getting stuck in the window at dc when i was lvl 27 and spent 3 hours trying to get out in the end i logged out then in and rushed thru the wall then fell thru the stairs and died go me!
My scariest moment was today, i'm a lvl 35 scout and i went RvR in Emain, we where camping at mid pk. All was purple to me, but i spotted an orange con kobolt. Ok i though i'll try to shoot it. To my surprise i one shotted him. An hour later when mids took Dun Crauchon i sat stealthed in the woods waiting for mids to leave when i see an orange con norsewoman. I move out of the woods to come in shot range, i destealth, i shoot and hit her for 25% of her hp. So i ran into the woods and stealthed. (my heart was bouncing so hard it hurt) She had seen me and told her 40+ mid friends that where still in the keep. /me was behind a tree when they all ran past me. Not one had seen me
That was a very tense and exciting moment
Easy - seeing someone trying to beg off Draylor just after we'd released to Ludlow after RvR death - had only been there about 3 seconds when this noob runs up, "plz..." etc. etc.
hehe - whoops Poor beggars - guess they didnt know Id just been slaughtered within a few mins 3 trips to Emain in a row.
Anyway - RvR theres been a few but nothing that sticks in my mind for now. PvE is easy - first guild named run in Dartmoor. Started off easy as expected - then came the Outlookers, Pounders and Stonelords. Purple aggro everywhere, just the way it should be.
Suiciding on Golestandt was great fun.
Well its either that or some of the bad pulls in the Barrows, but ...
The thing that really puts the sh*ts up me ,is being the speed buff for a high level group, shooting through Mid up in the hills against the wall, purps everwhere, and I lose the group,
those few seconds of pure panic, complete white out, nuthin but trees and snow, I feel instant isolation and it's only a freekin game!!
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