What is the most gimped class in DAOC



Originally posted by SilverHood

You missed First2die

Yup always seems to draw atleast 50% of the enemy aggro in fights.


Hunters are gimped? What a hillarious fucking comment. Have you considered the entertaining business? Maybe standup-comedean? Or clown?


Originally posted by old.Immortal
Hunters are gimped? What a hillarious fucking comment. Have you considered the entertaining business? Maybe standup-comedean? Or clown?

You don't have a clue, do you?

And please don't go rambling about some BG experience, we talk end game.


Who cares that your class is a gimp.. when you play it right, you can be better then nongimped classes with bad players.


From what i can see, hunters are not gimped compared to Scouts.
Hunters melee damage is unbelievable compared to scouts and also nice Bow damage. Hunter doing 300+damage per hit in melee to my minstrel is rather annoying.im lucky if i can outmelee a hunter toe to toe. (personal experience so dont flame me :eek:( ) Thanes are about the only middy class i can have a decent fight with 1on1. Providing they are sword and board lol. They have a slight edge over me but if i can strike them unprepared i usually win.


Can't compare a Warden to a Theurgist or Runie just because they have pbt. Hitting for 100 on a caster that can nuke for 450(550 in case of Runie) is incomparable.

1.54 will probably see off many bards and wardens with changes to mez, cheap ra skills for tanks and better block and parry.


Originally posted by erl

You don't have a clue, do you?

And please don't go rambling about some BG experience, we talk end game.

LFMAO. What made you say that? My signature? :m00: @ you. Do some research, oh, and btw. Ask some hunters that knows how to play one if they feel they suck. Like hitting lvl 50s for 950 dmg with bow and 450ish with spear. Yeah, they suck. Imensely. Dork.


Hunters don't hit for 450 with bow let alone spear so I have no idea where you got that idea from. Maybe they might just hit that if they critted a sitting caster with his shields dow, but that's about it. :p


Do I need to provide you with screenshots?


Yes he was bufffed. But still. Hunters don't suck stop fucking whining.

This very char has been hit for champs with 2h for less than 200, styled, (so don't say the char sucks). It has been speared by unbuffed hunters for 3xx damage, shot by sinister for 950 with critshot, shot for 670 singleshot (+ crit i reckon) by unbuffed hunters. I mean.. tell me WHAT is it that suck? Cause it's deffinately not the damage, and IF your char does crap damage you better get more RA's and get better itamz. Cause the class is fucking brilliant.


Originally posted by Chandelen
Hunters melee damage is unbelievable compared to scouts and also nice Bow damage. Hunter doing 300+damage per hit in melee to my minstrel is rather annoying.im lucky if i can outmelee a hunter toe to toe.

Rofl! 300+ every 4 secs.... us outmeleeing a mincer??? Roflmao!!! You got something like insta mezz and stun dont you? I _never ever_ hit a lvl 50 mincer once. (At least I can't remember.)

Originally posted by Danyan
Hunters don't hit for 450 with bow let alone spear so I have no idea where you got that idea from. Maybe they might just hit that if they critted a sitting caster with his shields dow, but that's about it.

My cap with a crit shot is 932 atm. My best hit ever on a caster was something like 83x with a crit and a thrust arrow. (Selfbuffs only! Using thrust arrows against lvl 50s bcz high slash resist kills the slash weakness bonus.)
Btw Archers dont recieve dmg bonus on sitting players anymore since a while. (Since 1.36 I think.) If I would still get that dmg bonus I would 1-shot any class sitting.

I feel my class hard to lvl in PvE and I have to be VERY careful when soloing (both in PvE and PvP) but I don't feel gimped.
The option to choose dmg type made me recover alot from the nerfs I got. See Hidden is kinda nasty but at several occassions Infis run past me at like 5m distance when I was stealthed but not camouflaged. Its just a matter of where you hide.

Though I feel hunters need some love...
- Their defensive abilities are close to zero. 3 blue con mobs can kill me even if I am at full endurance and selfbuffed.
- Spear styles do huge damage if they hit. The problem is that they have either no or low to-hit bonus or even defense penality, are at least medium endurance using and very slow. My endurance is eaten up by about 7 styles and I get hit by other classes 3-5 times between 2 styles.
- Yellow con mobs get me down to 5-15% when soloing. I need a pet to achieve an acceptable downtime but pets are hard to find and don't do enough damage considering the spec points you have to spent for the highest charms. (Compare hunter pets to other ingame pets.)
- The only thing hunters can offer to PvE groups is dmg. But they can't take dmg. That makes a tank a better choice. Even a Runie or Spiritmaster is a better choice than a hunter since he can deal damage and do some CC.

