 and spellcrafting to very high levels, however, so my choice of class is pretty secondary right now...

Remember, your choice of craft trade is limited to waht class you are. If you want to go for a Hib class and do Spellcrafting you have to got for a Druid, Eldritch, Enchanter, or Mentalist.


Theurgist? That´s a joke too isn´t that? Wanna pbt? Make a RM 4 the god sake :)

I´ll prolly be somekind of skald/healer/scout/infil/SB.

Reasons r more than clearly, they r balanced or a tad more powerful that it should be.

Caster as a mana chanter... bleh hate em :p Actually a RM or a Light mentalist/chanter would be funny... But I know by experience how freaking fast a caster drops so... preferable some insta owner, speed class or stealth classes.

Just as a Side note, u notice that no hib class´s chosen as some UBER class? A hero as a tank or a champ as an ok hybrid, though pally with new changes seems to be interesting.


Although making crafting chars is a great idea, the money has got to come from somewhere. Levelling is pretty easy on RvR servers, because levelling is safe and uninterrupted. PvP is a different beast..where do these people planning on stopping levelling @ 9 to craft to obscenely high levels think the cash will come from ?

Just a question...

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