What has happened to the middies?



Im just wondering what has happened to that big midgard group that once owned emain. The likes of teza, fatbelly, creep, shade, sun, woody, etc etc.

Been virtually none existent for ages now....they hiding from the albion? At least us hibbies try hehe


was wondering that myself too...

i've only ever twice actually fought the middies. the rest has been filled up with DD'ing and bolting the albion drone workers... or occasionally the worrior albions come out to put an end to it :)

but only fighting the hive mind to stop the contagion from spreading and infecting our bright green fields is getting a bit dated... where the hell are the brave vikings from the cold and inhospitable north?

did someone forget to pay the gas bills? hehe perhaps jordheim froze solid during the winter...

personally though.. us in hib are nice and :flame: warm :flame:

hehe pls come back midgard! we like you really :D


im sure once middies get there shit together theyll be back in force and believe me when they do comin runnin you gonna be wishin they hadnt

i was one of first to rvr in albion properly and ran into a grp of 8 middies all con purp at the time they where fast and effective and it stayed that way for a long time then summat happened in midgard dunno what but they just arent doin much in rvr these days but i wish they would hurry up and come back im gettin tired of killin mooses


Originally posted by Twiztid
Im just wondering what has happened to that big midgard group that once owned emain. The likes of teza, fatbelly, creep, shade, sun, woody, etc etc.

Been virtually none existent for ages now....they hiding from the albion? At least us hibbies try hehe

I think they are ashamed to show their faces after the hib mid alliance :twak:

:) :)


Originally posted by Charonel
did someone forget to pay the gas bills? hehe perhaps jordheim froze solid during the winter...

Dun blame me!

I bumped into a couple of people today, whilst i was levelling a armsman so i can play with some RL mates who are playing... they claimed to be some players from Midgard on this server, who deleted there characters and joined Albion (from Nazgul of all places)....

I think whats happened is Midgard is loosing players, those that continue to play are too few to make the force they once were, whilst other realms grow in size and power... This kinda upsets me because we will end up with another Prywden and thats gunna be kinda pants.

Maybe i should re-roll as a Middie?


it's not fair, lots of my friends left :(

and my lvl 43 friend only logs in like once a week now :(

heeelp! we're falling to peices!


yes i think some of you albs should go to middy and a few to hib or the game will be kinda crap. emain just aint fun when 50 albions lvl 40+ turn up and make waste of 10 hibbies and maybe 2 middies.

cant really see it changing atm except for the numbers growing like 200 albs vs 70 hibbys vs 40 middies. Seen a few servers on the usa fall apart because albion is too over populated and win hands down.

Midgard and Hibernia really need some fresh blood or its just gonne be a bit crap basically.


Well, this was kinda predictable from the outset imho. Midgard attracted (for various reasons) alot of powergamers whose primary motivation for playing the game was to reach lvl50 as quickly as was humanly possible. After achieving that goal and riding the crest of the obvious superiority this brought them on the RvR battlefield, they are now conspicuous by their absence.

I guess theres just a side of human nature that always motivates people to gain enjoyment by not playing on a level playing field. I personally never really cared much for RvR until quite recently, as I lvled quickly with my healer and it was a rare occurence to see orange cons in the frontiers. Now the situation is exactly opposite. I rarely see blue cons ( I am lvl45 ) and there are LOTS of orange albs. This I like. It means I can pit my skills as a player against worthy opponents (which I find fun), and not just demolish everything in my path (which I find tedious).

Oddly enough, I blame the fact that Midgard seems to be occupied by the powergaming fraternity more so than the other realms on the albs and hibs. Shortly after release when Midgard clearly had superiority in levels, the boards where aflame with 'Midgard is easier to level' whinges. This clearly would have been music to the ears of the powergamer with a brand new copy of daoc in his/her mitts looking for info on where best to er..powerlvl. A tactical masterstroke by the albs/hibs btw........probably :p


Well i think their snowed in or something.......

Or the Glacier Giant is holding them hostage :rolleyes:

Well i got a send from someone who had changed from Midgård to Hibernia, not only he but some of his friends to.

And some Midds/Hibbs (Hibbs i dont really know) are changing to alb because they are growing very strong in boths levels and people............

And changing realm just because the other seemse stronger is kinda shitty its like the grass is greener on the other side (well in alb the grass is greenest :D )

I would never changer realm from hibernia, well i started to play it cause I thought it was going to be the underdog of the 3 realms...I think that is hell of alot funnier than always owning the frontier, being the underdog makes you harder and tougher and in the end we will prevail (maybe).....but i think the community in hibernia is the best you could get, wich means almost all players are nice to eachother (there will always be fools in all realms)

Well see you in the frontier


We are still here, just the old alliance collapsed and it's taking a while of everyone to agree to disagree.

Once we put aside our differences and unite to kill some hib/albs there will be hell to pay :p

But we are in dire need of an effective leader atm.


Re: Re: What has happened to the middies?

Originally posted by Zenox

I think they are ashamed to show their faces after the hib mid alliance :twak:

:) :)

This old lame and totally untue Albion whine, what bloody alliance. If there were an alliance do you really think you would exist now !

Maybe it would be a good idea for the two realms with balls though not to ally just hit you cowards hard for a couple of weeks to really give ya something to whine about !

Plus even down to RP farming the only evidence I have seen so far as posted in these forums is between Mids and Albs seems more like an alliance than any relations between Hib and Mids or don't that count ?


probably on alts ;) , taking breaks :sleeping: , things like that


Re: Re: Re: What has happened to the middies?

