What has happened to the middies?



excaliber dying slowly but surely.......


Originally posted by Twiztid
excaliber dying slowly but surely.......

How true, how sad.

But what can we, the players, do about that?
We cant stop the lamers deleteing there Hib/Mid characters and coming to Albion, we cant stop the player base in Albion growing (beleive me, i'd love to)

I dont actually enjoy being in the largest realm on the server, I'd prefer to be the underdog, we need to 'Encourage' new players to join Midgard to help bolster there numbers and bring back more of a balance... at least Hibernia seems to have an active (and good) player base, i dont think 'Prywden the 2nd' is imminent but i can see it becomeing a two realm server (if it isnt already)


ahem :p hib has less players than mid im sure, i looked on my bros account and did a /who yesterday, 350 on hib, 500ish on mid :p the hibs still need a hand :(

if your so concerned get a second account and come play hib :) (or even better delete your main ;))


Originally posted by Aeiedil
if your so concerned get a second account and come play hib :) (or even better delete your main ;))

ive thought about it, beleive me... but im not well liked throughout the realms of Hibernia and Midgard... so i doubt i would be recieved very well...

The there is the issue of the blood, sweat and tears that went into Winter


cmon Winter :) get a second account even, and just keep your alb one topped up now and again to stop deletion ;) if you dont come over ill make it my mission to kill you repeatedly as soon as i am able :D


its pretty simple in emain skirmishes:

mids solo (to uber to group) :rolleyes:

hibs choose to have fun and group up for RvR (at least what ive heard ;) )

albs dont got any choice but gangbanging :clap:


Originally posted by Twiztid

Another middie leaves :(

naw...just putting it on hold till midgard gets its arse together

and not that one mid with "uber" 34lvls make much difference :p

and oh, when goofin around in midgard frontiers for a good while with ur monitor brightness set on 50% ...ur eyes kinda hurt :(


Originally posted by Stix
lol I thought you were powerlevelled :)

I have to say.. this comment is BOLLOX.

If anyone powerlevelled me it was myself, i was determined to reach 50th, it was a personal goal of mine... Ask anyone i know, i worked hard for my XP, day in day out (ever tried to solo a scout? try it.. then you might appreciate it) I wasnt the 1st to reach 50th, i think i was the 4th or 5th in Albion to get it...


its kind of a shame to watch those who still whine about the fast 50s mids.. its like taking a bucket to the sea, fill it and say "this bucket of water represents the entire sea".. yea, so we had some core US players who lvled damn fast, and yea we were proud and still are. It was a nice achievement.
Never the less, we are still lots of first timers on mid, who dont rly know much about the game. We had some nice times rvr'ing when we had the experienced leaders to guide us.
However the situation has changed.. we dont really see these leaders anymore (mostly fatbelly and shade who did the leading of the big troops), and those who could step in and take their spot, arent. so we got some unexperienced ppl trying to, and its not easy for them to lead 150 mids who are used to listen to a guy like fatbelly or shade who know what they are doing.
So raids fall apart.

Another thing is the emain rvr scirmish.. Midgard is the land of the fighters, 70% if not more are tanks of some sort (warrior, berserker, skald or thane), and then there is the healer problem.. Its hard to get a party with the healers needed, only a few healers play alot now, what will happen when they get tired of playing ? then we are less healers.. and we have few enough already as it is. lately there's only been a few ppl in emain, and its usually just 1-2 ppl u get to kill, and thats only when there isnt 40+ albs out raiding.
If there is these small fights, mids still loose because alb and hib usually got their rezzers, mezzers and stunners with them, mid dont... its sad atm actually, but I do think it will change.

as many of u point out, mid had a flying start on the battlefield.. Now, we dont. We have to stand on our own feet. You guys are used to the fact that u survive by sticking together (or run like the albs do when not 4:1 hehe :D).. now we just have to learn to stick together and fight it out.. so give us some time, hibs start fight albs instead.. we will come back soon.. we have some relics to take etc)


something else fell in to my mind just now..
tanks in rvr doesnt work well compared to many other chars.. solo/small groups that is.
I got a good 1600 hp with a ordinary buff.
any non-tanker class can get to like 800-1000 themselves..

