When is too far, too far?



Originally posted by Trebz
Don't get me wrong, I'm not spouting pro-war "bullshit". But what would you do instead, allow Saddam to continue his dictatorship? You're against the US/UK war on Iraq but you suggest other targets like North Korea in your post. Ok, you didn't exactly say that, you just suggested other countries that are in breach of the regulations. What would you do about these countries?

I'd let them run their own fucking affairs, apart from Israel that is occupying another country/state illegally. But hey, so will the UK/US in a few months time. Good old colonial days are back! Whack off and toast the queen!


Originally posted by Perplex
I'd let them run their own fucking affairs, apart from Israel that is occupying another country/state illegally. But hey, so will the UK/US in a few months time. Good old colonial days are back! Whack off and toast the queen!

The rules that state Israel is occupying a country illegally are the same rules that say WOMD are illegal too, yet you would do something about Israel yet ignore the others?


Well, they are yet to find a single shred of evidence showing they have WoMD, and they won't. And even if they do, it'll have been planted by the US military to add legitimacy to their faux war.

Let's face it - funny how the US has suddenly changed their reason for war from WoMD to 'oppressive regime' - why? Because they know they'll get egg on their face if they persist down the WoMD route

I'm fucking praying (and I'm about 80% sure) that they will stillget mud on their face on this current 'oppressive regime' excuse because the civilians of iraq will revolt against the colonisers


Originally posted by Perplex

However, if Palestine had a conventional army I'd fly out tommorrow and join them

They have a police force you could join, and plenty of other nice volunteer groups crying out for personnel.

I understand you can even get a reward for your family from Saddam if you don't make it back from one of these groups visits to a pizza restaurant, bus stop or some other 'Military Target'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way in favour of Israels consistent and flagrant thieving of land, but people blowing themselves up in public places, rather than taking their fight to more legitimate targets sickens me.

BTW, you might like to act fast if you want one of Saddams special rewards...

I'm fucking praying (and I'm about 80% sure) that they will stillget mud on their face on this current 'oppressive regime' excuse because the civilians of iraq will revolt against the colonisers

Unfortunatly we not going to know the answer to this for a while, but either way a lot of people looking at it from one side or the other are going to look verry foolish indeed.


Originally posted by Gumbo
Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way in favour of Israels consistent and flagrant thieving of land, but people blowing themselves up in public places, rather than taking their fight to more legitimate targets sickens me.

Hence my use of the word conventional


Originally posted by ReActor

Why laugh, I was asking because he said he was from that region?

Originally posted by Trebz
The rules that state Israel is occupying a country illegally are the same rules that say WOMD are illegal too, yet you would do something about Israel yet ignore the others?

Well if something effects his country of course he's going to feel more obliged to help them first.

Protesting now is rather pointless though. Protesting ages ago was pointless, the Americans will always have their war. Korea are probably next.


Originally posted by Mellow-
Why laugh, I was asking because he said he was from that region?

Well if something effects his country of course he's going to feel more obliged to help them first.

Protesting now is rather pointless though. Protesting ages ago was pointless, the Americans will always have their war. Korea are probably next.

I'm offering 1/10 odds on Syria. I said Syria would be Americas next target about 4 months ago, and I will be proven right. Watch americas colonisation of the middle east begin (even tho the fucking afghanistanis aren't arabs)


legal illegal?

Got a question: what is a legal war? If you consider the only legal reason being attacked by another country: the attacker is being illegal, so the whole war is illegal.

Other targets are Libya and Iran right? Tbh I think Libya is more likely to be the next target. Despite the fact that there are more US troops in the neighbourhood of Syria.


its people like u Perp that make this country suck

just fuck off back home if u hate it and its policies so much

its like asylum seekers coming here for safety and then moaning they dont get enough money


Don't be silly Daffeh. Much as some people disagree with Perplex (myself being one of them), many people would agree with him. This is a free country (although I'm sure some would say it isn't, the leash is just longer).

In respect of that freedom, may I take this opportunity to call you a daft bastard.






Re: legal illegal?

Originally posted by mr.Blacky
Other targets are Libya and Iran right? Tbh I think Libya is more likely to be the next target. Despite the fact that there are more US troops in the neighbourhood of Syria.

