what is a fair fight ?


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Asha said:
That is an old arguement. With some ppl I am sure it's true. With the ppl I have grouped with over the years it simply isn't. The fact is - it takes away from the fun of the fight, no matter if you add at the middle or end. I am not claiming fg ppl are better or more noble than others, but it's really frustrating to ruin 16 ppls fun for....rps...

Aren't you that guy that felt like having to add on me fighting a rr9 heretic anyways? So much for "ruining" fights.

( sorry if it was someone else, but think I can recall name)


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Fair for me is when Graendel or Zoia /hug me cause they know I'm a 5hit at my RR =))

But fair is also when Zoia logs his zerk and then fights me, no matter the 4 RR's difference cause we're both near to same spec and both with resistant armor =)

It sure is a matter of PoV and there are classes which I try to avoid to fight, while others are easier =)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Imon said:
I think the fair fights ppl are talking about here on forum is when they win and their opponents lose, else its unfair:m00:


Right on my brother!!


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Gahn said:
Sure it isn't an rr1 zerker that needs to ip and get help from a runie to kill an rr5 shade, hi Slirre :/

Meant RR11 ofc -.-


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
There is such a thing as a fair fight, and I'd define it as:

"a fight where all sides have a meaningful chance of winning"

Of course most fights arn't even remotely fair, however, the ones that could go either way are by far the most interesting and (to my mind) fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
when fatload and certain hypocrits (slirre) get steamrolled :) perfectly fair to 8v1 these particular individuals


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I think its totally fair when FatFUCK ruins a nice fight haxen vs me. Then jumps back up his retard tower:twak:


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Love the way people get whines into a nice discussion.

You r0x meights (tards!)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
liloe said:
Someone on the friar VN boards expressed it like that:

"Friars are quite balanced now, there is hardly any oponent who can kill me in a 1 on 1"


vn boards talk through there ass imo.

fully buffed shield tank >>>> friar
fully buffed wardens >> friar
fully buffed most casters >> friar

i aint played friar on toa for ages.. but i still play one on classic and i cant see how the changes in a friar can give them a better chance vs fully buffed classes on toa. possibly only class friar can beat is a vamp/skald/ranger/hunter if of equal rr and equipment. possibly others also but that may depend on the player


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
It's way too hard to justify fairness in DAoC, as someone said the closest thing would be the same class, same spec and stats to have a ideal fairness situation, but thats never going to happen.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
its fair when i use dt on censi an he whines like a little girl :)

<3 censi <3


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Stallion said:
If I may take you as a thread starter as an example. Ask yourelf, why arent you running solo

because i chose to play a hard mode char that doesn`t have speed, pet or baseline stun (about the only thing missing is stealth and lifetap from that list to have it all) , which is highly dependant upon his suport.

ice wiz solo just doesn`t work.

if you doubt it, i want to duel you with you playing my char and i playing your char. after all rr 11 or rr 12 shouldn`t make that much of a diff according to you.

if you win more than 2 out of 10 with you playing my ice wiz vs me playing your chanter, i`ll delete my wiz.

what odds are you willing to take ;)

there is no such thing as a fair fight.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Vladamir said:
I find it funny how a zerger doesn't understand how variance in numbers in groupmembers can determine a fight :(

I find it funny how someone with RRs doesn't understand how variance in RAs in groupmembers can determine a fight :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
because i chose to play a hard mode char that doesn`t have speed, pet or baseline stun (about the only thing missing is stealth and lifetap from that list to have it all) , which is highly dependant upon his suport.

ice wiz solo just doesn`t work.

if you doubt it, i want to duel you with you playing my char and i playing your char. after all rr 11 or rr 12 shouldn`t make that much of a diff according to you.

if you win more than 2 out of 10 with you playing my ice wiz vs me playing your chanter, i`ll delete my wiz.

what odds are you willing to take ;)

there is no such thing as a fair fight.

It's funny you spec argueably the worst wizard-specline then go tell us all how much it sucks solo. RR11 Firewizard on the other hand could easily have an 8 out of 10 win-ratio versus an enchanter, more so nowadays with the 1st Nearsight you can get from sub-speccing earth. You probably didnt even know what 'hard-mode' was when you rolled your wizard, you simply picked wizard in Albion to start with, and sticked with it (kudos for that), abit silly to call it hardmode tho. Is camping bridges with 2+ PBAE wizards, basically drowning in mines and titans with spreadhealers inside such hardmode?

