Where Are Smite-Clerics??



Hell where are all smiters??
thats ultimate best Albion rvr class with Instant! mez,long stun heavy DD Area DD Point Blank Area DD GOOD melee and Chain Armor also have buffs and instant heals!
Where are those ppl?? i see just few of them in EM : at day time almost noone and at late evining just 5-7
Thats soo pooor :(
Smite-Cleric is basement of Albion in RvR
thats universal char who can do really a Lot
Ppl if you tired of your old chars and you starting new - make Smiter thats really good and usefull char.
And clerics who already exist - lvl up and come to EM ! kick mid/hib ass


Don't think much people will go for creating a smite-cleric now they announced serious nerfs for smiting.


10% dmg reduction is alot </insert sarcasm>

33% dmg reduction from an armsman and u got a pally - wonder who got the rights to whinge? :)


Just wish the smiters would use the aoe stun more and at right times. esp vs the bards.

One more time, if its Hib and its holding an instrument: Interrupt it/Mezz it/Kill it.


The smiters were not pleased with their character (not powerfull enough) and looked In albion for better RvR classes, the ones who did not like to play minstrels left for midgard, the next step on the ladder for good RvR classes


Arthwyr sorry thats not true :p I deleted my 35 smite cleric decideing it was far too powerfull. Now im a shaman anyone who thinks that 10% damage nerf increased range is bad then ffs get a life try the shamy/cabalist 25% damage nerf then feel free to bitch :p

ps damn i love playing a cllass that even mythic isnt sure what it is, now are shamans healers or hybrids if were hybrids wheres our 1.5 a lev and weapon styles :p


Fear few ppl will reroll as a smite cleric now Mythic decided the class needs "balancing". Agree there are a LOT less smite clerics on Excaliber compared to the USA (though Statesside the number of smite clerics simply got ridicolous).

Above the damage reduction they also put the insta BP AoE mezz from a 30 sec to a 5 min timer.

On a side note, smite clerics may be the most versatile of all albion classes (and of all the realms classes actually), but on every single front they're outclassed by other classes (rejuv cleric in healing, pally in rezzing, armsman in melee, sorc in crowd control, wizard in nuking).


K0nah: What AoE stun?? We have a PB AoE mez, but that's something totally different... :)

old.chim aira

i see your point in all of this, but the primary job of a cleric is to heal, so i'm specced more in rejuv then in smite. I see a lot of smite clerics, but more lvl 35-45, so they are coming, but we need rejuv specced clerics too, that's why i'm here:)


well, god forbid anyone should follow my lead here and re-start a thread on smite clerics (forget flames, more like towering infernos)
the guy who specs smite is paying the same as you. He's in it for fun. If for some utterly, utterly bizarre reason you consider watching a group minibar and hitting your heal key, to be fun, that's your prob =)
On the other hand, perfectly possible to get serveral instas and the 50%hp rezz, and still have good smite. So people who can't heal at all in groups, deserve everything they get if they can't group =p


Veesh does blatantly not get a say in this, choosing to go for stronger nukes over longer mez n all!


I think albs needs sorc's. and cleric's who know's how to heal!!

Gah i hate to say this but.. it's really great for a RvR group to have somebody like herbal(full rejuv) in it! it keeps the group alive! :clap:

gg herbal ;)


Healing is disabled in RvR for clerics, same goes for rez. "This spell doesnt work around here" it says :(

Hell, i dont know if its true - i've just heard that from the clerics ive met ;)

old.chim aira

It might not be fun to play a rejuv cleric, it's not of great use in melee skirmishes in emain and odin(if there ever are skirmishes), but it's great in a keepraid, it just feels good to keep a group alive, when they are hitting the doors like hell:)
And for the record, i still got enough spec points in smite to do some dmg and stun a hib or a mid long enough for the others to make the kill


Originally posted by tilde
Healing is disabled in RvR for clerics, same goes for rez. "This spell doesnt work around here" it says :(

Hell, i dont know if its true - i've just heard that from the clerics ive met ;)

LOL that's a good one :) Please tell me you're not serious.

- Pathfinder -

When tanks run off it's de facto disabled :p And good melee? I'd hate to see what bad melee looks like.


The reason that healing is 'disabled' in rvr is simple.

Most RvR seems to consist of the numerically weaker side turning and running back to pk/crim. To heal a cleric has to be:

1. Standing still

2. Within heal range

Therefore unless it is a keep raid or wall battle there is very little chance to heal, except using instas on the run.

If tanks want to be healed then stay with your group and stay within range of the cleric.


Well, I've had it too many times that I died in RvR because a healer was smiting his arse off instead of healing tanks/etc... End result was (and is most of the time) that the group dies...

And 90% of the time, I'm definitly within healing range... Why do I know that, because the cleric is standing next to me smiting...