here is a funny thing tho, in daoc u dont move fast with standard movement, and any runbuff doesnt work while in combat.. so let me put up a little situation here:

take me, 48 berserker, average good equip, maybe a bit above I dont know.. Im out fighting with a few lower lvl friends, we even got a mezzer. We meet another team, bangs a bit on them, they bang a bit on us.. our healer stun their mezzer, and they start chasing our healer.. me and my friends tries to get them off of our healer, and kind of succeeds.. then I notice this elf warder, standing not far from me, he just got there.
He then starts his spell spamming, I am running towards him from since I saw him arrive.. when I get to him, I get only one hit in on him, and then Im dead, coz he got to do 1600 dmg to me before I got into melee range.. nice huh? =/
Imo there is something here that mythic should really look into.. I dont know if its just me who are newbie, or if I just should forget about being worth much in medium fights with a tank like this.. or if there really is something a bit unfair in rvr for tanks..
All I can say is gimme more hp, or faster basic movement speed, or let me keep run buffs on during combat.. PLEASE! ;)
ok no more whining its bedtime.


allchars have there good/bad points . tanks dont imo aint been hard done by . sure the wiz can land that much dmge . but if tables were turned and u got to him before he had chance to cast who you think woud win ? the tank of course cos casters got crappy armor and craooy hp :( . same with steaklth chars they dont got much hp and are ussually quiet lame in melee . theyhave to use the element of suprise or they die , its a case of give and take imo the chars from all realms are even balanced . midgard just has a problem as u said cos to many tanks and not enuff casters/healers .
just my tupence :)


Realm abilities include an in-combat runbuff... I'll be getting that :D


This is sad news indeed......

I dont like that some ppl are leaving Midgard or leaving the game at all.

The albs maybe outnumber us but hey.......not for long i dont think they have enough tin cans to go around :rolleyes:

Well cya on the frontiers
:clap: :clap:


Albs have double our population playing on their realm, so we will always be outnumbered :rolleyes:


Suprised at the lack of healers - looking thru the middy chars healers really have it made

Decent Hits & Armor

Full range of Healing, including improved ress & cure conditions spells

Full range of buffs, both standard and specced double stat ones

Mezz/stun line including several instant's at higher level.

And a speed chant on top of all that

I would have thought that a decent healer would level fast due to their usefullness to groups and be a real asset to RvR. We hibbies have the Middy healer stuff split accross two classes - bard and druid, you guys have it all in one - surely this must make the healer attractive to play?


To Hatchet

Healers can only kill blue cons, so solo is slow and boring (yellow requires 2 inst heales with a 15 min timer)
Healers are higly sought 4 in PvNPC though, coz the group will get a much lower downtime, and bigger monsters can b fought.
My eksperience is that in RvR, many high lvl players wount have u in their group (exept in keep/relic raids), coz u cant make any RP. This makes it kinda frustrating being a healer when the same ppl msg u 4 a rez later on. Im a fair guy a rez anyone in need if i can, but sometimes i'dd like 2 say Fux off. This kinda takes the fun out of RnR. And btw, i could rez lvl 50 when i was lvl 35.

In the long run however it can get boring playing a healer, coz all u do is:
1 buff group
2 stun/mez
3 heal/rez

No action. And NPC's are kinda easy 2 predict. The only time my hartbeat raises is when i have 2 mez bafs, and its a live/die situation 4 the group.


subbiz.. you die half way to the wizzard because no one instaheals you.

2nd soloing is WIDELY overrated. i did about 5% of my levelling solo despite being Uber-Solo class (aka cleric).

as midgard healer in PvE you re healer, buffer and master crowd controller all in one. it is extremely challenging and fun to play, as you can even be puller with debuff and easily run the team and tell all those thanes and skalds what to do. if they don t do what you tell em, dump em. and you ll see you ll form a battlehardened teamworking guild team in PvE that you can lead just the same in RvR.

