Where Are Smite-Clerics??



Smite Cleric

Umm, guys.....if ppl would invite a smite cleric into a group once in a while maybe we wouldn't be so inclined to heave some points into heal instead.


U invite a cleric, then u notice that he keeps smiting and gives lousy buffs and instas ;) I dont mind smite-clerics, but sadly too many of them "forgets" to heal...:) I've played with some smite-clerics, and those i have had best experience from is Krondor and Tiarta. Ive played with other good ones too, but i cant exactly remember u right now, been a while since i was in emain :)

So, if u play a smite-cleric - pay attention to the groups hp and if they run off too far and whinges about "no heal", tell them they ran away too far. We're all human, and no-one is perfect :m00:


I have to sort of agree. I think instead of nerfing the clerics smite they should have split it into two classes. I mean personally I'm more smite than heal but I have kept my heals up enough to worth it to a group. Would have been better to cut out the present cleric. Not let any one start a ew cleric I mean. (damn I'm not making sense to myself now) And make a new healer class without the smite, an actualy HEALER. And then make a caster with the clerics smite....or maybe that would be to complicated...awww, ignore me...It's to ealy/late:sleeping:


Stun and mez don't stack Veeshan, insta or not. I can't stack my insta stun with a cleric's castable so I somehow doubt a healer can stack theirs.



i think rej 23+ cleric is a good healer in RvR and PvE,
i have no respect to smiter at low level, they have no idea how to
heal, and when to heal, all they can do is smite ...

At high lvl and train smite skill is not a bad idea, casue you already been doing healing and buff job seens lvl 5, so you do know when you heal and use instant on time

In RvR, whats the point/fun in RvR for all the clerics if they only allow to heal and buff tanks? then i think Friar is more like a healer for Tanks, casue Friar got great melee skill, anything gets closer is a big problem for a friar.
But cleric is different class, cleric is more like a caster, anything gets too close --> use instant mess (resisted/failed sometimes)
so if Mythic gonna change instant mess re-cast time from 30 sec to 300 sec, i think i might leave my cleric -_-"


Nah, some of you are missing the point... The point I (and Tilde ;)) are trying to make is.... It's ok for a cleric to smite, but they have to pay attention to the groups health too...

It's far too common that a smite cleric finds his mana too precious to heal...

Mythic's offcial quote:
One who has devoted their entire life to the Church of Albion, Clerics perform the essential role of healing and preparing their realmmates for battle. Acolytes become Clerics by joining the Church of Albion.
source: www.classesofcamelot.com

Where as for a friar its:
A religous zealot who joins the Defenders of Albion and fights alongside his arms-bearing Realmmates. Friars get healing prayers as well as quarterstaff combat styles.
source: www.classesofcamelot.com

So all in all, the smite clerics have to thank mythic for not decreasing damage as much as then first intended :rolleyes:

Nah, they probably could have solved it in another way... But no matter how you put it, the main function of a cleric is to keep the group healthy... He/she can give support with smite if the situation allows that... If he/she doesnt like to heal, then he/she should have never chosen a cleric...

But, this is the last I'll 'contribute' (hahaha) to this thread, since its not a matter of convincing others, its just our own opinions, and I made mine available in this thread...

- Pathfinder -

Laff, Mythic also stated that the NS is a stealth mage; their character descriptions are so fitting, laff.

There is no actual need to spec rejuv past 23; God knows I've been the sole cleric in tree grps without problems (this assumes you have a viable theurg, but you wouldn't wanna do trees without one anyway), sole cleric in a tangler group etc. With PvE equipment and RR that's around 35/36 rejuv, enough for decent variance.

Smite clerics didn't level their chars to be healing supporters in RvR; most people find healing extremely boring (it's basically a MMORPG version of whack a mole in reverse), and the solace is taht the class is fun (and good) in RvR. If you have problems with smiters not healing in PvE, kick them; there's enough clerics to go around. I don't mind soloing RvR, but if a group invites me they need to realise I'm not there to constantly heal the tanks; they'll get instas, buffs, and heals if it's possible, and that's it.


Level me Tilde and you got a heal slave :p Can resurrect you at full HP as well then :)

And people who say rejuv clerics get less RP are just people who frankly don't know shit how to play certain classes. You know what easy RP is? Standing back as a rejuv cleric and heal your tanks who are bashing the enemies and get RP for just pushing some simple buttons. Some people like it some don't, can't change anything about it. Every class and every template they have in mind has it's purpose.

