Whats up with the server?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
I hope GOA get on top of this one quickly, it could get messy very quickly. Having keeps unclaimed and massive Guild RP losses is NOT minor by any stretch of the imagination.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
muhaha 1 good thing about not haveing relics is u dont have to worry in a situation like this :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
terra dominus lost 10 mill rp and 400k bp..
minor problems my arse


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
lol some ppl seem to be getting rather uptight about all this.

as i see it, theres 2 courses of action.

Plan A:
/Quit, stick ur fingers in ur ears and hum REAL loud untill this is over.


Plan B:
Play as normal, take things as they come and just try to have fun.

tbh the problem has existed for what, a few hours ? GOA tried to solve the problem as quickly as possible with the restart about 5 mins after the problem originated, since that didnt solve it GOA are going to have to think a little harder about the problem, they've kept us updated in what they have been doing, they've siad that they're going to be trying again tomorow, theres not really much to be gained by sitting here calling GOA 'frog eaters' etc. if you dont like it, dont play, its as simple as that. untill then if u cant handle it follow plan A :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Boobz said:
Having keeps unclaimed and massive Guild RP losses is NOT minor by any stretch of the imagination.

jokke said:
minor problems my arse

lol maybe 'minor' means that you can still play the game?

remember that everything is subject to a certain point of veiw. for GOA a 'major' problem would probably be server crashes or hackers and the like, minor probably refers to problems that affect the game but do not make it unplayble. from the point of view of a lvl 10 person xping in mithra this is not a big problem, nor is it for ppl in AC, it may well thwart some bigger things like RR's, but then again, it is fairly late, and so from GOA's point of veiw this bug isnt a major problem.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Well they said there will be no rollbacks, just hope this is the case. I've just got 3 levels since this problem happened and I wouldn't like to lose those 3 levels.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
pity that I couldnt pm mids and albs

/who all
/who odin
/who syrien
/t sollers hi,why the hell are you killing everyone?


[GOA] Official type person
Jan 6, 2004
[UPDATE Saturday 12:15pm CET] We brought down Excalibur this morning at around 11:10am in order to reset the keeps claim status (guild bps and rps will have taken another hit there but should not have gone below the values that could be seen after the first reset last night).

This is a software bug, not hardware and so we are relatively powerless to fix it at the moment. Our partners at Mythic are working hard on providing a fix but unfortunately we cannot give an ETA on its arrival at this time.

In the meantime we will be watching the server closely and reset it should the situation cause the game to become completely unplayable. Again I'd like to remind you that no character rollbacks are planned and that rps and bps gained by individual characters will not be lost (along with tradeskill gains, levels, master levels etc).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Goa said:
Due to a technical error we had to perform a quick shutdown and reboot of Excalibur this evening. It is caused by a problem that we are aware of and have been working with Mythic on fixing. The cause of the problem is the X Manager process that controls all the communication between players on the server. At the moment this process is not functioning correctly which can lead to very weird and wonderful things being seen in your chat windows.
surely if its only excal that is effected you can just copy the settings/software from another server?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
As usual they dont can do a fooking thing, they put down server. then same things goes fooked. NICE JOB!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
go play the Rome Total war demo go go go!


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 5, 2004
So how come its just excal thats being affected if its software related?


[GOA] Official type person
Jan 6, 2004
Dacrath said:
So how come its just excal thats being affected if its software related?

It's not, Broc and Ys have been having the same problems all week.


[GOA] Official type person
Jan 6, 2004
Raven said:
surely if its only excal that is effected you can just copy the settings/software from another server?

That's like saying "My windows xp doesn't work... can I copy yours to fix it?". Sadly not that easy.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
What I don't get is why has the problem cropped up all of a sudden, it can't possibly be patch related, the game used to work fine after the patch and now the problem persists even after rebooting the server? Odd.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
ok GOA may be on the case, but what they gonna do about a paying customer not being happy with the service he recieves as hes not able to enjoy his gaming time..... Ruined RVR last night, buggered my lvling today so what next, a 3 day roll back so i loose all the exp i gained recently....

and we all wonder why people leave a game..

Please either sort the problem or at least give us a decent heads up on the issue


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Sollac said:
ok GOA may be on the case, but what they gonna do about a paying customer not being happy with the service he recieves as hes not able to enjoy his gaming time..... Ruined RVR last night, buggered my lvling today so what next, a 3 day roll back so i loose all the exp i gained recently....

and we all wonder why people leave a game..