I've given up on yelling 'HEAL' in battle, damn clerics know how the mini window works...

All I can say is, GO MYTHIC :clap: NERF NERF NERF!!

I'm glad I have the pleasure of at least having a few clerics in my guild that understand that healing is their primary function... (Not all though, but I'm trying to teach them the ways of healing ;) )


I agree with Cadwallon and Pathfinder: If you want to be healed, stay with the group...

But Icy has a good point too. Kind of frustrating having a cleric in your group, and he's too busy smiting to even notice that your HP is dropping fast.

It all comes down to the same thing, I think. The complete and total lack of tactics in RvR. The single exception is keep raids. Apart from that, the fighting seems to break down in to some kind of Quake-style frag frenzy. Everybody is so hot on getting a kill, that all you get is two disorganized crowds running towards each other, and after a few seconds one of them, usually the numerically weaker one, turns and runs. Then it's every man for himself, run before they get to mez you.

When I have been doing RvR, I have usually been in a group, but I wonder what the bloody point of that was. We were all running all over the place, and at least half of my group was outside my healing range.

OK, it might be hard to get any good and organized tactics going, when you have 50 guys in 5-10 different groups running around. But if you are in a group, you can at least stick together. How about following that basic tactic? Stay close together in the group and communicate.

Then RvR might actually be fun....

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Icy

I'm glad I have the pleasure of at least having a few clerics in my guild that understand that healing is their primary function... (Not all though, but I'm trying to teach them the ways of healing ;) )

Primary function? Laff, a smite specced cleric's primary function in RvR is not to heal, it's to act as a CCer/damage dealer/base buffer. There is nothing stating a cleric HAS to be a healing gimp (I'm suprised so many people actually LIKE healing that they end up speccing high rejuv), just as there's nothing stating how an armsman should be; I'd rpefer S/S armsmen for PvE, while alot tend to spec pole for RvR; when a cleric specs smite for RvR he gets told off by the tanks, laughable :)

Incidently, smite clerics tend to win battles, due to Albion having virtually no other means of mezzing. I'd rather not waste my time healing tanks who constantly break mez trying to show how uber they are duelling some Mid ;)


A smite-cleric will heal too if he see his m8's getting bashed up, if he doesnt then he's a worthless cleric. Then i rather kick him and get a wizzy instead



How some ppl compare Albion Sorc and Mitgard Chain Armor 2insta heals INSTANT ae mezers?? are you guys total new in this game ;/ ?
they i explain you :
part1 --- theory ---
Mitgard and Albion same as Hibernia are 3 DIFFERENT realms with DIFFERENT class BALANCE and RvR TACTIC !
Mitgard have BEST mezers - DOnt you mates know about INSTANT spells Stack with casting ones?? yea yea avoiding 1 minute rule they do Stack ! it means if healer INSTA mez you he can then Cast mez on you and you will be mezed again ! same with stun : insta stun ( 9 sec ) - then cast stun - more 9 sec
. . .
Mitgard based on their mez and CLOSE combat
its weakest ranged realm they MUST charge for win with meleers
its why Mitgard called by Mythic ' Way of Might "
all they must to do for victory - get enemies mezed and get their phat tanks to you . Mitgard is close combat realm
Hibernia is Ranged realm - " way of magic " they kill their enemies from distance with really powered casters tonns of ae spells ( damage root mez poison debuffs ) every single caster has long duration stun etc .
and Albion is Middle its way of balance - so is Hardest Realm and need be Best balanced for win...
--- practice ---
So SMITER is main power of Albion b/c its most Balanced class
Universal class
as again class wich has : chain armor / instant heals / buffs / dd / stun / pba mez Instant / pba damage instant / Melee
Universal class for universal realm
Albion isnt best in anything but is better as each of other realms in a part : - better as mitgard in ranged combat , and better as hibernia in close combat ( doubtfull after hero upgrades but still )
on Kay we always kicked albs Badly untill they got 8-12 50lvl smiters who was permanently active in EM and etc
group with 3-4 smiters minstrel 1-2tanks + caster or something else >> most of mid/hib groups.
sure thing not just class needed - needed ppl who KNOW who to play their smiter.. im oft getting pissed seeing smiter who plays like he is damage-less healer! they stay behind tanks and most of time even casters (!) wtf is that?? cleric is OFFENSIVE char its Attacker its Damager not Priest!
most important are clerics-rushes with their PBA mezing.. 1 such rusher can mez many targets ( mostly vs mids ) b/c their tanks jumping on him so with good timing he get most of em mezed!
who mez - win its simple so at least to 1.50 , then will see

Do NOT compare Sorcerers with Clerics
Sorcerer is WORSE ae mezer in game . why? simple
Healers/Clerics got Chain armor 1.5XHP insta heals shields INSTANT mez
Bards got even more HP AF have best speed and have very nice Instant interrupt spell wich save them from enemy casters who try mez/stun/kill em first...


