What is doing AD in excalibur ? ( Albion ) discuss

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Belomar said:
No, it's not a bad thing. But it does not give them the right to diss other guilds that do run caster groups.

k, agreed


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
AD > Any Alb guild, and the majority of Mid guilds.

Only run into you 3 times but big respect for going 1fg prime time.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Shame nobody replied to my post.
Are some of those AD guys Mid/Excal noobs who are trying to prove Albion/Excal is viable?
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Glottis said:
Shame nobody replied to my post.
Are some of those AD guys Mid/Excal noobs who are trying to prove Albion/Excal is viable?
Regards, Glottis

They proved it pretty damn well if they are indeed from mid/exc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
lol well, they can do it ... no reason why anyone else cant.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Belomar said:
No, it's not a bad thing. But it does not give them the right to diss other guilds that do run caster groups.
he was talking about people running debuffcaba + speedbot (and probably radar), just going around leeching from the zerg and fg fights.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
They proved it pretty damn well if they are indeed from mid/exc.

They prove a bunch of powergamers will be most casual ones. Which will surprise precisely no one.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Outlaw said:
You're Mid attitudes are not welcome in Albion

It seems their "Mid attitudes" is what it takes to succeed. I've been playing FG(before that I played a stealther) for 8 months, during which time Albs have done nothing but whine about being virtually unable to compete on a 8v8 basis.

I understand that it's hard to get the truth thrown in your face like this but now AD virtually proved that despite the grave overpoweredness of the savage and the lack of instant AE CC, a FG from Albion can compete.

The "Mid" attitude you describe is to have the best setup of characters possible, with the best possible people playing them. Guess what that slightly, if not completely, resembles? Life.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gordonax said:
They prove a bunch of powergamers will be most casual ones. Which will surprise precisely no one.


If you mean what I think you mean, you're saying casual players are all noobs and have no skill and are too dumb to make proper group setups? It isn't too spectacular what AD does fyi. They just know how to play and they have a decent group setup, look at the result.

It's just that alot of other people in alb make groups that make no sense (ie, no clerics, no sorc, you name it) and afterwards complain they are underpowered when the blame is with the people and not the game.

A casual gamer can be just as much in the top of the foodchain in daoc as a "powergamer"... but you do have to try. ;)

Try being steamrolled by 4 times your numbers day in day out when you try to have some fun, it's pretty fucking annoying. And countering the '/cg HELPHELP FG HIBS DCX" with an equally big zerg is boring to alot of people. That's why they try to have fg vs fg fights, because they're the real challenge and most fun, it's a shame hardly anyone respecs that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
They proved it pretty damn well if they are indeed from mid/exc.

Not really.
200k rp is no where near what a half decent noob mid rvr guild would make.
Get a radar and you can even get double the noob mid rvr average of 500k rp a week.
So I think they would have only proved Albs are lacking...
Regards, Glottis


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
how dare they show that albs can do fg vs fg rvr, people like ad, fc and tb just prove how piss poor the rest of you zerglings actually are.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Glottis said:
Not really.
200k rp is no where near what a half decent noob mid rvr guild would make.
Get a radar and you can even get double the noob mid rvr average of 500k rp a week.
So I think they would have only proved Albs are lacking...
Regards, Glottis

They proved that albs are lacking targets. I've run with them quite a few days and we spend very little time on pad. There's just very few Mids/Hibs to kill in 1FG.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Raven said:
how dare they show that albs can do fg vs fg rvr, people like ad, fc and tb just prove how piss poor the rest of you zerglings actually are.

They show, in their rp's earned per week, that an rvr oriented guild will still not be able to compete with an rvr oriented Mid guild.
They might be able to beat the occasional Mid/Hib group, but if they were as godlike as a Savage group, or a pbaoe hib group, their rp's would be way higher.
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Glottis said:
They show, in their rp's earned per week, that an rvr oriented guild will still not be able to compete with an rvr oriented Mid guild.
They might be able to beat the occasional Mid/Hib group, but if they were as godlike as a Savage group, or a pbaoe hib group, their rp's would be way higher.
Regards, Glottis
dunno if you are serious or not..

the issue is that the amount of free rps walking around from each realm is alb >>>>>>>>>>>> mid > hib.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
maybe glottis the big difference in alb is they go out fg after fg to get farmed in thier gimp setups...?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Glottis said:
They show, in their rp's earned per week, that an rvr oriented guild will still not be able to compete with an rvr oriented Mid guild.
They might be able to beat the occasional Mid/Hib group, but if they were as godlike as a Savage group, or a pbaoe hib group, their rp's would be way higher.
Regards, Glottis

The difference is that Mids, as opposed to albs, don't run from mtk without base supportclasses. It's not shocking to see a group with 4 paladins and no cleric as a Mid. This kind of "mobile RPs" are a biproduct of the fact that Albion is very overpopulated and everyone seems to want to be a "knight in shining armor" i.e, missing key supportclasses in non-guildgroups.