Please either sort the problem or at least give us a decent heads up on the issue

Its frustrating that we can't play as we'd like to but the flow of information has been pretty good and I can't see how they can give a 'heads up' to something they don't know is going to occur.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
As I understand it it's up to Mythic to fix this and they're at it as we speak. According to Erivoss there will be no rollback, so no need to get panicky just now. It's become rather annoying though :wij:


Dec 22, 2003
I dont exactly how keeps going funny, and chat going on and off every now and then can totally ruin a days/evenings play/leveling/RvR?
The game is still playable, chances of a roleback are very slim, whats to stop you RVRing or keep taking?



Loyal Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Nothing. Remember though that a massive part of DAOC is the social aspect. If you cant recognise that it is a major part of the game then i dont know why you are playing it.

GOA have done good so far i think, keeping us updated. Thing is, updates will only keep people happy to a certain point, which is when fixes need to start appearing. Have Mythic had this problem with their servers? Do they know what is causing the issue? Are they even working on a patch, or just stringing you, and us along? I think these are the concerns of many. Also i think that many are concerned that this will still be a "minor problem" for weeks to come. When does this become a major problem, and thus a priority? (For mythic).



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
play something else/do something else for the weekend, i am sure its not the end of the world


Loyal Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
FYI GOA, i have also noticed a lot of people complaining that they cant invite people to groups when this bug occurs. Thought you might wanna know.

As for the "play something else" comments. Well they arent really needed. If this is what people choose to do then sobeit, repeating that rubbish over and over doesnt help anyone.
Feb 29, 2004
Sollac said:
ok GOA may be on the case, but what they gonna do about a paying customer not being happy with the service he recieves as hes not able to enjoy his gaming time..... Ruined RVR last night, buggered my lvling today so what next, a 3 day roll back so i loose all the exp i gained recently....

and we all wonder why people leave a game..

if it bothers you THAT much /quit.

ffs things happen, you wont get any compensation seeing as the server is still up and you can log in.. stop bitching already.. amaaaagaaaad you cant RvR? wtf you on about... go solo for once in your tiny existence.. or run with a zerg.. see how easy it is to find different things to do?

Please either sort the problem or at least give us a decent heads up on the issue

wtf you want them to do? theyve posted on the main website, theyve given INGAME msgs.. iirc thats more than we got 6 months ago.. theyre doing a superb job.. like i said if you wanna bitch /quit and do it somewhere else.. otherwise stfu... log in and play.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Boobz said:
FYI GOA, i have also noticed a lot of people complaining that they cant invite people to groups when this bug occurs. Thought you might wanna know.

As for the "play something else" comments. Well they arent really needed. If this is what people choose to do then sobeit, repeating that rubbish over and over doesnt help anyone.

Well we have servers that are up for 99.9% of the time w/o any problems, things are a whole lot better than they used to be. A couple of days problems in 6 months is nothing compared to other games.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
There have been other odd group related problems that just inviting members. Just now I had a group member whom from their perspective: wasnt in the group; from the other group members perspective: they were in a different zome - yet they were stood alongside us; we werent unable to invite the person; and when members apprarently in the group tried to disaband, they recieved a message stating that they werent grouped.

We did try to see whether they were grouped in other aspects, so they stood doing nothing while the rest of us fought. The got no xp.



Loyal Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Raven said:
Well we have servers that are up for 99.9% of the time w/o any problems, things are a whole lot better than they used to be. A couple of days problems in 6 months is nothing compared to other games.

If people dont complain or whine about problems, then eventually GOA will slacken off again. Do you want that to happen? No , me either. Do you honestly think that the community constantly complaining about GOA's Customer Services didnt bring about the better service that we are now getting?

GOA need to know exactly what the community are thinking in order to provide a good service. This is like free market research for them. It doesnt matter wether its someone saying "omg goa are teh sux0r" , its still an oppinion.

Yes GOA has improved massively, and most people just dont want them to slip back to the way it was, which is why you will see a thread like this everytime the server blips out for 10 seconds. There is no point fighting it, you are wasting your time, so instead try adding something constructive to the topic.
Feb 29, 2004
yes CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is good for any company, but just bitching for no reason accomplishes nothing... im sure if worked for GOA and read some people that post on here id prolly think "nob, if only he knew."

GOA have improved 100% from a few months ago... shit cant recall the last time i saw an ingame msg.. was prolly 1.54.. and atleast they developed a sense of humor about these things when they realise theres nothing they can do.

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