You play your wizards-spec to its strengths (eg. camping bridges, towers) surrounded by support. While people may or may not agree with your playstyle is irrelevant, however it does not give you a good insight in the solo-scene. Fair fights are possible, however its very hard to measure it once its more then 1vs1. There are countless of situations where we speak of fair fights, simply because both sides have an about equal chance of winning. Sure it will be a rarity to have a 50% win-chance for both sides, but not impossible.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2005
I think it is important to understand that this game is not designed about fair fights. Feel free to try and get them, but it will only be fair when fighting comparatively similar classes with ditty gear, RR and so forth.

This is a realm war, and you win by being smart as mentioned earlier above, and especially by moving around. Think this goes for both stealthers and visibles.

Example was last night. 4 albs, no names mentioned, none forgotten made a lovely stealth zerg and stayed mostly around the northern landing point of Eras hib owned keep. I ran into the at first not realising it was a zerg getting one of them nearly killed before getting steamrolled. Quick release and rebuff andback to the area, this time a bit more catious, and waiting for other hibs to be in area before taking aggro. I actually spend quite some time doing this, was great fun, though also a bit frustrating, especially as another alb double team arriwed as well, though they didnt add on each others fights.

I dunno whom won, I didn't complain about the realm points, although seen better, and though it was frustrating to get rolled by a 4 man group, then it was also great fun and quite a thinking game as well.

I don't think any of the fights were really fair, mostly we all tried to play to our own strenghts and exploit the others weaknesses.

I did however have a lot of fun :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 24, 2006
[HB]Jpeg said:
vn boards talk through there ass imo.

fully buffed shield tank >>>> friar
fully buffed wardens >> friar
fully buffed most casters >> friar

i aint played friar on toa for ages.. but i still play one on classic and i cant see how the changes in a friar can give them a better chance vs fully buffed classes on toa. possibly only class friar can beat is a vamp/skald/ranger/hunter if of equal rr and equipment. possibly others also but that may depend on the player

Not gonna ninja this into a friar thread but with a good template Friars can beat most classes, exception being Wardens (usually), BDs (always),
heavy shield spec classes you might have to strafe ugh to win but its upto you.

Back on topic
Any fight 1v1 or 8v8 im in that at some point or another i think, damn i could have won there if i'd just done x or y i think is pretty fair.

Fights ive won or lost knowing the result was in no doubt (no matter what abilities / items / etc i used) at any point are unfair.... pretty simplistic view but thats how i see it.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
[HB]Jpeg said:
vn boards talk through there ass imo.

fully buffed shield tank >>>> friar
fully buffed wardens >> friar
fully buffed most casters >> friar

.....etc. etc. =)

I think you didn't get the point of it though =) I don't care what class he plays, just saying "my class is balanced cause nobody can kill me" is what I found so fun =))


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
its fair when i use dt on censi an he whines like a little girl

I only use DT if my other I win timers are down... You lemon :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
e hm .. there is no fair fight. the only "fair" thing can occur in DAoC and fair meaning, absolutely equal terms, then it is a duel between 2 same classes (meaning not enemy ... but fellow realm m8 eg:warrior vs warrior not warrior vs hero) on same templates. so actually the only different thing would be the players' skill.

all the others 1vs1 in RvR , solo pov etc, are challenging sometimes, but not fair. don't tell me that it is a fair combat between a rr7warrior vs a rr7-8 assasin cause simply it is not :) can be interesting, regardless the result of the fight, but not fair .~


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2005
The ultimate thruth about fair fight:

Two happy groups of decent fellas agree on fighting against each other in a way that might hurt someone. Mages are not allowed to use moc, quick cast or lag strafe. Tanks are not allowed to use run through, any banelord abilities or nasty stun styles. Hibs are not allowed to participate since they have opted caster stun and bainshweeee taunt. Buff shears are not allowed during the engage. Shamans are allowed only to heal and buff people. Maelstrom is not allowed.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Puppet said:
It's funny you spec argueably the worst wizard-specline then go tell us all how much it sucks solo.

ice wizards suck solo, it was only a reply to stajjijjon who asked me why i don`t solo. to solo i should respec fire, but i just like pbaoe more than bolts. And with 24+21 fire, that basline fire bolts does its job vs squishy targets anyway.

