what do you want for your char?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Give mincers mos so you have a chance to find stealthers ;)

twf could also be alot of fun but would be to overpowert ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Armsmen's biggest pve problem that I experience is getting aggro in group with a paladin in. Either decrease the insane amount of aggro the Paladin's heal chant causes, or give armsmen a pbae aggro battlecry.

I also liked Teaspoon's ready loaded crossbow suggestion. Make it so you can't move when loading - but once loaded you can move and fire on the run - like a single shot version of the rr5 snapshot ability.

All the heavy tanks need some defense against casters. Without range interupts we go down quicker than a whore's drawes. Maybe make shields reduce damage taken - or make the armour absorb levels also affect magic to the same extent.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Crookshanks said:
Armsmen's biggest pve problem that I experience is getting aggro in group with a paladin in. Either decrease the insane amount of aggro the Paladin's heal chant causes, or give armsmen a pbae aggro battlecry.

I also liked Teaspoon's ready loaded crossbow suggestion. Make it so you can't move when loading - but once loaded you can move and fire on the run - like a single shot version of the rr5 snapshot ability.

All the heavy tanks need some defense against casters. Without range interupts we go down quicker than a whore's drawes. Maybe make shields reduce damage taken - or make the armour absorb levels also affect magic to the same extent.

seriosly, banelords destroy casters pretty damn bad. Solo a caster can take down a heavy tank quite easy with kiting, but grpwise the situation is totally different. And a heavy tank going down fast need to get better resists, buy AoM+EM to pop or simply get better healers. Ive played both in tankdamagebased groups and casterbased groups and if I wanna win I rather dig out my merc tbh, the difference is like night and day..

With the inc change to determination, you still want heavy tanks to get more love vs casters? o_O


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I would give Runemasters Mezz, Stun or AoE Root since it's the only caster without it. (Yes, Im aware that cabbys don't have it either, but they have a pet who can chain stun)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Espen said:
thanes: thanes are hybrids, they are also the only melee/caster-hybrid without evade. their blockrate is still hybridtype so give em atleast evade1, to get more up to par with the rest of the hybrids..

Valks are hybrids and dont have evade.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Shike said:
Solo a caster can take down a heavy tank quite easy with kiting, but grpwise the situation is totally different.
Ye, especially when they press Charge :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
My first priority would be to un-nerf savage taunt shout. Put it on, say, a 10sec RUT, insta and make it interrupt casting like it did in the old days.
Second priority would be to redo the entire savage RA sheet either to make it fit hybrid RA's or even better, make it fit the light tank RA sheet. As it is now, I really don't think it makes much sense considering the function of the class.
Thirdly I would lengthen duration on buff shouts, keep hp loss, except on endurance shout, in which I would decrease hp loss. As it is now, the hp loss rarely makes up for the endurance gained, especially in small groups/pick up groups/solo situations, long battles etc.

-Fix style animations for H2H styles; right now, only slashers show correct colour on style animations.
-Fix H2H styles for utilizing the styles; evade style has snare, most friggin useless effect on an evade style.
-Fix LoS issues with most classes
-Fix unkillable shrooms
-Put a hardcap on primary mezz casting speed and range to even out the "competition" between sorc/bard/healer - might be a bad idea in the long run, but I think atleast healers/bards wouldn't mind to share casting speed and range with sorc.
-Tune down WL dmg output by a ton

Just some of many issues I'd like to see adressed, but I wont keep my hopes up for any of them, as TL's have adressed the issues about savage before, and only gotten turned down.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 27, 2004
Like Fana said, make str primary for sb's. Other than that:

-Introduce base dex and dex/qui or dex/con debuff poisons
-Increase the heal effect of frigg line for shamans to better match mentalist hot. Grant clerics or friars something similar.
-Charge for savages


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Shike said:
seriosly, banelords destroy casters pretty damn bad. Solo a caster can take down a heavy tank quite easy with kiting, but grpwise the situation is totally different.