Originally posted by Vendetta

This old lame and totally untue Albion whine, what bloody alliance. If there were an alliance do you really think you would exist now !

Denying doesn't help. Some hibs and some mids got/had an alliance. Joining forces with someone you're supposed to kill and fight together against albs = Alliance


Hmmz most of the middies power levelled like crazy to get to 50 first - they enjoyed a good few weeks being higher level than everyone else - even a trammelite can pvp when the enemy is mostly grey.

Guess now there are hibs & albs getting up the levels, the middies realised they couldn't pvp so good once the enemy started conning yellow.

This is a little slow sinking in tho - the 50ish trolls still run up to hibbies jumping about and seem suprised when they drop in a few seconds :rolleyes:

Re-Alliance - feel free to name the shame, i'd sure like to know which weak willed brown nosers in hib were kissing troll ass.


Re: Re: Re: What has happened to the middies?

Originally posted by Vendetta

This old lame and totally untue Albion whine, what bloody alliance. If there were an alliance do you really think you would exist now !

Maybe it would be a good idea for the two realms with balls though not to ally just hit you cowards hard for a couple of weeks to really give ya something to whine about !

Plus even down to RP farming the only evidence I have seen so far as posted in these forums is between Mids and Albs seems more like an alliance than any relations between Hib and Mids or don't that count ?

Blah Blah Blah! :puke:

It failed..thats why ure hiding :upyours:


Actually i think eblessair is right about them playing alts. I remember spotting teza the wizard on albion prydwen when i played there a little :rolleyes:


those lvl 50 middys are scared now cos there are to many yellow cons to them :) . they lived in emain when albs/hibs were -40 and conned green/gray . now a lot of albs are lvl 50 you know u cant kick the shoot out of us and dont wanna bother dying all the time :) .


I agree with Harry any inter real alliances name and shame otherwise close ya helms tin cans shite is falling from your lips !

My guild is not hiding but very active killing tinnies and trolls all the while btw, and expect to see us and our allied guilds in ya albion faces a lot more very very soon.

We with our allied Hib guilds will paint all your damn keeps purple and you will have to get the bottle up to attack defended keeps at sometime or can you guys only fight NPC's or rez kill grr I hate Albs.


Hmmz Vend - im not saying Put-up or shut-up to the albs - we all know there was an attempt at alliance on the part of certain Hibbies.

Yet if I name the shame, well just think :flame: better for someone else to name the names i think.


the mid disintegration

i have witnessed parts of nazgul alliance yesterday on the battlefield and they re doing well...

on the other hand imagine: you reached lv50, achieved just about every machineset goal of the game. you trashed everything in RvR for a month. and now some other players who have not achieved everything and still have some inspiration come about: they have been trained in teamplay because they RvRd again red-purple cons and they enjoy getting closer and closer to their opponents, while their teamplay routinely destroys the now no longer superior enemies.

is it real fun to play on the capped side of this. see your advantage melt away irrevocably while better organized guys who were just frag bait a month ago kill you everytime you port to emain....

i can understand why midgard is falling apart: period of decline

hibernia will get that selfsame advantage over albion in the near future.


As I predicted soon after the launch, and as others have mentioned here, the high level Mids finally realised that being uber only results in boredom. Those who are still playing are most likely playing alts in another realm. Those who have left will probably never play any game for more than a few weeks.


Originally posted by Keri
As I predicted soon after the launch, and as others have mentioned here, the high level Mids finally realised that being uber only results in boredom. Those who are still playing are most likely playing alts in another realm. Those who have left will probably never play any game for more than a few weeks.

Aye..too right. I'm only 40 on my main and im terribly bored :(


Originally posted by Hatchet
Hmmz Vend - im not saying Put-up or shut-up to the albs - we all know there was an attempt at alliance on the part of certain Hibbies.

Well Harry seems all but me knew or my guild I hope, so maybe next time i see ya around in game i will ask ya, as I would like to know who can be trusted to wage war and not :)


Some are playing alts, some are on a holiday, and probably not "afraid" of anyone on the battlefield. Talking of level playing field is kinda silly too when Alb outnumbers both realms counted together. Mid is just probably leveling like Hib, did a /who level 49 50 in Mid and got over 10 results, and some more anon, and I've only seen one of those in RvR. And btw, Mid has less players than Hib. I like to RvR, alot, but other Hibs dont seem to and it's kinda crap to do it alone vs 50+ Albs 90% of the time.


Originally posted by Organ-Grinder
those lvl 50 middys are scared now cos there are to many yellow cons to them :) . they lived in emain when albs/hibs were -40 and conned green/gray . now a lot of albs are lvl 50 you know u cant kick the shoot out of us and dont wanna bother dying all the time :) .


Irrespective of how anyone else feels, I wonder what your fellow realm players think of your incessant "Albion 0wnz j00, Middies and Hibbies are scared hahahaha!!!1" posts.

Grow up.


/em hopes FB will be back. to kindle some life to the norse (and kobbie) heart...


Well me and some others started some alts, so i have been playing my alt for awhile and i RvR with alt mostly now cause i enjoy going up against all thoose orange/reds out there :D .

as for Teza he has lost his connection and wont get a new fer awhile. Sun got bored and deleted his account i think. Fatbelly has been trying out some alts on prydwen. the crazy bastard actually tried all hib chars and is now exploring the different alb chars, he is trying to find the char to use on PvP servs :).

I wont play shade so much atm will prob play rvr 1 weekend to get R4 then put him on ice fer awhile.

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