Puppet said:
You probably didnt even know what 'hard-mode' was when you rolled your wizard, you simply picked wizard in Albion to start with, and sticked with it (kudos for that), abit silly to call it hardmode tho.

I had RL friends in albion so it was basically not a choise to roll albion but me taking over my friends choises. before i even started i had watched my mates play enough to descide wat role/char suited me. i was hugely impressed by the chanter/elddritch pbaoe actions and wanted to do that myself. being able to throw as much AE damage as possible around seemed cool. so, ice wizard it was.

Puppet said:
Is camping bridges with 2+ PBAE wizards, basically drowning in mines and titans with spreadhealers inside such hardmode?

no, that`s realising my limitations and trying to optimize my chances by dictating the conditions that give me the most advantages or least disadvantages. and the groups i run with are just glorified pugs, not leet and optimized guild groups. i expect to loose 8 out of 10 fg vs fg fights in the open with my usual groups unless we run with some uber sorc who stands a chance to win the initial CC fight from the insta mezz/stun users.

Puppet said:
You play your wizards-spec to its strengths (eg. camping bridges, towers) surrounded by support. While people may or may not agree with your playstyle is irrelevant, however it does not give you a good insight in the solo-scene.

i know that i am not the expert at soloing, lol.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Mirt said:
There is such a thing as a fair fight, and I'd define it as:

"a fight where all sides have a meaningful chance of winning"

I disagree, just to give an example; Someone with a pistol against someone with a machinegun would be fair according to that statement seeing as they both got a meaningful chance of winning.
If the chances of winning are higher for one person than the other then it's already not fair anymore, hence why fair fights will never ever happen in DAoC no matter what type/kind of fight we are talking about.

Like the dictionary says:
Fair, implies showing no more favor to one side than another.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Andrilyn said:
I disagree, just to give an example; Someone with a pistol against someone with a machinegun would be fair according to that statement seeing as they both got a meaningful chance of winning.
If the chances of winning are higher for one person than the other then it's already not fair anymore, hence why fair fights will never ever happen in DAoC no matter what type/kind of fight we are talking about.

Like the dictionary says:
Fair, implies showing no more favor to one side than another.

Well yes if you wanna define it in a technical way. But id say ppl are more interested in the 'moral' of fairness rather then if a fight technicaly is fair or not. One side will always be in favor due to different variables, althou this dosent mean that the can have a fair / clean / head on fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 5, 2004
Somtimes when its an unfair fight, Korren the punisher comes and CLEARS IT OUT


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
dwystah said:
Somtimes when its an unfair fight, Korren the punisher comes and CLEARS IT OUT

Korren? Kill something? looooooool, maybe he should stick to stealing ML loot ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Coldbeard said:
Aren't you that guy that felt like having to add on me fighting a rr9 heretic anyways? So much for "ruining" fights.

( sorry if it was someone else, but think I can recall name)

que? don't think it was me I didn't play much in the last 2 months, dunno if you're talking about something before that. I played this past week quite a bit in groups and only saw hibs/mids farming albs like it was 2003.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Asha said:
que? don't think it was me I didn't play much in the last 2 months, dunno if you're talking about something before that. I played this past week quite a bit in groups and only saw hibs/mids farming albs like it was 2003.

Was quite recently so maybe it was Ashy then or something, Damn, can't alb clerics be a bit more creative when it comes to name making xD


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2005
Blasted forumwarriors! Always deny my points of view. I am hurt!


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
My most recent experience of a fair fight would be this tuesday against a hib group in agramon (no not RR since they wiped the floor with us, i hope that will even out in time), but i think it is a grp that recently came from US servers.
Met them head on, after a while we had 4 ppl down and 1 seer mezzed, somehow we got them mezzed, rezzed up, continued fighting for about 5-7 mins and at the end pulled out as winners. Thta fight could have gone either way and for me that is fair. Mucho love to that group who ever you are <3.

The fights against RR was in some wicked way also fair, we just got owned by better play but with more communication and stuff we will someday maybe be able to compete.


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