What Sort of PvP System Does WoW Need?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Fedaykin said:
i personally really like DAOC's realm abilities system, yes it offers an incentive for those who dedicate themselves more to the game

exactly how it should be

why should a guy who has been playing 5 days be on the same footing as someone playing for 50

without RA's any necro powerlevelled infiltrator would be as powerful as someone who had been playign their inf since the start

A "good" player should beat the crap out of the pl'ed char without extra tools....why reward the ones that allready should have the best skill in the game due to playing much.....if you dont want "Omg we roxxor so much and kill everyone 20 times in our cool gg and make them not go PvP" then dont reward with extra tools that make chars more powerful.

Or lets not make game skillbased instead of itembased......

Looks like lvl60 is comparable to TOA atm though. Go 200000 raids to get the items you need.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2005
Appollo said:
OMG Cplgimp is still alive!

oh yes... oh yes... Shaman 54 on Bladefist. And nice to see you are still around polly you big girls blouse.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tomtefan said:
Congratulations on stating that you have other intrests as well, I guess that's nice for you but how about this metaphor?

You say you 'play sports' so going by your reasoning you should be whining that you aren't (And if you are then well... Guess why you dont have enough time) playing your chosen sport at the highest possible level... I mean you are after all dedicating some time to it (!!1)

Just because you dont have the time to keep up with the other players doesn't mean that the system should be catered to you, but of course everyone who isn't like you are no-life losers \o/

Your statement feels kinda like saying 'People, I live my life like everyone should live their lives, the rest of you just suck and should adapt to my demands'.

NEWSFLASH: People are allowed to play as much as they want and they should at least be able to gain something from their time spent compared to none of these 'non-nolifelosers' who only plays x hours a week but still expect to have the same competetive ability as someone who plays xx hours a week (Note: xx is a larger number then 30 in this case).


I quite like the initial concepts of the honour system as described in blizzards' battlegrounds previews. I wonder how quick your rank degrades in time though. I guess they can't make it to harsh. On the flip side it does allow them to dynamically control the amount of top rank characters by just changing a few variables and create an equal footing on every server/side.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Tomtefan said:
Congratulations on stating that you have other intrests as well, I guess that's nice for you but how about this metaphor?

Well as metaphors go, as a direct comparrison between sports and playing WoW a lot, then yes it supports the concept of not having an RA system, rather than what you assert.

If you play a sport a lot, then in theory you acquire more skill and learn more tactics. Unless you suck, in which case you don't get any better. You don't acquire, no matter how much you train, any "I win" abilities in sports to help you compensate for being crap.

Your "I Win" Realm Abilities in sports would be the equivalent of getting steroids on the cheap or some such.

If you're any good, then the more you train the better you will get. You may even need to train less than someone who sucks to reach comparative levels of ability.

In WoW terms, the more you play the more tactics and skills you learn to defeat other players in PvP. If you're any good, this will require less time than someone who sucks. If you suck, then it doesn't matter how much time you spend playing WoW, you will always suck. You shouldn't be "rewarded" with "I Win" abilities just because you suck, but happen to able to devote a great deal of time to the game.

If someone plays for 100+ hours a week, but can't beat people in PvP who only play for 8 hrs a week, the I say hard cheese to them. Why should that person get a crutch to compensate for your ineptitude?

Likewise, if someone is really good and play for 100+ hours a week and can happily beat anyone out there, what do they need additional abilities for? Surely a ranking that relfects your ability and a few neato items will be enough, rather than additional abilities that put you beyond the reach of competition?

This of course applies the other way. If a person only plays for 8hrs a week and sucks and don't have the time to develop better skills through play, then tough, thats life. But at least they can get better if the devote more time, rather than facing the insurmountable mountain of competing against people who have time and have accrued additional abilities as a result.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Highly competitive games such as Q3A and CS give everyone essentially the same equipment. You don't get a chain gun that insta kills everyone after you play CS for 100 hours or whatever, so I don't see that not giving people the wow equivalent would break the game. Essentially it comes down to skill not equipment, and that's how it should be. What you gain is experience in fighting other players, and (hopefully) enjoyment of the game. Not the ability to press a button and win.

On the sports thing - pro player and amateur players both play with more or less the same equipment. A football is a football no matter what level you play the game at, it's all on player skill.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I'm one of those crazy players who have enough of gaming time without being classed as a powergamer. However I do feel that much of the point and satisfaction I get with mmorpgs is advancing my character. I suppose some of you could say that your advancement stops when you ding 60. Well i for one want to continue to advance my characters abilities.

Otherwise we could just have a /level 60 command? If we want it to be like CS I mean. Why should someone who takes the time to lvl to 60 have an upper hand against someone who doesn't have the time to and is stuck at 34?

I'm all for some sort of reward system that gives abilities of some form. It doesn't have to be Ignore Pain, or MoC, but something. Say for example that you're a cheiftan (or some officer rank), you could get a pbaoe buff that gives +x amount of str, +con if you're a melee class and something like +int +spi if you're a caster that's always on and that affects all your realm mates that are near you. Of course that would require a high offcer rank, but still a nice reward and works in logically also.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Das_Hibbie said:
Otherwise we could just have a /level 60 command? If we want it to be like CS I mean. Why should someone who takes the time to lvl to 60 have an upper hand against someone who doesn't have the time to and is stuck at 34?

Because its not just a pure PvP game? Part of the fun is being able to PvP at all the levels as you play through the game. It doesn't really take that long to reach lvl 60 anyway, even for the casual player, so this sort of gap is far from insurmountable.

Das_Hibbie said:
I'm all for some sort of reward system that gives abilities of some form. It doesn't have to be Ignore Pain, or MoC, but something. Say for example that you're a cheiftan (or some officer rank), you could get a pbaoe buff that gives +x amount of str, +con if you're a melee class and something like +int +spi if you're a caster that's always on and that affects all your realm mates that are near you. Of course that would require a high offcer rank, but still a nice reward and works in logically also.

Thats actually not a bad idea. Skews things for those who like 1vs1 fights, but as part of the concept of "leading" your faction in battle, I like it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Sendraks said:
Because its not just a pure PvP game? Part of the fun is being able to PvP at all the levels as you play through the game. It doesn't really take that long to reach lvl 60 anyway, even for the casual player, so this sort of gap is far from insurmountable.

My point is, that it's not purely a PvE game either. PvP is a part of the game, so why should only PvE be your only means of advancement?

Thats actually not a bad idea. Skews things for those who like 1vs1 fights, but as part of the concept of "leading" your faction in battle, I like it.

Cheers ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Das_Hibbie said:
My point is, that it's not purely a PvE game either. PvP is a part of the game, so why should only PvE be your only means of advancement?

I think this is something that Blizz will resolve in time with the various battlegrounds for lower level characters.

Hopefully there will be xp gains for successfully completing missions and the like.

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