What Infil's better in rvr ?



Originally posted by makgsnake
anyone got an idea on how i should spec at level 10,30,40,50 ?

max thust n cs every lvl... till 44 then only thust

third skill is envenom

at 45+ is good to have obscure (lvl18 dw)

after 48 statr training stelth...

this way u will allways have hig weap skill n capped cs damage for ur lvl (use sc'ed item allwasy) avoid all bg till bg3 =)

then they maybe will spot u but they will die to =)

lvl 48 will be the most wonderfull one cuz u gona stop with autrotrain an all the ppl will stop asking "HEY WHAT CRAP STELTH U HAVE/I CAN SEE j00 FROM FAR/ u better train stelth"

n ull simply vanish in theyr face...



i take it weaponskill will be higher for slash briton infils next patch!


Originally posted by Silenzio
max thust n cs every lvl... till 44 then only thust

third skill is envenom

at 45+ is good to have obscure (lvl18 dw)

after 48 statr training stelth...

this way u will allways have hig weap skill n capped cs damage for ur lvl (use sc'ed item allwasy) avoid all bg till bg3 =)

then they maybe will spot u but they will die to =)

lvl 48 will be the most wonderfull one cuz u gona stop with autrotrain an all the ppl will stop asking "HEY WHAT CRAP STELTH U HAVE/I CAN SEE j00 FROM FAR/ u better train stelth"

n ull simply vanish in theyr face...


i was not gonna train CS until my next respec (instead i was gonna have lots of DW), dont u need high stealth for CS ?


Originally posted by quinthar

Maybe some Albs are just fed up with whining/zerging

if you'd make a class we need you don't need to stick to zerg with your gimpy <whateverclass>


Originally posted by Silenzio
max thust n cs every lvl... till 44 then only thust

third skill is envenom

at 45+ is good to have obscure (lvl18 dw)

after 48 statr training stelth...

this way u will allways have hig weap skill n capped cs damage for ur lvl (use sc'ed item allwasy) avoid all bg till bg3 =)

then they maybe will spot u but they will die to =)

lvl 48 will be the most wonderfull one cuz u gona stop with autrotrain an all the ppl will stop asking "HEY WHAT CRAP STELTH U HAVE/I CAN SEE j00 FROM FAR/ u better train stelth"

n ull simply vanish in theyr face...


btw i allready put a point in stealth :rolleyes:

Cap'n Sissyfoo

If you put a point in stealth/~insert any auto-training style here~ does it prevent you from any auto-training at all, even if you don't put anything else in it till level 48?


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
If you put a point in stealth/~insert any auto-training style here~ does it prevent you from any auto-training at all, even if you don't put anything else in it till level 48?

As long as it doesn't exceed 11, you'll get autotrain at the appropriate level.


Originally posted by yurka_polearm
i take it weaponskill will be higher for slash briton infils next patch!

Lower than thruster at same spec though.


Originally posted by Silenzio
max slash n dw every lvl... till 20 then only respec DW to CS if you intend to go the traditional CS-spec and respec to thrust at 40 if you don't want Spamethyst

third skill is envenom

at 45+ is meaningless really to have obscure (lvl18 dw), other detaunts are just as good really

after 48 statr training stelth...

this way u will allways have hig weap skill n pretty much maximized damage-output in straight melee for ur lvl (use sc'ed item allwasy) avoid all bg till forever if you intend to autotrain, infil without stealth is a weak light tank =)

then they maybe will spot u miles away and simply move and/or uncover you =)

lvl 48 will be the most wonderfull one cuz u gona stop with autrotrain an all the ppl will stop asking "HEY WHAT CRAP STELTH U HAVE/I CAN SEE j00 FROM FAR/ u better train stelth"

n ull simply vanish in theyr face with a bugged RA...


IMO anyhow, changes in italics.


Go 50 stealth 50 evn and dont spend the other points best template for inf and go with iconu and put all points in piety and emphatie.


Originally posted by Ximadir
Go 50 stealth 50 evn and dont spend the other points best template for inf and go with iconu and put all points in piety and emphatie.

Have to agree with that, it's uber :)


In this day and age, the most important spec an infil can have is the 50 enhance buffbot sitting at the portal keep. Almost every other stealther you will come up against will have a buffbot and your spec don't mean shit if u don't have one.

Can't decide on how i'll respec next patch but being one of the original slash infils i grudge swapping to thrust (even tho, imo it's better) but there does seem to be alot of slash infs popping up atm :p

Spec how you want to spec, not because others tell you to spec a certain way. If everyone was the same, the game would be boring as hell.


