Where do you get your character names from?



you named your tincan after you GF? she must be honored :rolleyes:



I got mine from Ultima Online for flame strike, Kal Vas Flam :p i wanted Neon, coz I was the first neon to play Ultima.....i think but it's taken by a lvl 50 cleric, my other names eg.....Kayl i just thought of..I usually like stupid names like Garbage Man, or my merc Wet Dreams


you gave your merc /lastname Dreams? he's male :eek6: , no offence, but seems rather weird, don't you think?

old.Rei Ayanami

Let me see:

Rei Ayanami: Shy EVA pilot in Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime), guess it reflected my personality at one time :)

Vash the Stampede: From Trigun (Anime), just like the series in general so took the name Vash for my SB since Vash is a fast gunman :)

Dancingbone: Bonedancer <> Dancingbone, my imagination ^^

Misato Katsuragi: Chief of Operations in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Was when i liked to lead groups and raids around i made this character. Needed a female name and once again my lusts and personality took over and made me choose.

Then i got lots of alts not listen which i can't be arshed to list or explain the names on :) But most if anime related.


Nichneven is a mythical Celtic witch goddess from Wales who would come out at Samhain (Celtic halloween) and ride horses with a band of followers. She is said to be divine and brilliant.... of course, I don't live in Hib, but it seemed the name was more fitting for a shaman anyway :)

Licorice is my most favorite candy in the whole world.. and just happens to be dressed in black... like most shadowblades ;)

Americanpie - well I think that one is self explainatory... and NO it's not from the movie... it's just a saying over here for a cute girl :)

Pumpkin - again, a nickname over here for someone who's cute and little

Anoula - Greek for "little Anna." I went to Greece when I was 6 months old and all the little native children called me Anoula. I guess this gives away my real name ^^ My mother still calls me Anoula from time to time.

Kittenlix - some gobbeldygook thing I made up. She's a valk bd and I swear they look like kitties :p

Maven - although some told me it's the word for "stomach" in Norwegian, that wasn't my intention. Over here Maven means expert, but it's also a common girl's name.

Ondott - Did some kind of survey online and found that my name roughly translated to this old Icelandic name. I think it means "firey-eyed"

Tabbycat - a valk sb ^^



I'm writing a fantasy novel, in which one of the races uses a language I made up based on Latin/Dutch. My first name Ensceptificamuralya means something like 'Alya, being gifted with resistence to poison/disease'; the last name Proximarileyzandretta means 'who is good to have around for protection' ( ;

The name Hithwen was the name one of the first Dungeons & dragons characters I played. Think I got it from Tolkien's elven language, not sure anymore but I liked it ( ;


Attle is accually named after a nice guy from Norway a met in Prague in the summer of 1995. He was uber at drinking beer and picked up girls by pulling their cloths and giving them cigarettes. Anyway I though the name sounded cool and fitted a Norse.

(omg I'm a roleplayer :p )


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
Bracken from the book Duncton Wood
OMG, Bracken, I have thought that a hundred times when I see your name, but I never thought you would have read that book. Ace. :D


Oh, and as for my names... I originally thought up Belomar as a name for my monk in the text-based MUD Toril (or something like that, forgot now). Later, I used it for my EverQuest monk (even if that one didn't level far -- I just wish I remembered my EQ druid's name because I recall it was a good one). When I came to DAoC, I expended a few of my existing names so when I rolled my minstrel and found that it was a great class, he got to be called Belomar. The lastname Fleetfoot came in a little after that when I went looking for a suitable name befitting a fleet-footed minstrel. :)

Cerdin was more or less my internal RPG name generator's work, no essential history behind there... Except I later heard that "Cerdin" is "little pig" in Spanish. ;)

My lowbie reaver is called Crozius -- a name that goes way back when I was a wizard on my own MUD. Those of you with a background in Warhammer 40k might remember it...


RL name is Muylaert Xavier....
Muylaetrix is ... ghaulish flavour of my name... or should sound like that at least.

I think it sounds pretty neat.


Leedo Brucedo - You should be able to figure this one out :p
Kreggur - ...the barbarian, took it from a quiz in a rpg-magazine, nobody seems to use the name anyway :)
Fettoblaster PangPang - uhm, no commment :p

Here i got a collection of chars with 'edible' names like: frukt, hjortron & kaffe... all swedish names ofc :p
Downhill Alpinist - beeing a chanter there is no more to that
Asakura Yoh - Main character in the anime 'Shaman king'

rest of my chars, that i haven't already forgotten, is created from scratch. Some of the chars i remember: Chaf, Cairhen & Hacef
Some people accuse me to have taken an NPC's name from Connla and used it for my bard (Trahg, my first char). Well, i created the name before i actually started to play daoc and the NPC's name is Tadhg (or something) :m00:


Originally posted by old.Rei Ayanami
Let me see:

Rei Ayanami: Shy EVA pilot in Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime), guess it reflected my personality at one time :)

Vash the Stampede: From Trigun (Anime), just like the series in general so took the name Vash for my SB since Vash is a fast gunman :)

Dancingbone: Bonedancer <> Dancingbone, my imagination ^^

Misato Katsuragi: Chief of Operations in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Was when i liked to lead groups and raids around i made this character. Needed a female name and once again my lusts and personality took over and made me choose.

