what server?



Originally posted by aonn_elfclomper
MOO :)

well VS are the zerg BUT its nothing wrong about that in PS this aint DaoC :)

Well said, large scale battles are so much fun and as friendly fire is a factor its not really a zerg so much as a large army moving as one.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Lasher... Magrider... do I need to continue?:p

If you're implying that they're easy to use, while I have never used a lasher so will leave any discussion on that to someone else, let me tell you magriders are far from easy to use.

They are hovercraft and as such owe a bit more to piloting than driving say a Vanguard for controls which can get more than a little difficult when trying to drive in trees.

It all depends if you get on with the control system - I didn't at all at first, and I still have problems sometimes specially in trees or in heavy firefights.

I'm not necessarily suggesting that something like a Vanguard is laughably easy - I've tried it and it's not. But the magrider is certainly not an easy ride either!


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
I forgot the flying MAX'.... :p

I tried that, always ended up either jumping too early/late, going too far, running out of steam half way through the jump...

It's not as easy as it's made out to be either you know...

(and let's just disregard the fact that I suck for the credibility of this post) :p

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