When is too far, too far?



Scoob = teh bastardo :moon:

I look pretty stupid without your help m8...



Originally posted by Perplex
Apology accepted, however you've demonstrated from the rest of your last post just how little you understand, and know about the situation, the world, and the general political climate and subtexts going on.

And to be honest, I really can't be bothered to educate you either - I've been working all day

If we dont educate the youngsters they'll make the same mistakes we did. Pretty lame excuse to say you've been working all day.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Scouse
Scoob = teh bastardo :moon:

I look pretty stupid without your help m8...

Teehee, well played delete function


Originally posted by Perplex
I'd let them run their own fucking affairs, apart from Israel that is occupying another country/state illegally.

Going by your reckoning, the next country on the US's list should be England. I mean, they've been "illegally occupying" Scotland for, oooh, about 300 years now. But then, by your reasoning, the Scots should be walking into Hyde Park with several pounds of C4 strapped to their chests, in order to liberate their homeland. Yet they don't. Possible reasons for this?

  • The Scots are intelligent enough to realise they will have access to a much higher quality of life if they stay part of the richer country. Admittedly, it isn't exactly rocket science, but it still seems to be a concept beyond the Palestinians.
  • The Scots also realise that killing innocent civilians deliberately isn't really the way forwards. Again, hardly rocket science, but again, completely beyond the Palestinians.

Basically, any accusations you make towards the Israelis can be turned around and levelled directly at the Palestinians. Whilst I'm sure the Israeli army have killed Palestinian children, I'm also pretty damn sure that suicide bombers don't choose cafes in Israel that don't have any kids in them.

So why didn't the US attack North Korea instead? That's a fucking great idea that. Let's start a war on someone who not only has nukes, but has also stated quite categorically that they'll use them if attacked. I mean fuck it, why not start on Russia aswell, I mean Stalin killed 15 million of his own people, we might aswell get some revenge whilst we're at it.


Originally posted by Perplex
Well, they are yet to find a single shred of evidence showing they have WoMD, and they won't. And even if they do, it'll have been planted by the US military to add legitimacy to their faux war.

Let's face it - funny how the US has suddenly changed their reason for war from WoMD to 'oppressive regime' - why? Because they know they'll get egg on their face if they persist down the WoMD route

I'm fucking praying (and I'm about 80% sure) that they will stillget mud on their face on this current 'oppressive regime' excuse because the civilians of iraq will revolt against the colonisers

Now this is one of the funniest posts I have read on here in a LONG time. Perp obviously has access to ALL the Military Intelligence at George Bush's disposal and has come to a reasoned judgement based upon it. Either that or he can tell the future. Any chance of next week's lottery numbers whilst you're at it?

I personally can't wait to see the Iraqi population revolting. I mean, I can see them being deeply deeply unhappy at the fact that they'll be able to criticise the government without fear of being tortured and killed. Unless they got really really attached to public executions I honestly can't see this happening.

To be honest mate, if you'd stop hiding your anti-US and anti-semetic opinions behind a scarcely believable "Peace in the Middle East" message, I'd find your bullshit a lot easier to swallow.


Oh and don't bother replying to either of these posts. I won't read it, and I'm right and you're wrong. So ner.



Shock horror sound post from Bohdi, not usual die of aids thingy :)
The thing about Scotland that some scots (not yourself by the sounds of it) dont realise, is that a lot of us English are very proud to be a part of Britain along with the Scots and the Welsh.
And as far as Daffeh being born in 1983, well what has that got to do with it ? I was born in 1964 , does that mean i know more than most of you ?
Well, actually I think it does, but I bet you lot wouldnt agree ;)


I going to have to admit that I've met a few Isrealis, and pro-Israel supporters, and they pretty much say what Perplex says, viewed of course from the other side of the fence.

When you realise that everybody is so fucking ignorant in that area of the world you begin to understand the mess it is in. The hypocrisy of each supporting group extends both sides in equal measure, for example aptly quoting UN Resolution violations by the other side whilst ignoring their own violations.

The arguments involving straw men don't work, violence is inherant in abundance on both sides and wont stop until someone realises its going nowhere, both sides are equally blind to their own excesses in persuit of their goal.


Aaaanyway, back to the point, I saw a great video of some journalists running around this field after having their car half blown up by some trigger happy American fighter pilot. Guy running round with blood all over the lens of his camera then he tried to clean it off but ended up smearing it all over the place.

Was a bit sick really, but I enjoyed it in a really odd kind of way .. :eek:


There is always the change channel or off button.



Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by Gef
Aaaanyway, back to the point, I saw a great video of some journalists running around this field after having their car half blown up by some trigger happy American fighter pilot. Guy running round with blood all over the lens of his camera then he tried to clean it off but ended up smearing it all over the place.

Was a bit sick really, but I enjoyed it in a really odd kind of way .. :eek:

That was the friendly fire incident when an American Special Ops called in an airstrike on a tank near to them. The pilot also thought the convoy was enemy and shot at it.

John Simpson of the BBC was travelling with the convoy. He was the journo you saw. Several kurds, special ops were killed along with John's iraqi translator.