Zebolt said:
Ye, especially when they press Charge

Well you've both commented on things which heavy tanks can't get - charge or banelord. Sure the determination changes are going to make both light and heavy tanks un-ccable once again (and then only if you sink a lot of realm points into a "must-have" RA) - but frankly if I could make it to the caster to get in melee range in the first place I'd be happy.

Even if you manage to reach the caster - you have the choice of using a slow 2h weapon / pole and hitting bladeturn or even worse pbt, or use a faster 1h/shield combo which inflicts damage at a rate which is easily healed.

I thought the classes were broadly supposed to be defined with the rock paper scissors analogy in mind (in the 1 on 1 scenario) - that is:

Casters > Tanks > Stealthers > Casters etc.

At the moment:

Casters > Heavy Tanks ~= Stealthers > Casters


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I must admitt I didn't think of the word heavy you wrote before tank and was just thinking tanks in general.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Bahumat said:
a strcon buff for paladins. thanes and champs get this already.

yeah and still they choose the BB spec insted, why? coz most thanes/champs doesent feel it be worth the last points to get the red buff. so its useless anyway. and even if they DO get it they take the spec anyway coz they dont have to recast every 20 minutes.

and one more thing. paladins have so many other goodies that a str/con buff WOULD make it slightly OP, not much but quite enough anyway.


Dec 22, 2003
Oh yes and make more minstrels wanted in groups, give them access to charge/det :| or maybe give them an end song/access to battlemaster ML path.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Crookshanks said:
Without range interupts we go down quicker than a whore's drawes.

Not ideal that you must do MLs for it, but heavy tanks will normally have throw weapon.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Lower time on vampiir fumble debuff or make 30% fumble the highest spec percent. its WAY overpowred wit ha 15 sec 50% fumble debuff with very low power cost as it is now.

Lower Vampiric Embrace 1500 range nuke's power cost. there is not ever you have enough power to use it more than 2-3 times then oop

Positional stun(yeah crush mercs got anytimer combo stun with shit dmg)
remove the lower damage followup to DW behinder. It is RETARDED to have 2 followups to one style.
put snare on behind style
change Flank(side style) to a 4-5 sec stun

raise fumble chance on rr5 Ra. 30% is a joke and its resisted very often.
also raise duration its so low you blink and its all over. if it aint resisted
Another cool change to RR5 ra would be to make it a selfbuff and anything hitting him would have a large chance to fumble the attack
Put celerity in windline. we already got base haste in windbase line
Celerity is one of the best spells ever for a tank grp there is no point in letting the most easy to play realm be alone having it.

Lower Earthlord's spec from 48 to 46-47 in earth making it possible to spec for blue ice pets.

Raise length of stun on RR5 Ra

Yeah. and tone down savage's on Classic server. the damage is obscene even unsced :( I can barely out damage em with my vampiir of doom :m00:


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Zebolt said:
I must admitt I didn't think of the word heavy you wrote before tank and was just thinking tanks in general.

Paladins > armsmen for pve

Paladins(defensvie bg) > armsmen
Mercs(offensive bg) > armsmen

Either way we are screwed. Mercs do more damage a lot faster then armsmen, and paladins get chants and stuff which makes them more wanted

AoE shouts would do the trick, or allow all 3 of the MAIN tanks (Armsmen/Hero/Mid one) to be able to spec more into damage/shield


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Chanter: Change the baseline stun to a root or give a root/mezz in a specline.

BM: Easier way to equip a shield while dual wielding.

Druid: Change the buff shears to either more range or quicker cast speed (like shammy/cleric) or atleast remove the damage element so you can shear people you've rooted.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Zebolt said:
Ye, especially when they press Charge :(

didnt know heavy tanks got charge, I thought only light tanks as merc, vamp, BM, zerker had charge, but wtf do I know, im just a n00b I guess. ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Crookshanks said:
Well you've both commented on things which heavy tanks can't get - charge or banelord. Sure the determination changes are going to make both light and heavy tanks un-ccable once again (and then only if you sink a lot of realm points into a "must-have" RA) - but frankly if I could make it to the caster to get in melee range in the first place I'd be happy.