The pet thingy gets fixed.
There are only 2 more things I want for my class:
1. Evade 3 (Evade 2 is not enough and basicly no change in RvR.)
2. Bow styles. Giving me the option to sacrifice some dmg to apply snare, attackspeed slow down or even a bleed would make me alot more usefull in PvE.

old.Gombur Glodson

Minstrels gets an insta 6 second stun if there is no resist.


skalds are gimps.. with speed

and minstrels are hard to play...


Immortal...from your screen shots I am assuming you play Sneaker? I've seen you around a bit and I think we've even had a chance to go 1 on 1, but not often, mostly when you are in Yggdra or Uppland getting down and dirty with my realm mates :). I play a hunter mate, we aren't really gimped tbh, but in no ways are we anywhere as uber as you claim. 450ish with spear damage? Most likely a crit hit with spear, they are usually anywhere from 175-350 and spears are slow weapons so the next hit takes a while to get going. 950 with bow? I'm lucky if i get a crit shot to even touch 700+, mostly my arrows hit for around 300-400 on casters, leather its probably 200-300 and on plate and scales its 175-275. Those are estimates, I can't be arsed to go and check all my hit logs.

I can solo a few classes if I have a pet (if i can find one that is, theres not much choice on the frontiers for pets, in fact Alb frontier has only one pet thats any use and it spawns only from 1am to 4 am) and i get lucky with my bow shots before they close in on me. In melee I have no real defense, I can't evade or dodge that well (evade II and dodge II does let me do a little ducking and diving but not that much) and with only studded armor most hits hurt big time.

The only way I have any chance at all in soloing anyone is if I get the drop on them first, even then its a bit dicey. Won't touch the pure tanks if I can help it, theres a slim to none chance of killing them, the semitank/hybrid/healing classes are touch and go at best, the casters I can probably do easiest but only if they don't have bladeturn up or if they stop running to let me get 2 more shots in. Infils and NSs forget it, they evade huge and hit hard.

But even so I still have managed to reach rr4, mostly from hunting the solo runners in Sauvage. I can kill, but its an adrenaline fueled rush when I target and release my arrows. I don't know the outcome when the target is yello con, no matter what class they still have a decent chance to stay alive and kill me before I drop them. With a hunter the outcome is always uncertain in a 1-1 fight if I see them first, but if they see me first or we see each other at the same time, forget it, I go into stealth mode and try to find a better opportunity. I'm soooo looking forward to my insta pets, that will make me a more viable soloer and grouper, its an improvement thats been a long time coming.

I bought this game only to play a hunter, I read about them for ages on the forums and websites, and decided that they would be a very challenging class to play and I havent been disappointed. We aren't gimped at all, but I can say with certainty we aren't uber and we definately needed a bit of help (thx Mythic! 1.56!!). Anyways, its late and I think I've had my fair share of strong midgard ales (no sissy fairy nectar or English piss-water for me).

Good luck all of you and thanks for making my time on Prydwen really enjoyable.



Well well, i never thought anyone would dare call a hunter an uber class !!
I normally just read these forums but you made me register only to reply to your statement. Bow hits for 950 ? Spear for 450 ?
I never ever hit for those amounts of damage, i have a crit cap of 928 ( grey ) and spear damage ok but certainly not good and very slow. What you dont seem to understand is taht its not because you meet an uberbuffed hunter who knows how to play and gets lucky with a crit here or there, that the entire hunter population has a) a buffbot b) rr5+ c) gets off crits at you.

For the comparison with scouts, I would say they are somewhat better off then hunters with better bow damage ( slower bows ) and relatively good combat skills ( shield so slam ) with which you can easily get casters. Dont even start about "you have pets and self buffs" because they're really not worth mentioning. The pets are green and they get you spotted immediately whereas the buffs are ok but by far inferior to any dex/qui you could receive.
They wear off quickly so you would have to unstealth to buff again, and this is dangerous.