Part of the furniture
Jan 1, 2004
Mids/hibs found a new wind up toy to annoy albs with G's :cheers:
Go get zerged, run along.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Vodkafairy said:

If you mean what I think you mean, you're saying casual players are all noobs and have no skill and are too dumb to make proper group setups? It isn't too spectacular what AD does fyi. They just know how to play and they have a decent group setup, look at the result.

I don't think I mean what you think I mean :)

There's an old saying: practice makes perfect. If you spend five nights a week, five hours a night, playing DoAC you'll get pretty damn good at it. If you spend that amount of time playing with the same people, in the same fixed set up, you'll get very good at it.

That's what I mean about the difference between powergamers and casual gamers. And I'm not saying that powergamers are clueless n00bs in real life who really ought to get out more :) If they want to come along and be damn good at the game through practice and organisation, fair play to them. But to pretend that the fact that a bunch of powergamers are good at playing Alb says anything about anyone else is silly.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I just dont get it why all thinks AD is somekind of first spectacular alb guild, for example TB has been around much longer and tbh, is better than AD. They show better attitude too.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gordonax said:
But to pretend that the fact that a bunch of powergamers are good at playing Alb says anything about anyone else is silly.

If you're not what you might call a "powergamer", this post does no longer concern you. We're not comparing AD to you, they're compared to other "powergamers". It's the Alb powergamers that have been sitting on #celticfist for days at a time whining that Alb has no chance to compete. It's the Mid/Hib powergamers that have been breeding this attitude, by having the edge on 8v8 RVR. The best performance of any realm is going to be, as you said, from powergamers.

But ultimately it's up to the tools given to you. DAoC doesn't leave THAT much room for individual skill. Point is this thread has nothing to do with AD's performance compared to the 4-paladin groups. It's about how AD compare to old BF, FC and maybe TB(dunno how much they play) and their Mid/Hib counterparts.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Clipse said:
Since all the crying on FH, DAOC has been boring, ever corner is an alb Zerg
Dont think anyone has a doubt about that one.

Clipse said:
We added on an AD fight on DC hill the other day, by mistake.... we tried to leave, but the hibbs started attacking us, so we had to fight. the taste i had in my mouth was bitter, didnt really enjoy it.
It's ok. Thank you for trying, everything can't be done perfect all the time ;>, especially if you group up with randoms.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
stubbe said:
If you're not what you might call a "powergamer", this post does no longer concern you. We're not comparing AD to you, they're compared to other "powergamers". It's the Alb powergamers that have been sitting on #celticfist for days at a time whining that Alb has no chance to compete. It's the Mid/Hib powergamers that have been breeding this attitude, by having the edge on 8v8 RVR. The best performance of any realm is going to be, as you said, from powergamers.

But ultimately it's up to the tools given to you. DAoC doesn't leave THAT much room for individual skill. Point is this thread has nothing to do with AD's performance compared to the 4-paladin groups. It's about how AD compare to old BF, FC and maybe TB(dunno how much they play) and their Mid/Hib counterparts.

There is not much difference in their performance tbh.
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
stubbe said:
If you're not what you might call a "powergamer", this post does no longer concern you. We're not comparing AD to you, they're compared to other "powergamers". It's the Alb powergamers that have been sitting on #celticfist for days at a time whining that Alb has no chance to compete. It's the Mid/Hib powergamers that have been breeding this attitude, by having the edge on 8v8 RVR. The best performance of any realm is going to be, as you said, from powergamers.

Fair enough. But it appears from the posts here that some Albs have had a fairly grotty attitude from AD for adding on "their" fights. That concerns me, as in my experience every other Alb "power" group has been much more friendly. And if they aren't prepared to be friendly, if they come across as having a bad attitude, I don't care how good they are: they can sod off.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Belomar said:
No, it's not a bad thing. But it does not give them the right to diss other guilds that do run caster groups.

Actually Belomar, im impressed of the people of albion that run castergroups, INCASE, they are fixed, debuffers, same type of damage etc etc etc.

I don't diss the ppl who take 8 ppl from guild with different damage and go out to have some fun, i just dont like the "add-on-sight".
And thats especially the 8ppl random rr2 fgs that cries a river when a mid r7+ group runs over them.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Asty said:
I just dont get it why all thinks AD is somekind of first spectacular alb guild, for example TB has been around much longer and tbh, is better than AD. They show better attitude too.

You dont like us because we kill you, and and you kill them, right?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
The members in AD are nice people, just like most others.
If they whine when someone ruins their fun ALL the time, so what? Most people do and are still nice.

Also fighting in emain got nothing to do with helping your realm, you go to emain to have fun/get rps, so stop with that useless argument.

Gordonax said:
But to pretend that the fact that a bunch of powergamers are good at playing Alb says anything about anyone else is silly.
Albs said they cant compete fg vs fg, now AD showed them something else. Think that's what was the point.
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