The worst clerics I've seen are smite clerics that don't even resurrect people because it costs there precious smite power... Yeah go smite 10 Mids/Hibs alone when there are tanks back there who could have helped you a hand with it...

It's all about greed I tell yah...


The thing I hate most of Smite Clerics is when a sorc or theurg mezzes/roots lot enemies and a cleric cast AE DD, and break all mezzes. He only want easy rps, doesnt mind lose the battle or win.

If a group in rvr dies, perhaps isnt the prob in the cleric/s.
There are good players, and bad players, and good groups and bad groups. After all, no 100% rej cleric can heal a tank taking damage of 4 sources, so try to play softly and not engage like crazy or all the group will be doomed.

I have been thinking about the nerf.. and I think it wont be too much nerf.. after all Clerics only or heal or smite, while another healer classes have other choses (as useful or more useful than smite).


Each class has a number of options on speccing.

Armsman say they want Rejuv clerics who will heal them....well by the same token we clerics want sword/board tanks to protect us.

It is just as selfish for a tank to spec polearm or for a pally to spec 2H as some people think it is for clerics to spec smite.

I see very few tanks doing their job in RvR as most run after the enemy looking for rp's instead of protecting the clerics and casters and letting the wizzies and archers kill the enemy.

Its all about greed I tell yah...


cadwallon I´ll protect you as my pala is gonna do nada dmg when I get in the highlvls Ill be the tank that guards the cleric/nuker :)


Cadwallon is so very right, it's all about greed...

So many people in DAOC should be playing Quake instead... :p


Originally posted by LandShark
If for some utterly, utterly bizarre reason you consider watching a group minibar and hitting your heal key, to be fun, that's your prob =)

While you are 'watching group minibar and hitting your heal key' you are actually performing the pretty fundamentally important job of keeping everyone alive. Some people actually enjoy this selfless and vital role. You dismiss it as being a 'problem'....

Without healers, groups suck, period. Sure it gets boring performing one task over and over. But is healing any more boring that hitting 2 style keys repeatedly for tanks, or holding down the 'nuke' button for casters......


to Icy

there is alot of clerics dont really care much about group members ^^|||
im a rej + smite cleric, i heal, and i smite, the only thing i cant do is Buff atm... -_-


Arg, I had said I wouldnt butt in anymore ;)

Just couldnt help myself...

People seem to think I (or any tank) has a problem with smite clerics, we dont... Really, all we ask is just one simple favour, keep us alive and we'll keep you alive...

If you didnt need us, you'd press decline on every invite... :clap:

As Bicky said, there are just too many (smite) Clerics out there which arent group players... If you cant be bothered with healing, give a heads up b4 joining...

If your after RP's, just think how many more RP's you'd get, if you had kept the group alive by casting a heal instead of just that last DD spell which drained all your power...

And it actually happend to me a few times, I was attacking a orange/red enemy (or multiple yellows), a cleric in my group began smiting, no problem I was at 90% health... But at the time that the enemy had smacked me down to 20%, the cleric wasnt healing but smiting just a tad more... I died, the cleric killed the enemy... Rezzed me after the battle... End result, no RP's for me, half the RP's for him (he was in the group with me)... Even though I kept the enemy off the clerics back, and smacked it down for 50%, I got no RP's, and he only got half (half got waisted by my death)...

Now, if that happens to you a few times, you will know how frustrating it is for a tank to have a cleric which only thinks about smiting...

Smite was never ment to be a main attack form (or Mythic wouldnt 'nerf' it), it was meant as additional support.... Now you can argue that its a 'choice', well it is... But at least give a heads up about your choice, so we know what we get ourselves into...

Because if you dont, I expect a cleric to heal....


As a defensive paladin, the only thing i can do in these "amg-fights" is to protect my casters (Raistlin knows this:) ) I cant do that much in either case, no range-wpn :( So, i use guard and intercept and act like a personal bodyguard :clap:


Krondors not a smite cleric

he has some really weird set up of skill points like 30 smite 30 rejuv 25 enhance or summat stupid like that ;)


Well, that line makes him buff, heal and smite decently. He doesnt just "hang-around" in fights, he assists with smiting/stunning and healing - just like the cleric was supposed to do :)

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