Even if you manage to reach the caster - you have the choice of using a slow 2h weapon / pole and hitting bladeturn or even worse pbt, or use a faster 1h/shield combo which inflicts damage at a rate which is easily healed.

I thought the classes were broadly supposed to be defined with the rock paper scissors analogy in mind (in the 1 on 1 scenario) - that is:

Casters > Tanks > Stealthers > Casters etc.

At the moment:

Casters > Heavy Tanks ~= Stealthers > Casters

Yep, but I always think from a groups perspective instead of narrowing it down only to, for example heavy tanks.

I dont know how you RvR m8 but I tend to at least try to use some sort of assisting in groups in general, in a group there are usually at least one banelord, probably 2. Couple in a heavy tank and voila, assisttrain. Guess what, in that train you have banelords, which rape casters silly in general. Thus, heavy tanks dont need much more but det to be able to run around pretty freely. Or you want even more banelords in the game? I'd like to see less of them since they are overpowered :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Shike said:
didnt know heavy tanks got charge, I thought only light tanks as merc, vamp, BM, zerker had charge, but wtf do I know, im just a n00b I guess. ^^

Zebolt said:
I must admitt I didn't think of the word heavy you wrote before tank and was just thinking tanks in general.
QQ, read up :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004

no autotraining, just give us those 77 Spec points extra already! :D

an off-evade stun like NS/Infils

a fix to all those broken abilities (Vanish/Shadowstrike/Siege Wrecker etc)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Crookshanks said:
Stealthers > Casters
Yes, until they move out of rog armor and into a ToA'd suit and done ml's, then get a few RR under their belt.

At least from my experience, good caster with a couple of brittles up is a hard target, then theres class abilities like nearsight, bodyguard pet and CC, etc few of the tools casters have.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005

Instead of making new chars, FIX THE OLD!

Like who plays the friar anymore? Why? THEY SUCK!

Same with a lot of other classes like the valkyrie etc.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Disturbed-Freak said:
Instead of making new chars, FIX THE OLD!

Like who plays the friar anymore? Why? THEY SUCK!

Same with a lot of other classes like the valkyrie etc.
Isn't new chars afaik, its an attempt at adding a form of multiclassing, which is found in alot of RPG games.

You have your main class with their skills, with the ability to train in another classes basic skills, infact their adding more to existing chars, you never know it might well help Friar's etc. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2005
Bahumat said:
a strcon buff for paladins. thanes and champs get this already.

also the spell would be increased baseline still in the chants line as 2 hand paladins dont have mega high chants depending on their specs

or a wpn skill buff for thanes/paladin/champs

giving a paladin a str con buff to would be unfair as palas have chants, and champs and thanes dont . so you can shuv youre str con up your bum :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Yeah, paladins are already so horribly overpowered, they can solo whole hibernia with their shield, while solo whole midgard with the slasher, staying alive on the whole, what, 46 hitpoints healed per chant!


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
mincepie said:
giving a paladin a str con buff to would be unfair as palas have chants, and champs and thanes dont . so you can shuv youre str con up your bum :)

my chants are blue and yellow and yes im lvl 50, my heal chant is 27hp.

for a 2 hand paladin you dont get the purple chants hence they are pretty useless, only end regen thats worth using.

my idea was for the spell to be increased the more you spec 2hand....a s/s paladin would be overpowered with a str con buff.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Gif valkyn warriors more str and con ;-)

Tanks usin 1h/shield should have increassed block/parry chanse vs dualwielder, not the other way around.

Hiding behind a bigass shield should make it harder for a caster to hit you or give redused dmg

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