Kinda unsure if Veeshan is being sarcastic, or not.... :rolleyes:

As for Pathfinder, the main function (even for smite clerics) in any battle is to keep your group mates alive!

I even expect a Friar (which in general suck even more at healing than smite clerics, no offense) to heal when party members are running low on health...

As Tilde said, I expect a cleric to heal me (and any other member) when they run low on HP...

And dont tell me smite clerics 'suck' at healing, tell me 1 that doesnt have 23 points in healing, since thats needed for the 2nd instant... 23 points is more then enough to heal pretty damn well...

Just as someone suggested, in another thread, all theurgies without pBT should enter a guild called "IamGimped", I'd suggest all smite clerics which do not heal to enter a guild called "WannabeWizard" or something similar...

Then at least 'us tanks' know what we're getting into the group....


just to say ....

ya plz bring more smite clerics ......

i really like groups where we got like 3-4 cleris.... that group ALLWAYS rox



I group with alot of clerics of both kinds, full rej or full smite (are there ANY full enhance clerics about lol?) and the group always does better and lasts longer when its the rej clerics we have with us in PvE or RvR, I wouldn't dream of telling someone how to spec there character, you should play how you want to play, but smite clerics shouldn't pretend to be useful to a group as there simply not, most ones I know simply use up all there power casting there weak smites for a fraction of the damage a decent wizard could of done, get themselves into trouble and then run back to the tanks crying for help who they are no longer able to heal up anyway even if we can pull all the aggro they just generated back off them if its mobs we are fighting. If you want to go throwing damage spells about at least do it proply and play a wizard, or make it quite clear before joining a group that they cannot depend on you for healing, so everyone can recalculate there tactics and risks.

p.s I know alot of people agree and are happy about the forthcoming nerfs to smite, but personally I don't agree with nerfing smite despite my above opinions, surely it would of been better simply to improve the Rejuv / Enhance lines to make them more appealing and beneficial ? I know the Rej clerics I group with constantly moan about the insane power costs of the bigger heals which if you calculate the power/hit points ratio are actually LESS economical then multiple lesser heals ?

p.s don't flame me im just a moody tank who hasn't had enough sleep today.


IMHO to play a healing class you have to have a certain "attitude" towards this game (the attitude of putting others' well-being (and RP) before your own for one thing and the patience to sit staring at the group panel for another).

But because Mythic decided in their infinite wisdom to give clerics an uber-dd spell, people who don't give a crap about healing chose to be clerics. At first glance this seems like a good thing, Alb has more healer-class characters than any other realm! :clap:

But then "oh no, shock!" these people don't want to heal ("it's boring, who on earth would want to sit there healing?"), because quite frankly they should never have chosen to be a healing class in the first place, cos they'd much rather be out killing people.

The end result is that Alb has much about as many "actual" healers as the other 2 realms, because in Mid and Hib, the people who play healers are playing because they want to heal. Also, tanks in Albion don't know whether that cleric they just invited to their group is going to save their asses with some well-timed heals, or just sit there smiting and saying "why should I heal?".

Personally, I'm not 100% specced in rejuv, I have points in smite and enhance (the stun and PBAE mezz are immensely useful, even in groups), but speccing in rejuv is not pointless. As I said in another post, a rejuv cleric can heal HP at least twice as fast as a smite spec cleric. When a pull has gone horribly wrong, this can make the difference between a very dead group and a not-so dead one.

So, what's my point? Well, firstly, clerics should never have been given a smite spell in the first place, it encourages the wrong type of people to play them. Secondly, speccing in rejuvenation is far from pointless. Thirdly, smite is currently overpowered in rvr (clerics are the only class to both wear chain armour and have a decent DD spell - all other casters have cloth armour to compensate for the fact that they do a lot of damage), and it was blatantly crying out for a nerf of some kind (a la 1.51e). Fourthly (and back to the topic of the thread a little), a cleric who refuses to heal in rvr is the kind of person that I hope I never, ever have the displeasure of grouping with.


I'm here Veeshan for anything you need :)

(almost anything -> not ask me heal) :p


Btw, for all that think I have something against smite clerics, not at all, just against the ones that do not heal ;)


IMO nerfing smite is like like nerfing a friars stick-attack-thingy cos they where using it and not attacking.. You say friars arnt primerily healers? well neither are smite clerics... the class is cleric not healer.. thats midgard

the reason u get a choice to spec in smite or rejuv is because you might not want to heal.. you might want to attack instead.. heven forbid you might actualy kill somthin.... AS A HEALER?!

fs.. lets make all armsmen 1 handed.. mute the mages and make minstrels deaf cos theres doing to much melee/casting/music playing

all i can say is thank god i started a alt.. there not stoping the bards mezzing or playing regen songs are they?

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