Nah, 50 enh won't make you survive with 50 base stealth & envenom against someone with proper weaponspec :p Not without muchos luck anyway.


to my knowledge (may be mistaken) thrust dmg is half str half dex, then since infi has dex as primary stat and str as a tertiary stat you would be looking at best wep skill with even (high as possible) str & dex, so wouldnt rolling a briton with teh higher str and putting the points into the higher str yield better wep skill at 50 , or as u mentioned is this getting adjusted in 1.62 so that it doesnt matter if one is a bit higher that the other you will take the level of the highest , not the lowest?

and my apologies for not slagging him off for making a charater of his choice...


I wondered the same thing for next patch, with the stat caps being lifted a saracen inf will have way higher dex than they currently do, but will having that higher dex offset the lower str?

Or will it still be better to stick with a briton? Fully buffed my briton inf currently has 330 dex and 295 str, forget the weap skill cos i'm slash :p


(str+dex)/2=thrust weapskill modifier
str=slash weapskill modifier

Even with 78 base str (maximum for inf) and 60 base dex (minimum), you're looking at 78+15 from leveling and 60+45 from leveling. You end up at
(93+105)/2=99 as thrust modifier
93 as slash modifier

Sure you can bring it equal with Aug Str2, but with everyone taking Aug Dex2 for MoPain and Dualists Reflexes... You still end up having lower weapskill and getting a full hit from the lovely enervating when a thruster takes only half the weapskill hit. Putting 29 points to one stat means a tanglible sacrifice in HP/Evade/etc.

With saracen, going 10 str/con/dex would net you 60+15 str and 90+45 dex, so
(75+135)/2=105 as thrust modifier
75 as slash modifier (massive disparity)

Saracen Thruster takes the lead with the Weapskill and evades a tiny bit more (depending fully on how stats are affecting evade).


Briton is better imo...

At 1.62 it's easy to get str/con/dex all over 300, which will still be the sweetspot.

It's harder to do that with Saracen.


Originally posted by Arnor
how about not making an infil and actually helping your realms ENORMOUS lack of sorcs&clerics (so they whine atleast) instead of being a selfish bastard?

You whine and moan that you dont have enough sorcs/clerics but every fucking week here theres a new infil needing help with specc etc



lo methos dude :) didnt relalise you were jager too, we were grped together during last weeks notts farm fest :)


belth ... with that formula (str+dex)/2=thrust weapskill modifier, could mean if im looking at my highlander arms having 212 str and 140 dex (unbuffed) ie poor dex it doesnt matter since I would have 176 wepskill mod? so actually the myth that you need good dex with thrust doesnt matter since str will make up??????? or have i missed something...


Originally posted by hercules-df
lo methos dude :) didnt relalise you were jager too, we were grped together during last weeks notts farm fest :)

HI m8 :) yeah that was fun.... we gonna follow up on that soonish ;)


Originally posted by araan
belth ... with that formula (str+dex)/2=thrust weapskill modifier, could mean if im looking at my highlander arms having 212 str and 140 dex (unbuffed) ie poor dex it doesnt matter since I would have 176 wepskill mod? so actually the myth that you need good dex with thrust doesnt matter since str will make up??????? or have i missed something...

Yeah, since it's 50/50, doesn't really matter which one's higher. Although better dex usually translates to better defense too.


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet
Briton is better imo...

At 1.62 it's easy to get str/con/dex all over 300, which will still be the sweetspot.

It's harder to do that with Saracen.

No sweetspots really, as the caps raise. It's just a perceived sweetspot, but the real one is at what ever the true cap is (must be quite high, given 110 base str on trolls). Afaik cons isn't capped at 300 atm either, but can't verify due to not having a 50 tank yet.

Qui is still capped at 250 anyway, according to last few tests with logs that I've seen, but most classes can't bypass 250 Qui easily anyway.


Originally posted by belth
No sweetspots really, as the caps raise. It's just a perceived sweetspot, but the real one is at what ever the true cap is (must be quite high, given 110 base str on trolls). Afaik cons isn't capped at 300 atm either, but can't verify due to not having a 50 tank yet.

Qui is still capped at 250 anyway, according to last few tests with logs that I've seen, but most classes can't bypass 250 Qui easily anyway.

You stop gaining hp from con over 300, actually.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
You stop gaining hp from con over 300, actually.

Like I said, can't verify so I've had to go on hearsay on that one :p


Saracens are and look cool, britons look like Noel Edmonds


i wasent borthered to see all treads but

Briton , Slash = Kill stealthers

Saran , Thrust = Kill everything but Stealther classes ^^

im walking on sunshine lalala


I see saracens kill plenty of stealthers... they have higher dex meaning more evades...

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