Fedaykin said:i personally really like DAOC's realm abilities system, yes it offers an incentive for those who dedicate themselves more to the game
exactly how it should be
why should a guy who has been playing 5 days be on the same footing as someone playing for 50
without RA's any necro powerlevelled infiltrator would be as powerful as someone who had been playign their inf since the start
A "good" player should beat the crap out of the pl'ed char without extra tools....why reward the ones that allready should have the best skill in the game due to playing much.....if you dont want "Omg we roxxor so much and kill everyone 20 times in our cool gg and make them not go PvP" then dont reward with extra tools that make chars more powerful.
Or lets not make game skillbased instead of itembased......
Looks like lvl60 is comparable to TOA atm though. Go 200000 raids to get the items you need.