When the going gets tough...


Roo Stercogburn


Nico quit the game last week... well mostly. We have a batsignal set up and I have the key ;)

Some history if you are interested:

When I left White Rose, I did it solo. It was a Sunday night and most of WR were on the pad at Svasud, Albs were knocking on the doors of Fensalir and I typed /gc quit. It was lonely after being in WR with lots of friends, as anyone who has spent some time in the wilderness after being guilded will know.

I had no clear idea what to do next. To most peeps then I was an unknown playing what was considered the most gimped class in Mid and not exactly sought after by other guilds. The following Tuesday I had a chat with Nico and Hound sat around the bindstone in Vasudheim, with Blackdeath leaping around like a loon nearby quite by coincidence. That was the night Fedaykin was born (in spirit, we had to get peeps together after that), and I had to be talked into it. It was a few days later before things could get rolling though. When we formed we had less than 1 full group of peeps, only with the help of some alts were we able to get the guild started. Myself, Hound, Nicodemus, Cruzader, an alt of Jeweil, an alt of Krok, an alt of Blackdeath and an alt of Bolog and naturally most of the alts left as soon as the guild was formed. 5 people, 1 of whom (Cruzader), wasn't even sure he wanted to be in a guild at all. Very humble beginnings.

However, I do remember lots of peeps in WR saying Nooo this is the end, etc and I also remember telling them, no, its not. On principle I never recruited and wouldn't invite unless was asked.

You are right though, the peeps that stay end up a tight knit crew if you remember to keep looking after them and its good to see WR have stayed approximately at strength consistently over the last year.


You step down from GM, only to be stepping up as a GM again after people have left because of several reasons, some of them in one way or the other related to that action?

And now you smear it all over a public forum.

Roo, that is the last thing I expected from you really. Tbh I was quite shocked to read your post here. And this is my opinion, nobody elses.

May you thrive well.



I don't see how Roo's post about his return and his commitment to keeping Fedaykin alive is any different to Jareths post about a new guild in Midgard. Anyone who's spent anytime in this realm will know all the regulars and i'm sure people reading the forums when they saw Jareth's post will have had concerns about Fedaykin's continuation.
Looks to me like Roo's just put the record straight and quashed any fears people may have had about the future of fedaykin.

I think your a bit offside tbh Ociri, i think he did the right thing by posting here (sure saves a lot of pm's as well)

BTW Roo, great story, always brings a tear to my eye ;), what i meant was after you went, many followed but we carried on.

Tidus Morgahna (1 of 5)
GM White Rose

You want to know something really scary, i just understood everything Henry-Vee wrote, aaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggg :)


i didn't :)

(what the hell did he say?)

anyway, nice story roo!

and i agree with you about "lvl50's don't make guilds, people do" made me think. (which is a rare occasion)

anyway, have fun m8 (and i remember you around that bind stone :))


We've felt similar pain, Roo. I think most guilds in Midgard have had seven shades of shit beaten out of them since Christmas. I've heard about so many 'emergency meetings' going on. Things seem to be getting back into shape now though, and I hope things get back on track for us all.

I have to say that going back to basics is a lot more fun than I had anticipated. Enjoy your rebuilding process, and be glad of those who stand at your arm.


just logged in today.
Things are coming back to normal now the commotion has died down.

Fedyakin=Alive and kicking :)

Move along people, nothing to see here :)


But reading all this makes me very sad and angry.

Roo its nice to see you back as gm, and I always respected you a lot for what you achieved and what you were able to organize. Not many have that kind of talent. I felt very sorry when you left white rose, you were the guildmaster then, and I wished tidus had made you guildmaster at that time. White Rose would be a decent, nice to be in guild at this moment. A lot of sad things would not have happened if you were the guildmaster as you are honest and treat people fair.

As I happened to be in Fedaykin (got kicked by tidus like so many others, not /kicked but attacked by words so that you have no other choice then to go) at the moment you left as gm I knew there would be a falling out. Because losing the head of the family is the worst thing that can happen.

It has nothing to do with being faithfull or not. You weren't the gm when we left. We were seeking for the feeling we had before, a nice family where we could have a lot of fun, as this is a game, and we all play it to have some distraction from daily life not to get into a lot of trouble.


As for Tidus message reply at ociri ; play it fair gm, don't have a go on someone, look at yourself first before reacting on someone else.


LOL Cerbie, never stops with you does it.

Try reading Ociri's post, then read my reply before adding a comment, might make a little more sense

Ahh wait, i'll save you the trouble.

Ociri suggested Roo shouldn't have posted his thoughts here, i disagreed, thats about it really, not rocket science is it.

Tidus Morgahan (1 of 5)
GM of White Rose

Oh aye, it's a bit sad you hijack a thread to have a go at White Rose, not even sure you were a member when Roo was so how you can possibly comment on when and why he left i don't know. Only 2 people have ever been kicked from WR, and only one was ever kicked by me. Either way, we're still going and still having fun, as long as your doing the same why not leave it at that?


Fedaykin and everyone in it make it a great guild, and I wish them all the very best!

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Fedaykin overall, despite one or two factors, but I had been thinking about moving for a while... your resignation Roo was a complete surprise to me (shame how politics can spoil it for many - however I don't exactly know the events that led up to that time!), as I knew your fantastic attitude to the game would be missed, and it makes be happy to see you are now back in the chair at Fedaykin!

The people that formed Valour are also fine chaps, and I think they deserved praise for going through some very tough times at Fedaykin... at least they didn't jack the game in completely, as Midgard would sorely miss them!

Bad Omen have a high percentage of lvl 50's, but they are also fine guild too... and I am proud that they invited me... (anyway I missed ribbing Kharok in guild chat!) so I have the best of both worlds! :clap:

Anyway, good luck and have fun! :D <wave>


Originally posted by cerbie
But reading all this makes me very sad and angry.

