What is so good about NF?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
As much as everyone likes to think back to the old days, yes there were some funny times, I saw some old screenshots where we actually went out in a fullgroup of 25's-40's into emain (would that ever happen today?) and it was fun climbing into keeps and the stealthers just causing chaos on the walls (which doesn't seem to happen so much anymore).

Good bits: It was pretty, fights in the AMG Bowl in Emain were mad zergs, the elite 8v8 groups loved it.
Bad bits: Hibs had to travel miles to RvR, 10 minutes to port if you just missed it. To get to a fight could take realistically 20 mins where you could intadie.

Good bits: Bigger, more things for people to do, keeps you interested as it is "new". Porting to fights does not take much time - great for people who only play casually.
Bad bits: Assassins and some visibles left out of Tower RvR. ToA and the eternal grind (addressed in 1.81b).

I prefer it as it is now, because it feels bigger and better and I think the game is slowly moving in the right direction.

It would be nice to have ladders on towers that melee'rs can go up, and a door at the top of the tower to the tower-captain room that is linked to the one at the bottom and only opens when that one opens.

Oli - Illu
Dec 31, 2003
illu said:
Bad bits: Hibs had to travel miles to RvR, 10 minutes to port if you just missed it. To get to a fight could take realistically 20 mins where you could intadie.

I think this bit was a good aspect of the game. If u die u can just instant summon urself a la WoW BGs or quake, if u die u die - it will taka a while to get back.

What i found boring with OF was the zergs, but the zergs could been scattered if they made OF abit larger without adding alot of bullshit and maybe adding 2-3 more ways to get from say APK to say Emain.

Agree that alot of things in OF like 9 s df, savages quad hitting alot more then they should etc was shit, that was changed and I think those chages are great. But those changes doesn't realy define what NF is so don't bring them up as an argument that NF is better b/c of this and that hotfix.

As you some1 said, daoc has like 13 zones + agramon to fight in, yet only a VERY SMALL amount of the game is beeing used. You can't blame the players for not fighting in say snowdania near alb docks there, why would they... not like you have to go there. This ofc cluster ppl up since more ppl in a smaller area makes for lag, zergs, lack of solo ablity/duo ability wich imo is suxx0r.

OF had Odins gate wich had long routes everyon ehad to take so by just following a enemy route backwards or go near it, or hide behind a tree close to it, u would get fun fights all the time.

And as lillsub said, "stealthers no longer cause chaos on the battlements" etc, not an exact quote but same meaning. - No I know, but what caster would be scared to GET PA'ed now when he is in a FG when he get DI'ed instantly, habe 4 brittles, BT, ml9 pets, and all kinds of shit OPed ablities? :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
I like NF a lot more than OF.

I think toa brought a new level of depth to the game.

I think Catacombs was a disaster with its OP classes for the balance of the game.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
i actually prefer NF to OF
couple things i would change tho which Kagato highlighted earlier

-Change the RA system to something that was similar to previously, its a game of 3 realms were spose to have some unique ra's to our realm (not counting RR5 class specific which for some classes are great for others are useless)
-Change it so you can only port to a keep with a dock regardless of realm
-Add roman style seige towers to make tanks viable in keep takes
-Add relic guards who increase in lvl according to that realms total population
Lots of people online for your realm - "low" level relic guards
Hardly any people online (e.g 6am on a weekday) - Very high lvl relic guards

for those screaming toa was the worst thing that happened to daoc, go play the classic server and see how boring it is without the new things toa added.
Yes there are still some balance issues because of toa but overall it was a very good expansion
And with the coming patch it isnt even a grind anymore
just my 2 pence


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
So the majority in this tread likes NF better than OF. And considering ALOT of ppl dont even read forums, eg. casuals.
It would look like some ppl need to get there facts straight. :)

"Everyone hates NF/ToA", lal.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
we had a guild rvr night the monday before NF (was patched on a wednesday I think)

Ran out to HW, after an hour of milegate pingpong we'd encountered a whole mid duo....

Went to odins, 4fg mids at hmg, wiped
Went to emain, 2fg of high RR hibs (llaw arian and dem hibbies? or vengeance - you get the idea) roaming around the atk, wiped
went back to emain, 4fg mids camping amg, wiped

went back to odins, 5fg albs camping hmg - not an enemy in sight.

For this whole time we had a friar in the guild trying to catch up to us - by the time he got to HW we'd suicided on the milegate, he missed the port we were on because he was still in HW and missed the next one due to having to zone twice to get to the port (bound in SI). He got to odins just as we gave up and missed another port on the way out to emain, managed to join up for our second trip to emain. Now a lot of that's our fault because we didn't stop and wait (he said "nah just go on I'll catch up") but it illustrates the frustration with the OF porting ;)

Any time I start sniffling with nostalgia for smiting zoia on the mmg wall in hadrians (while she chopped a level 42 kalloth buffed only with 8 enhance glambuffs into bits) I remind myself of our last OF guild rvr ;)

NF is great, ToA is a good thing, but I have to agree with muy that catacombs has had a massively bad impact on RvR - bainshees and warlocks (and vampiirs if yer solo and not a shield user) - just not fun to fight against.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
on avergage i would get 2-3 fights on the way to emain, nowdays u get 2-3 solo fights / day with NF.


u are such a bad lier, all just remember the good things about OF. none think of the crap sides. hibs having to walk to emain campers 24/7 at milegates and alot more. ofc NF isnt flawless but i dont think OF was that much better in anyway


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I liked OF much better than NF. Yeah, OF had milegates, excessive guard aggro, and long distance travelling, but imagine if these things were fixed/improved...