Then i got lots of alts not listen which i can't be arshed to list or explain the names on :) But most if anime related.

omg, i knew there was a rei running around, damn, i love that anime cartoon, /em is a big rei fan

good to see someone with good taste :)


Landshark = long-time online nick... originally from some poem somewhere, some line about the dry-land shark which lurks behind the shed :p

Cheradenine = from an Ian M. Banks book, a good guy who commits suicide after receiving a chair made from his sister's bones from his adoptive brother, who later assumed the identity of the one that commited suicide. Also explains the second name, chairmaker :p

Alt names are mostly from sci-fi books or translations of arabic, just cos I like the way it sounds :>


Kama Sutra--made it up all by myself, I swear!!!

Dreama Littledream--My wedding song, Dream a little dream of me

Zinnia--the name of an herb with a pretty white daisy like flower that I fell in love with in Mexico

Forbidden Fruit--my husband and I started alt luri's on prydwen way back when we both played alb only, He made Adam, I made Eve, then we made a shared druid called Forbidden Fruit. I took the name with me to Excal as my chanter.

Tapanga Mango--I couldn't think of a name so I was staring at the wall, where there hung a painting called Tapanga's Misery..when I made my last name I had the smae problem, nothing seemed to fit, and I was eating a mango at the time, so...


I'm writing a fantasy novel, in which one of the races uses a language I made up based on Latin/Dutch. My first name Ensceptificamuralya means something like 'Alya, being gifted with resistence to poison/disease'; the last name Proximarileyzandretta means 'who is good to have around for protection'
OMG!! I always wondered. I thought it was just an acid trip gone bad :p


iluvatur - badly spelt 'the one god' from tolkiens lotr etc, original being iluvatar. really wish i hadn't done this cos i cringe when i see other names like legoolars, or borogmir ... you know the ones.

lews therin - awesome name from robert jordans 'wheel of times' series. he was 'the Dragon' prophesised to face the dark one, and with 100 companions he sealed the dark one and the forsaken ina seal. As a backlash the dark one tainted 'saidin' the male half of the One Source and he went mad and slaughtered just about everyone he loved, before being made sane and smiting himself for what he'd done :D


I just try cool well known words until one stick.

sun/moon/stars/beginning/end/reaver/enchanter/elph/phat/consideration/consider...oh it worked, then i get a bard named that =)

Or suiting names, like my infil named infiltractor and my pbaoer named point. Inuyasha was taken from a manga serie (GREAT manga serie) It randoms a little, but i ALWAYS try 100 times to get a name :D


my CS name: Xplo --> Xxplo$ive --> Dr. Dre song


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Landshark = long-time online nick... originally from some poem somewhere, some line about the dry-land shark which lurks behind the shed :p
Hmm. I thought it was from Asheron's Call where I played the beta, I think there was some mob called a "landshark" there.


My char Szerena's name, well it kinda remind me of the name my father wanted to give me when I was born..

I have 2 other chars and their name is from the name generator, at least some parts. I took some parts of the name from the generator and changed them a bit. :)


Well i don't know much about names but i would've thought the names Serpent or Diamond would have been taken on Pryd ages ago...well..now they are :p

Also got a Rampart

Those names don't really need an explanation, on exc though i have 8 chars named somewhat after dogs but in a finnish way.

There's Musti(Spot?), Rankkuri(Dogcatcher?), Koira (Dog :p ) and so on.

Also on exc i got Lufthund, basicly from Luftwaffe but since i always found waffe sounds like a dog of some sort..i went with hund. Roughly translates into Airdog.


Originally posted by FoXeH
because alcopops rock :)
beats icky beer anywho

most people think of piss-water lager as 'beer', classic cask ales, real traditional beer is under rated with todays youths. :rolleyes:

But back on subject, I got Kagato's name from one of my favourite anime's, was the name of a uber baddie demon guy in it. My friars name, 'Riff' is from a favourite online comic called Sluggy Freelance which is hilarious, the dude that does it is a comic genius, if you look at the archives be prepared to lose many hours of your life pissing yourself laughing.
And my theurgist Largo is also from a favourite baddie from another great anime, guess I have a soft spot for the bad guys of films, I liked him as he was the ultimate cool, cold hearted bastard :clap:

My up and coming buff bot is called Jail Bait, which I got just for a laugh, was going to call her Suicide Blonde but the name was taken :(


Originally posted by FoXeH
don't say youth like it's a bad thing :D

Youth itself is a wonderful thing, its just alot of youths that are bad :p Im sure your not though ;)

Ah to be young again... (24 soon :( )

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