3rd if you middies are this outnumbered ACT like it... we did as albion teams when emain was flooded with red con trolls. do guerilla style warfare, hit and run... you have uberskald speed. instead i see middies sitting and resting in tight formation at mill or mmg, just begging to be aoe mezzed and killed by (guess what) inferior numbers. usually mids do not get killed by the alb army in emain. they get trashed by small minstrel guild teams, because they get surprised.

my 1gp


Finster, you are quite correct on the middy exploits in emain front. But wrong on the healer front I'm afraid.

I play a 45th healer, and I can honestly say it is the most annoying class to play in RvR by en emain mile. All I do is res/mezz and run around like a headless chicken. I get spammed for res, often abused and generally abandoned by my group. Middys being the such gung-ho kick ass we 0wnz0r j00 bunch that they are, look at healers with slight pity. They feel us to be weak, and subservient to their demanding PvE and RvR needs. I'll take my hat off to any high level healers, as it takes a truly determined and twisted mind to deal with the shite we get.....The only place we get the respect we deserve is from our guilds. The healer population dwindles daily on midgard ( because its sooooooo boring.....no offense ) and we lose out on the battlefield because of it.

As for middys in emain. I have noticed an absence of any tactical nouse from 90% of the people who play midgard. Maybe I expect too much, but I despair when I arrive in emain and find 40 mids stacked together near mfg2 on the bowl side. Perhaps they are attempting to organise the hoisting of the 'AE mezz us, oooh go on' banner or something. I just don't know and I despair. I have also been on the winning and losing end of the highly mobile alb guild units you speak of, and they rock. Occasionally we get the better of you if we get the suprise, but in a stright head on skirmish you'd do us every time. Middies, by their nature I suspect, are gung-ho, convinced of their own invincibility and mostly dumb. The kind of people that rush an enemy, hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned 'just to show we won't be intimidated'.....

Sorry for the rant, but the middys lack of tactical or strategic thinking has almost stopped me playing. I don't mind being outnumbered or outgunned, as long as we do our best to waylay the enemy in anyway we can. Sitting at mfg2 in tight groups waiting for the action, and futile suicide missions do not fall into this category...


Leyton Warhog 35ish midgard healer. in command of midgard army excalibur beta. we rocked. i was there.

something was lost along the way.

yours is the instaheal. yours is the res. they are your slaves.


Originally posted by Winter

I have to say.. this comment is BOLLOX.

If anyone powerlevelled me it was myself, i was determined to reach 50th, it was a personal goal of mine... Ask anyone i know, i worked hard for my XP, day in day out (ever tried to solo a scout? try it.. then you might appreciate it) I wasnt the 1st to reach 50th, i think i was the 4th or 5th in Albion to get it...

lol calm down Winter.

BTW, I myself have had to solo almost all of my exp from 40 till now, so I think I know how it feels.

Secondly, Finster, there hasn't been a proper mid army in emain for like ages. Mostly there are dribs and drabs, often lower levels, and it's no surprise that 20 grey-blue and 2 yellow-orange mids can't hold off maybe 10 high level albs. And more often than not, we have only a handful of people in emain until like 7-8pm or so, when some more mids decide to rvr. I cannot remember a time when we haven't been outnumbered by albs.

Thirdly, Chesnor, what do you suggest in terms of emain warfare? Every single time that I've seen albs ganking us, it's simply because we are usually both outlevelled and outnumbered. It's reached the point that it's become a common occurence now for albs to camp OUR milegate and even OUR pk.

Even the hibs manage to muster a sizable emain force pretty regularly. Our problem is that we have so few people coming to rvr. Which is strange, considering that rvr is what this game is about.