Try play BM. Somtime i think something wrong with my damadge table. And bonus from styles... somtimes i cry. somtime laugh


i'm a gimp coz i
1. cant play my class well
2. we have no relics

the fact mid has all str relics really ruins all the albion melee classes vs. midgard melee classes comparison

mebbe mid will spread all the str relics so we can test it out :D

btw dont forget the fact sometimes ppl actually (!!) get buffs from other ppl to help. well other ppl/buffbots


Originally posted by Danyan
Hunters don't hit for 450 with bow let alone spear so I have no idea where you got that idea from. Maybe they might just hit that if they critted a sitting caster with his shields dow, but that's about it. :p

Err Blood hitting me with a frigging arrow for 980 dmg in one shot at level 50 counts as hitting like a fuking tank. Sure it was crit but even still that is extremly high, anyone saying otherwise has never played a level 50 caster and come up a top notch hunter like Blood.


Gawd I want RR5! I'm hitting for 650-800 with critical shots on lvl 50 casters. (no, not critical hits and no, no buffbot. just selfbuffs) Can't wait for RR5 the get the last bit of damage outa my bow. Can't wait for Falcons Eye 5 aswell. If someone hits you for 1200+ with an arrow its gonna be me. :cool:


Originally posted by sharma
People who whine about their class being gimped are people whom dont know how to play their class.

Says the person with only flavour of the month class chars. :clap:


Originally posted by old.Immortal

LFMAO. What made you say that? My signature? :m00: @ you. Do some research, oh, and btw. Ask some hunters that knows how to play one if they feel they suck. Like hitting lvl 50s for 950 dmg with bow and 450ish with spear. Yeah, they suck. Imensely. Dork.

Yep, my signature maid me said it because it seems to me that you haven't got much level 50-experience. Of course I could be wrong. And it would be a real pain if I had to do some research after looking at someone signature, because I trust what I see and don't go on researching for an hour before drawing some conclusions.

And judging a class by some high-damage hits is plain stupid. I hope you can understand that.

I do feel that I know how to play my hunter. I do not feel that we suck. But the thing is that I feel I would have done much better as a ranger or scout, hence I dare to say that we are gimped compared to those.

Calling a class for "fucking brilliant" as you do by, judging from a couple of hits is really weird.

If you look at some real comparisions between hunters and rangers/scouts you will see that we have a harder time than those as the game is now, which was what I stated in my first post.

And your childish needs to make insults is pretty ... pathetic?

edit: some more info, to make a crit shot of 950 damage you need to have approx 64 skill levels in composite bow. You have to be RR5 and use the slowest bow. You also have to hit your cap. You need to fire at a non-moving and non-hitting target, with no BT up. Go figure.


Id happily give up bc line for shield specc if were talking scout - hunter comparisations. Sure hunters hit hard in melee but however a class with a anytime stun get's you down under 50% before you can swing back at them if there not terribly bad specced. And even if they dont they still have a advantage of pulling of series styles or crit shooting you. The only chance a hunter has to stun someone is a positional back series. And honestly folks, who runs from a hunter? ;)



As a wise person said earlier in this thread, there's a matter of how you play your class that defines if it's a gimp or not. But there are some classes that needs some sweet luvin' though...

Imho Thanes are the gimps of Midgard , not because they suck in general but they don't have the constitution/hps to stand up for the amount of damage they do in PvE, and in RvR they'd be going down WAY too easy. No point in playing a tank if it goes down in 2-3 strikes... Not even a light tank...

If anyone wanted an idea for what whine to send to Mythic, ask them to convert the str-buf to str/con and increase maximum hps by 10%.

Edit: And no way the SC-specc weighs up for the missing hps! ;)


referring to page #1, Thanes rocks! give me dwarfie back *cries*


One of the most gimped classes has to be a Blademaster. Why do you think there are so few in hibernia. I specced blunt to try to get every ounce of damage from it and my armour is like paper. Thank the lord for ip and triple wield. Bm's are only any good every 30 mins. :(


Im in the "players are gimped" not classes camp. As someone said in a previouse post some classes need lovin, but bottom line is its how u play that matters.

Pointing the gimp stick at classes is kinda like calling people 4 eyes. Serves no purpose and usually just offends.

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