What was even more funny is that twat Iraqi info minister:

"There are no Americans in baghdad", um, look across the river you twat, who are they then?

"Americans are committing suicide", um, I don't really think they would push all that just to kill themselves at your gates.

"We slaughtered all the Americans at the airport and are in control", so what planes are landing there now then?

What amazes me so much during this war is that everything is God's way. If this is so the God the regime worship must be the devil in disguise if you listen to some of the things he said God told them what to do.

Anyway, good thing so far: The people of Basra laughing, smiling, washing their cars, worshipping in PUBLIC, playing football with the Brits and winning! Now, all you cynics that said the populous didn't want us there, are we holding guns to their heads behind the camera directing them? I think not.

/me is proud to be British especially as to how our troops have acted unlike the Americans.

/me dons his wings of steel for any potential flames....


I agree with DBs, I am proud of our army, they have done an excellent job and they haven't looked arrogant while doing it. Hopefully if theyt pull their finger out they can secure a City before the US :D

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by PR.
Hopefully if theyt pull their finger out they can secure a City before the US :D

We have, haven't we? :mad:


I hate the fact the yanks keep killing our people.

I love the fact the Iraqi minister is still doing the "la la la they're not here" routine.


The weapons find is not being reported on BBC, CNN or Sky news sites, neither on BBC News 24, if anyone is watching CNN or Sky have you heard anything ?


Yes it's a bit silly, and looks like the information minister is sticking his fingers in his ears and saying "lalala you're not here lalal" but he's actually doing it for a reason. There ARE people in bahgdad who will see it, perhaps believe it (without having seen anything else why wouldn't they?) and perhaps think twice about rising up and fighting the republican guard if they think that there's any chance of Saddam surviving this conflict and remaining in charge. To anyone who knows better, it's absurd what he's saying. We're obviously not the target audience.


The suspect weapons find is being reported on BBC 24, but the military are reluctant to confirm anything. Also the find is booby trapped, delaying the confirmation.



Originally posted by xane
The weapons find is not being reported on BBC, CNN or Sky news sites, neither on BBC News 24, if anyone is watching CNN or Sky have you heard anything ?
They just showed the barrels on tv. They are marked "pesticide", but hidden in a bunker, with wires close to them.


I heard about a 'possible' find of some chemical weaponry on the radio first thing this morning, BBC Radio..


What the Iraqi ministers are saying is clearly not for us to hear, or rather its for the Iraqi people to hear, the News channels we see, show it only to undermine the Iraqis, its a fucking war of propaganda.

Im ashamed of our government, but i feel worse for those americans with half a clue about whats going on, Blair is only doing this because to be behind the americans is to be safe, fair enough had saddam been alive for 20 more years, and in power, well they might not have had the chance to blow him up then. The (well-informed)americans mind you, they know their gvrnmnt is greedy, corrupt and power hungry, and they know that bush doesnt give a shit what they think.

I also pity the american/british troops who have died because Dick Cheney, George Bush, Donalad Rumsfeld and Colin Powell want to line their own, and their buddies pockets.

At least, if their parents are as sheep like as some of the americans seem to be, they'll know they died 'fighting the good fight'. Ignorance does seem to make the world prettier.

what shocks me is how easily some people swallow the shit they're given, it really sickens me.


And then defend said shit as if their life depended on it. For example: on that militar.com board there's a message by some prat saying the anti-war protestors should be supressed. He honestly believed it and go so angry about it. Also, every single person on that board seems to think that anti-war people are a) tree hugging hippies and b) just anti war because some people might die. Granted this is true in some cases, but then some people are pro-war because they want to wipe out all the dodgy arabs. You can't judge one school of thought just because there are some ignorant fools who happen to share that belief for different reasons.

ngh.. I didn't actually mean to start a rant.


Originally posted by nath
.......anti-war people are a) tree hugging hippies and b) just anti war because some people might die.

Fair enough tbh.


Fnar, but it's bullshit. You know that, right?


Originally posted by maxi--
what shocks me is how easily some people swallow the shit they're given, it really sickens me.

What shocks me is how some people think everything they are told is shit, simply because someone in government has said it.
The discoverys today , if proven I hasten to add, will surely prove that the war on Iraq was justified. Not for the benefit of the Iraqis, but the for the benefit of the world at large, having just been saved from a future death by sarin.
I do agree the American government seem to me staggeringly hypocrytical and greedy. I dont think that of Tony Blair, I think he has done what he has done because he believed in it, and I'll back him all the way, as I think many more people will do if these womd are proven.


Well, given that a lot of people don't think this war is justified whether Saddam had wmd or not, I shouldn't imagine it'll make too much difference. If he had none at all, however, it'd just give the opportunity for the Anti War crowd to say ".. and he never had any, anyway!" But it's largely beside the point.


Originally posted by nath
there's a message by some prat saying the anti-war protestors should be supressed. He honestly believed it and go so angry about it.

He's right. Protestors are shit.

Also, every single person on that board seems to think that anti-war people are a) tree hugging hippies and b) just anti war because some people might die.

They are.


It's like when the protesters are still protesting. Get a clue will you.

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