No way on gods green earth US will attack Iran - it will be Vietnam all over again, the iranians are fucking mental - hence USA paying/arming Saddam and Iraq to fight Iran for 8 years

Libya - nope as Gadaffi has been kissing everyones ass for the last 7 years or so, he's now in everyones good books (except the US of course) but he's not a threat to them any more.

Syria, Syria, Syria


/me hopes that Daffeh was being sarcastic...

Aye Perp - Israel is well out of order - hopefully current events may start to shake things up.

I agree with you on Syria too. But I think they'll be less gung-ho next time around after the unexpected fallout from this one...

Either way - it's a good thing[tm] that Saddam's being deposed even if all the reasons for doing it are wrong.

It'd be nice for the US to remove Mugabe, stop vetoing resolutions against Israel, sort out their foreign policy etc.. but they're not at the moment. See the good in situations rather than the bad m8 :)


Originally posted by Daffeh
its people like u Perp that make this country suck

just fuck off back home if u hate it and its policies so much

its like asylum seekers coming here for safety and then moaning they dont get enough money

Birthday January 27, 1983

I rest my case


Jeeesus. That makes me feel old - how can anyone be born AFTER Star Wars came out??!!


Bollocks Scoob. You got in the way of a really poor joke then......

Grrrr :(


Originally posted by Daffeh
its people like u Perp that make this country suck

just fuck off back home if u hate it and its policies so much

its like asylum seekers coming here for safety and then moaning they dont get enough money

Wow, way to win an argument. You're gonna win him over with that punctuation too!

Scooba Da Bass

Haw haw, you look stupid now...

Anyway, Daf, seriously, you REALLY need to get a clue...

<@Daf> oh and help me put down the Arab on bw forums :)


Syria? I thought the Americans were going to come and sort out Northern Ireland for us next!


pah - they've been indirectly funding the irish terrorists for decades, as they've been funding the israeli terrorists (oops, sorry, government) for the last 40 years


The Isralis stealing of land from the Palistinians has to be wrong, I dont why they do it, and reinforce the mistake by moving in settlers. Yeah I know we did that in Ireland and Scotland , but that was hundreds of years ago. You cant get away with that nonsense now.
I do believe the Isralis have a right to a land of their own though, they should probably go back to thier original boundries and say thats that. Within months no doubt the surrounding Arab states would attack them, and then they could get all the land back easy ;) Just like what happened when they got a lot of this land in the first place ...


I imagine if they just moved the fuck out of the West Bank and Gaza (which is blatantly just taking the piss being there anyway) it'd go a long way to peace.

edit: oh yeah and no longer killing palestinian children might help too.


Originally posted by throdgrain
I dont why they do it, and reinforce the mistake by moving in settlers.

It strengthens their case to keep the occupied lands if they have citizens living there for a long period of time


Originally posted by Perplex
It strengthens their case to keep the occupied lands if they have citizens living there for a long period of time

Well, you could look at it that way, although to have citizens living there anyway was the original intention :)


There wouldn't be any settlements if Israel hadn't been attacked in the first place.


Agreed Tom ,that was partly my point tbh, though I do think they should leave it alone.


ok first things first, Perp i apolgize for my previous outburst, I may only be young, but im still big enough to apologize.

anyway, u have these reasons for being anti-war on Iraq, and i agree with u on some of America's dubious reasons for the war

however, i just cant see why installing even an American puppet democracy is bad for Iraq and its people? Also why are other Middle Eastern countries threatened if America just sticks to Iraq? Surely offering exile to a known war criminal is a very silly move, showing that their own leadership approves of Saddam's previous actions, which could cause intervention from the US? (I forget which country it was which offered it him now). I wont mention supplying arms, as the UK/US are more to blame as u said.

sure America will ultimately gain from this having control of a major resource and rebuilding contracts etc., but wont the Iraqi people also?


Apology accepted, however you've demonstrated from the rest of your last post just how little you understand, and know about the situation, the world, and the general political climate and subtexts going on.

And to be honest, I really can't be bothered to educate you either - I've been working all day

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