NF is much harder to improve, mainly because of "instant porting".
Dec 31, 2003
Valgyr said:

u are such a bad lier, all just remember the good things about OF. none think of the crap sides. hibs having to walk to emain campers 24/7 at milegates and alot more. ofc NF isnt flawless but i dont think OF was that much better in anyway

Ur "HAHhehAHeHAEhAHeah" dosn't really say WHY you think NF is better then OF was.

If u have an opinion please say why, as in argument for it.

Also Flim, zergs are just as bad nowdays as in OF. As soon as a tower/keep gets flamed all the newbies will port there and storm there with 3-4 fgs.
The rest of the time these newbies stands @ beno and QQing they cant get a group. Oh when they see that celt+luri @ beno bridges they all come running there to "solo" us, all 10 of them.



FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
MesS° said:
So the majority in this tread likes NF better than OF. And considering ALOT of ppl dont even read forums, eg. casuals.
It would look like some ppl need to get there facts straight. :)

"Everyone hates NF/ToA", lal.
make a thread asking who likes NF ra's more than OF ones ;)
I dont mind NF itself but the RA'sa re just f'cked


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Ur "HAHhehAHeHAEhAHeah" dosn't really say WHY you think NF is better then OF was.

If u have an opinion please say why, as in argument for it.

Also Flim, zergs are just as bad nowdays as in OF. As soon as a tower/keep gets flamed all the newbies will port there and storm there with 3-4 fgs.
The rest of the time these newbies stands @ beno and QQing they cant get a group. Oh when they see that celt+luri @ beno bridges they all come running there to "solo" us, all 10 of them.


you can avoid the zerg these days ;) and keep taking/tower taking is FAR FAR more involved than OF - OF was pish.

celt +luri (+luri +luri +luri +luri +luri... all soloing of course)
pretty sure the hib/mid newbies don't stand at beno either ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Danord_durin said:
Chronictank said:
make a thread asking who likes NF ra's more than OF ones ;)
So u can troll that 1 also? U don't work hard enough when u are on job :pPPP
nowt else to do when you wait for programs to compile :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Chronictank said:
nowt else to do when you wait for programs to compile :)

riiiiiight :p

anyway OF was more fun imo, always went solo/duo or with fg to odin's, always good fights overthere, once in a while you bumped on the 10Fg albs who were on their way to bled but even that is pure fun.
Emain on the other hand was only fun if you were in a zerg or in a opted group, altho iv done some solo there and even zergleader Lac has let me live a few times :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Ur "HAHhehAHeHAEhAHeah" dosn't really say WHY you think NF is better then OF was.

If u have an opinion please say why, as in argument for it.

one of the good things about having an opinion about something, is that you realy dont have to argue for it. Either you like OF or NF better.

Myself I like NF better, dont have to say why, I just do, simple as that. Dont realy care or want to persuade people who like OF better into liking NF more either. Its just my opionion that I like NF more.

But I do think people who say OF was better are like the standard 70 year old male who think everything was better when they were kids.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Heta said:
one of the good things about having an opinion about something, is that you realy dont have to argue for it. Either you like OF or NF better.

Myself I like NF better, dont have to say why, I just do, simple as that. Dont realy care or want to persuade people who like OF better into liking NF more either. Its just my opionion that I like NF more.

But I do think people who say OF was better are like the standard 70 year old male who think everything was better when they were kids.
this is a discussion post not a poll...
saying "I like that one" (little britain ftw), without an argument to back it is not contributing to a discussion
dictionary.com said:
1. Consideration of a subject by a group; an earnest conversation.
2. A formal discourse on a topic; an exposition.
So Matriarch has a very valid point in this case


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Mate, if xx sbs aint happy with thier class in solo encounters, then they will group out making me unhappy since i cant kill 3 vs 1 sbs. This making me have to group up and roll 3-4 NS/rangers. This the sbs cant kill and make them angry and frustrated, and so forth. If I'm not happy with he game situation ill make other unhappy. Simpel logic, 1337 ppl can go out 8 ppl and farm, the newbies cant compete and zerg, thus making the 8v8 ppl QQ and log or just zerg aswell making eveyone miserable. That my point.

OF was working very well imo. All u had to do to compete was get SC, get 8 ppl together and play a while so u functioned as a group then go out and rvr. If u cant compete then, i guess u need more practice. Hibs could make compeable groups so could albs do and ofc mids could.

All OF needed was maybe copy paste the gfx to make it larger, add 2-3 milegates in each frontiers and then it was enough.

Anyone agree? disagree? why?

And I am sure you never tried to play a Cleric(without a set group) in OF.
I often saw Weldryn, Joline, Killerbee etc all just 'waiting' on the PK hill for some action as there was never a group unless you had a set group going.
This was alb/pry of course so I don't know if it was the same in alb/exc.
Also soloing (as a non stealther) was impossible back then just like it is now, Odins/Hadrian's was dead 95% of the time unless there was a relic raid or a big keep take going on.

Though it's true what other people say that most people only remember the good things about the past (which most people do not only with DAoC but with everything).
I for one don't want to see OF comming back ever though it seems alot of people atleast the FH people want to have somesort of Arena 1v1 8v8 area or fights atleast that is what I understand from most of the posts though imo that would never fit into DAoC (the arena kind of thing) as this is not PvP but RvR.

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