Roo its nice to see you back as gm, and I always respected you a lot for what you achieved and what you were able to organize. Not many have that kind of talent. I felt very sorry when you left white rose, you were the guildmaster then, and I wished tidus had made you guildmaster at that time. White Rose would be a decent, nice to be in guild at this moment. A lot of sad things would not have happened if you were the guildmaster as you are honest and treat people fair.

As I happened to be in Fedaykin (got kicked by tidus like so many others, not /kicked but attacked by words so that you have no other choice then to go) at the moment you left as gm I knew there would be a falling out. Because losing the head of the family is the worst thing that can happen.

It has nothing to do with being faithfull or not. You weren't the gm when we left. We were seeking for the feeling we had before, a nice family where we could have a lot of fun, as this is a game, and we all play it to have some distraction from daily life not to get into a lot of trouble.


As for Tidus message reply at ociri ; play it fair gm, don't have a go on someone, look at yourself first before reacting on someone else.



WR is a very nice and happy guild and we are more than happy that Tidus has been and still is GM. I have had no complaints as a co-GM in the guild from people that are unhappy with the community we have created.

What you are talking about is an individual disagreement that you had with Tidus. Not something that is guild related and not something that you should use to beat WR with.

And I do think that Ociri's comments to Roo were a little harsh tbh.

I have noticed Cerbie that you are very good at Vehemently defending those you are currently friends with. But you have a bad habit of tarring everyone (ie a whole guild) with a brush that was made because of a personnal dispute that has nothing to do with 99% or WR that you are talking about.

I suggest in the future you don't post these slanderous remarks until you can put that to one side and look objectively at the situation.


Thank you very much Tidus and Moriath.

I can't see in what way I attacked White Rose.

I am certainly not hijacking the post.

The post was about wishing Roo good luck. That I did. I said how much I respected him.

If you read something else then thats up to you.

I always did my best when I was in White Rose. So again thanks.


Can we please stop the sandbox war please

There maybe are some grudges from the past and so forth , but there is no meaning posting about it here on BW.


Originally posted by cerbie
I felt very sorry when you left white rose, you were the guildmaster then, and I wished tidus had made you guildmaster at that time. White Rose would be a decent, nice to be in guild at this moment. A lot of sad things would not have happened if you were the guildmaster as you are honest and treat people fair.

By stating this fact above you are saying that WR isnt a a decent, nice guild at the moment cause Roo isnt the GM.

And by implication of the last line you are saying we do not treat people fair and we are not honest.

I hope I have always been honest with everyone in game. Its so much easier to be honest than keep up a lie.

Ooo BTW update your sig ... i think you find you arn't in Feds anymore.

Oh and necro, If i feel that my guild is being misrepresented then I will defend it in public or in private. I f I thought what Cerbie had posted was a true and fair representation I wouldn't have said anything.


Well , I can understand your feelings , Moriath.

Im not judging anyone

Its just sad to see this kind of posting on a public forum.

its a downward spiral.....and deepest down the spiral there no good coming out from it


True necro and I wish i wasn't forced into the posting in the first place.

But sometimes you have to respond to accusations made or everyone thinks you are guilty by default.


Dear people,

I suggest we stop the bickering amonst eachother and start to have fun ingame in our own way.

Whatever personal vendettae you might have does not concern the people in this community. They most likely are not interested in seeing that a few people in midgard cannot get along so please stop posting about it. If you have a problem with a person or a guild, even from another realm, do not badmouth them in public. It's something i feel very strongly about.

I hope this will be the last post on this thread, besides the ones wishing Roo and Fedaykin the best of luck.

Again good luck to Roo and Fedaykin i know you guys will be as strong as ever.

(This good luck goes to all guilds by the way and i hope that all the guilds might grow to be as great :) )


He He

Dear All,

Thought I would make an appearance on the message board with respect to the future of Fedaykin.

Its been a bit of a tough time recently for Fedaykin and I have been very distracted for the last few months with work - so I have not played as much as I would like for this I am sorry since I might have been able to keep the guild moving smoothly after Roo left. Phew long sentance that :)

But I know that Fedaykin will keep swinging for a while yet.

The founders of Fedaykin never expected the guild to get huge, but we always intended for Fedaykin to be a fun place to be. I can understand why some people decided to leave and I have no hard feelings at all. However I am still having fun in Fedaykin and as long as I aint the only one then Fedaykin will keep going in one form or another.

Phew I think thats the most I have ever said in one post.

Cya All On Line


Hound (Aka Dog Boy)


Well Jareth, your right, yours should have been the last post with the exception of any more well wishes to Roo of course.

As for the arguements, im sorry, i don't see any, all i've done is defend myself (and guild, which is what Mori's defended) from a direct personal attack from an EX Rose/Ex Fed/ Now Valour member. Maybe Cerbie should think before she types her posts on a BW forum becuase i'm not going to sit back and just let it flow past. Trying to backtrack it Cerb, sorry, what Mori highlighted is right, its was nothing more than a pop at WR, and more directly me. Seems you don't read your own posts either.

Tidus Morgahan (1 of 5)
GM of White Rose


Yes, Cerbie, you did wish Roo well and say how much you respect him in the process of putting all of White Rose down as noted with what Moriath highlighted of your post. You should go back and read it sometime.

Good luck Roo hope to see you and the memebers of Fedaykin around in the frontiers more :clap:


Long live the new Eye of Ôòin, and long live the new Fedaykin :D

It's most definitely true that it's the people, not the level of those people that make a guild strong...

Jasilla Swiftdemise Proud Member of the NEW Eye of Ôòin

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