When outnumbered and outlevelled (which is a permanent situation now) by your enemy you have to resort to different tactics, is all I meant. We can't win by brute force, end of story. Many people stay away from RvR because of the fractured nature of the alliance in mid. Seriously, I used to watch with horror when someone telled '10-20 albs camping mfg1 in emain, orange cons to lvl35' into ac only to be told to stfu by some smartass for spamming. A new alliance is forming, one which is less uptight about chat in alliance I hope ( hey, its just a different colour spam, after all ) and one which will respond in a coordinated way to reports of enemy movements in the frontiers.

Until now, the guilds on middy have been at each others throats, competing for the imaginary 'we are teh best guild on midgard muahahaha' award. I have seen members of my own guild spam gc with abusive and unfounded attacks on other guilds based upon nothing but a deep seated hatred. I swear that some keep raids fail because they are organised by guild X, and guild Y want to see them fall flat on thier faces.....Sort it out, grow up, pull together, then we just might win ( or more likely, not lose )


once again. i m posting because midgard has so many fine players (many of them friends from different games) and i m sad at the state of the norse hordes...

if midgard army doesn t exist don t try acting like midgard army with your 7 man team. strike hard. run. head for the woods. never rest or loiter in the open. do not camp a mileford gate unless you re sure you ll win. after you kill someone MOVE. he ll report your whereabouts and strengths and the place will be swarming with enemies. if you re outnumbered seek short engagements with a managable RvR mob and move on. and since it s only you and 5-6 guildies you have absolutely no one else to blame for failure except fate in the few moments a good plan goes wrong because it s Kismet.

try playing DAoC at least with the tactics you use in counterstrike or urban-terror.

excalibur isn t dead. and i hope midgard is only hibernating... (waiting for the glaciers to thaw)


Originally posted by Winter

i think i was the 4th or 5th in Albion to get it...

I know you weren't pl'd but think you'll find that Kulthas, Krondor, Huma, Edge and Stt all got to 50 b4 you or I could be wrong, but being in the 1st 10 isn't too bad, I didn't even make that - think I was only 11th or 12th or something like that ;)

Were you the 1st RB to get to 50 ?


Hib-Mid alliance?

Albs you should really stop whining about this alliance.
Since there is hundreds of Mids and Hibs reading this and not knowing what the hell you are talking about, you seem very VERY Stupid in their eyes, and it sounds as if you lost some kind of battle and are very angry about it and blaming it on some cause that doesn't exist.

Just so you know what people think about you.


shaniah, the general alb pride can not stand a loss, it is like when a little child doesnt get his oppinion. I know I will get flamed because of this, nomatter what I say.
And I said general, ok? so any1 flaming me on this, must feel that I am targeting this one person in particular, so it will only strengthen(?) my statement.
Anyhow, if u take a step back and look at it, thats how it is..
You can only call it pride of war to a certain line, because when there is CONSTANTLY an excuse/whine about why they loose out on something, it get pathetic eventually..
Ofcourse some things are true, etc, but try and take a look at it..
Midg isnt the mature part here either, we certanly do quite alot of whining ourselves. Hibs have lost all their keeps overnight, except relic, before without really mentioning it..
Midgs cry about it, and I think its because we dont mind a fight, we just wanna have the chance to show up atleast. We dont strike at night, ahem, and we havent whined about a double failed relic recapture attempt either (well we have internally, another thing)..

So get over it, mid and hib got no alliances, we have 3 realms here, every now and then, 1 realm will feel like the others are teaming up.. thats how it is, learn to live with it.
Its a whole different thing if there really WAS an organized alliance..

Thats it from me for the night.. bye.

ps: yes I will probably hear this "this is war, there is no rules" kinda attitude, and thats fine, I for one have accepted it, and if thats the way it has to be, well.. I wont be out there much, and I wont be caring much.. I will probably just wait for DF or PvP server, or move to another server, something like that.. not that I hope that it has to be this way. over and out.


never whining. man of deed, even if i do deeds with words.


Originally posted by Eblessair
probably on alts ;) , taking breaks :sleeping: , things like that

Who the likes of Fatbelly making alts? You are kidding :D

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