Whats the best 'misstell' u recieved



Originally posted by vayasen
Odd subject I know.....

Look away if you are young, easilly offended or a mod ;].

Not naming names...but a certain Cleric in my team was talking to a certain 'other person' when suddenly my screen was lit up by the funny Mt of ' And im going to cum all over your hair'...........quickly followed by 'OMG VAY...im so sorry'.

Lol 2 plats and ill 'name' names ;p.

He tried to send one to her at a relic defence too and said it in /s, not many people seemed to notice though. Until I made a really big deal of it and told people to scroll up that is.


Some1 flaming me behind my back and then misstelling it to me :)


Hehe... Once i was talking some stuff about Saaug in /g... What i dident know was that his alt were in the same Group!
When Kephan told me that i just wanted to die :p

(Not misstell i got, but still kinda funny)


cant remember who but i got

xxx sends, "Are you coming to the rocky horror show with us?"



not daoc related but had an sms last night

"well now you´ve got my number, see you at gym tonight"

I was like WTF?!?!?

some girl named sofie mistelled her sms to me ;) rather fun


If I got a silver for every "any action in Odin's" I'd be a very rich Dwarf.
Please don't stop sending me those pm's and cg invites.. they makes me feel important :)


Oh and erm during a raid a while back a friend was tortuing me to leave DF and buff em then Yelisar messaged me and told me to buff the group, i had pressed R for reply just as she sent it and sent her FUCK YOU...after about 30 PMs saying sorry i got on with buffing the group, i dont believe ill ever recover from how much guilt i got from that one :(


waaaaay back in my old BEA days, me, and 2 other guildies went to hunt hollow men, and as we passed hurbury, we heard 'extreme roleplaying' /em's of the 2 lovers inside. Was funny as it just popped up in a casual convo we were having in group chat. We ran quietly past ;)

Odd, but probably the best MT I've heard :)


Me and Soulfly had some nice talking .... hehe
And im a nice guy and I´m not gonna show his mt



Was crafting in Diogel just after the last patch and Roalith was on /br saying how he thought the chance of 99% items had been nerfed. I disagreed with him and got a snotty response so I mentioned to my RL friend what I thought of that. Unfortunately I was simultaneously ordering tailored inserts from Linnet - a guildmate of Roalith - and she got my PM saying that Roalith needs to get laid more. Needless to say she shared it with the rest of Utopia who seemed to think it was funny.

The Real Redi

Originally posted by chretien
Was crafting in Diogel just after the last patch and Roalith was on /br saying how he thought the chance of 99% items had been nerfed. I disagreed with him and got a snotty response so I mentioned to my RL friend what I thought of that. Unfortunately I was simultaneously ordering tailored inserts from Linnet - a guildmate of Roalith - and she got my PM saying that Roalith needs to get laid more. Needless to say she shared it with the rest of Utopia who seemed to think it was funny.

Hey, even _I_ think its funny :clap:

I once got a mistell, to whom i shall give no credit, simply because after the initial wondering of what the hell they were talking about, then who to, i felt rather ill and went for a lie down and a cuppa:

**** says: "You know, if they were just a tiny bit further apart, i could fit that in my mouth, and that in my puckered arsehole. what you reckon?"

:eek7: Was a long time ago, and the rogue in question no longer stalks these lands as far as i know :) probably for the best...


ok, well it wasn't a miss tell in game but for about 3 weeks i had this woman texting me. I didn' t know who she was and she sent:

"Hey u fat bitch, where have u been? hows the baby? i haven't seen u for sooooo long, lets meet up sometime. tb Sal"

i replied about 20 times to this kinda stuff saying:

"I think you got the wrong number, i'm a 16 year old boy and don't have a baby :)"

to which she replied:

"Stop playing around u silly bitch, i know ur Jenny."

i had to check myself a few times to make sure i wasn't Jenny and wasn't a 4 month pregnant 30 year old woman :eek:


Originally posted by living
Some1 flaming me behind my back and then misstelling it to me :)

I was flaming someone :( , and misstelled it to the person i flamed, felt so embarrased and we were in same grp and guild :eek:

The person was a bitch anyway ;p


the old "/gu this group is really really ghey, especially that X guy"

but forgetting the 'u' part :x


I once asked if i could join gr pwith ******* and a second later he answered: I wanna have sex with you tonight u know where...:clap:

And a ½ second later he wrote: Oh fuck MT!!!!!


Eynar did a funny one once on /as ... :/

Tell the ppl Eynar!





ok my ones shite quality but try yer best :p


Originally posted by -ElemenT-
Eynar did a funny one once on /as ... :/

Tell the ppl Eynar!

Haha, I was already wondering whether someone would bring this up :p . Don't think there are many others who know of it tho:clap:


ok kinda worse than a mistell

was sat playing, defending MY road
there was 1fg hibs on the road some pussy hero who wouldnt duel me
and i kept getting ganked being the only person attacking

i hadnt had much sleep and i was getting rather pissed off,

i ran out 1 more time and same again, stunned shot nuked stabbed
then xest runs up and starts laugh spamming me
my 12 tear old little sister taps me on the shoulder and i turn to her and yell

real life mistell -_-


Seeing as people are doing real life 'mistells' then I have one that might qualify.

Some woman texted me one day when I was in a bad mood for some reason: 'Hi Rob I've been thinking about you all day. Please tell me that you won't think twice about Tanya when we do it. I'll be so much better for you. I'm fine, girls are in the dentist having their teeth taken out. I've dug the dirt on Jim just in case. When should we do it?' Or something very similar to that.

Yes, it's not my business who has affairs with whom, but I texted back anyway, being in a bad mood: 'Sorry, I'm not Rob (who I'm guessing also isn't your husband). Perhaps you should think things over before your girls lose their teeth and their father today.'

Oh well, guess she felt pretty bad... Never did text me back, though.


Originally posted by vincibility
Seeing as people are doing real life 'mistells' then I have one that might qualify.

Some woman texted me one day when I was in a bad mood for some reason: 'Hi Rob I've been thinking about you all day. Please tell me that you won't think twice about Tanya when we do it. I'll be so much better for you. I'm fine, girls are in the dentist having their teeth taken out. I've dug the dirt on Jim just in case. When should we do it?' Or something very similar to that.

Yes, it's not my business who has affairs with whom, but I texted back anyway, being in a bad mood: 'Sorry, I'm not Rob (who I'm guessing also isn't your husband). Perhaps you should think things over before your girls lose their teeth and their father today.'

Oh well, guess she felt pretty bad... Never did text me back, though.


Vinci, sign on msn once in a while...get in touch you rer'ing muppet :p

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