Whats with the 2fg albs?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
inqy said:
made the post as I was pissed off. can see it was rather pointless now. better than a gratz thread tho ;)

we dropped our no add policy and joined up with other mids and farmed em back at the end of the night. quite fun playing like an alb zerger can see why they do it so much. :cheers:

First you're the leet fg v fg guy who makes a flame thread about albs running 2fg... After getting pwned a bit you're happily zerging yourself. If you're having fun zerging, it's all fine but its really ridiculous to act as a player who prefers the "fg game" then.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Infanity said:
Maybe we tryed to go there and it was dead you ignorant c^nt ?

So instead of trying to get something going in Agramon (which ain't hard) you go where you know the zerg will be and whine when you get "added" on. I think, sir, it is you who is the c^nt.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
I was in a group earlier in the day and everywhere we turned were hibs/mids and albs. No matter what you did, as soon as a fight started you were guaranteed to get adds from one of the sides. After 3 runs, our group disbanded and logged.

I joined the DK group later on that night and told them about this thread. There had been no BG in albion all night except one containing 4 people in pve. As for purposfully roaming as 2fg, it simply didn't happen. Only a complete moron expects to run through the prime spots at primetime in instant rvr and not get adds though. Even at midnight last night, whenever we moved from bolg, we had people bearing down on us.

Short answer? End Instant rvr and we might be able to get some FG action but until then, the zergs from all realms have taken over. Feel free to organise some FG fighting in agramon and any group I join, I'll try to persuade them to head off there to join in.

Edit: And nice fights with tuorin and co late last night, our group sadly lacked damage output by a long way though :( We only had 3 dmg dealers (cleric cleric sorc tic pally pally cabby wizard). Next time maybe! ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Why the whine, wasnt THAT hard to get good fights. I dont understand why anyone would expect people that cant get an opted grp running to run as 8 people of random classes and get farmed the whole night then log tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
i fail to see what the problem is :( as far as i can gather there's more than one set group that's discontent of the current iRvR situation. haven't the past "Who want's to go agramon today?"-threads been a success? can't things like this be sorted through and IRC-channel?

i for one am really enjoying the current state of RvR. first of i dislike agramon since it to me seems more laggy than the rest, and i can't say that i miss the fights at MMG when you cross that invisble line when agramon loads, you get that 2-5 second lagg spike and surprise, surprise: your groupmate is dead :(

second of all it does get abit tiresome just fighting fg after fg after fg. what i enjoy in this game is to be in a balanced fg fighting people. other fullgrps or zergs, doesn't really matter as long as i don't get streamrolled. and this is where iRvR shines in my book. you get to eat the cake and stilll keep it. you get lots of fights all the time. it's not really hard finding enemies and it's great fun most of the times.

ofc there's more adding going on but you can still find good fights out there. there are grps that don't add on fights, grps that make 3-ways and grps that zerg. it's all good really. helps the game stay alive. only thing i'm missing is abit more keepsiege action. 19th of feb when albs went to take back caer berkstead from mids. now that was LOADS of fun (at least for a little middy like me:))


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Yeh agree with the last few posters, can't expect pure 8 vs 8 and we ALL go there. It isnt that far to fight around Nged for example and use the Irvr ports to each realms advantage. How long does it take for 8 man groups to get to Nged, Albs 2 mins, Mids 4? Hibs can port there. There you go. Hell might even be better than lagramon and los issues.

Yeh Kiren was some very long fights, we noticed you lacked dps (but not interupts) and tbh our group played pretty well versus you, even if we had an unconventional setup too. Win or lose, nice. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Infanity said:
Maybe we tryed to go there and it was dead you ignorant c^nt ?

Let me see if I got this right - Agramon was dead because

1. No 'fgs' were running?


2. The opted fgs get better rps from farming the zerg?

If the answer is 1. then that blows out of teh water the 'fg vs fg rvr is keeping DaoC alive' line. If it is 2. then that destroys the 'we don't care about rps that's not why we don't want you to add' line.

So which is it?


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Javai said:
Let me see if I got this right - Agramon was dead because

1. No 'fgs' were running?


2. The opted fgs get better rps from farming the zerg?

If the answer is 1. then that blows out of teh water the 'fg vs fg rvr is keeping DaoC alive' line. If it is 2. then that destroys the 'we don't care about rps that's not why we don't want you to add' line.

So which is it?

i think it's 3) you get both fg fights and can farm the zerg for rps :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
betting rest albs who know rvr areas logged off and there was only 1 online -> reason for alb train when followed this 1 peep ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
you get some fg fights, and some zerg farming which is teh fun. also nice rps.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Saveus said:
you get some fg fights, and some zerg farming which is teh fun. also nice rps.

Exactly, there will always be the zerging adding twats like Saveus, but also people that like fg fights. (The other thread was locked now so had to get back at you here) :D


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
kind of funny when people complain about getting adds/zergs in the Irvr area...wasnt there a kind of agreement made a week or so back about full groups go to AG, zergs go to whichever keep is of interest to them? and to stop the bickering?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Got zerged many times from the 2-3 groups but as raven said I can't and should not complain. I-RVR is like that and the only way to really avoid it is to stay away from it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
noaim said:
Why the whine, wasnt THAT hard to get good fights. I dont understand why anyone would expect people that cant get an opted grp running to run as 8 people of random classes and get farmed the whole night then log tbh.


the soloer will get pawned by the duo,
the duo will get pawned by the random group,
the random group will get pawned by the leet group
the leet group will get pawned by the tactical BG,

and still people don`t get it.

oh, and for some people this game is not about being opted or running in an opted group ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
raid said:
First you're the leet fg v fg guy who makes a flame thread about albs running 2fg... After getting pwned a bit you're happily zerging yourself. If you're having fun zerging, it's all fine but its really ridiculous to act as a player who prefers the "fg game" then.

Never claimed to be l33t and as I said the thread was pointless.

Was a Hib/Mid fight at the DC bridge area, which was easy to avoid. And apart from that there was a 2fg Albs running around. Was also some FGs of hibs but I think they gave up after being zerged by the albs too many times.

I exagerated on zerging and it we ran like for a whole of 20mins. We still ran as a FG but ran closely to another mid group who were also pissed off. They hit the alb zerg and we joined them. We didn't zerg any 8 man full group. (mainly because there wasn't any)

We don't really like zerging, the fun was had getting revenge on the 2fgs of albs. That was it.

And the comment on zerging like an alb is just joke. All realms zerg from time to time. Shit happens. One persons fun is anothers misery in this game it seems.

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