What can go wrong on a patchday ?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
why can't we get a testserver like Pendragon here ? One where live characters can be copied over to test things out?

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Karl said:
The posts in this thread didnt seem to bad?
was thinking of some related threads goin around atm aswell, not just this. and ofc all the other times ANYTHING has happened. ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Cylian said:
why can't we get a testserver like Pendragon here ? One where live characters can be copied over to test things out?

Exactly, thats the only way to get a real live enviorment.

Why cant Goa open up Gorre like 1-2 weeks before patching?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
What where the systoms this time? Personely i got online, noticed my QB was screwed up, relogged and rezoned on my accounts and that was fixed. Then i proceded to ToA and hall of heroes, activated all my artifacts then ported SI zone for a good lvling spot (prydwen server). 3 of my friends did the same, we managed to get to the lvlingspot when the zone crashed.

Every other zone that i tried, including SI on Excal, looked fine except couldnt port SI/prydwen. I think the zone came up again only to crash after a minute or so and they decided to shut down all servers. They must have spotted something not visible for us customers..

Im not whining though, I have been waiting for this patch for a long time they can have a couple of days to fix it imo, plz just fix it before the weekend and im happy as a clown. :) I think alot of ppl are thinking the same, we really wanted this patch and if it crashes the servers and we cannot play for a couple of days, fine so be it.... jedi.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
I believe from previous posts (and no, I'm not going looking for them), that what you think of as a server is a cluster of servers. It's been stated that the GOA servers are higher spec than the Mythic ones. They have multiple zones on each server (which is why you can have hideous server lag on TOA, then zone into a TOA dungeon and have none - it's on another server) - each time you see a loading screen you are transferring Server. They can move zones from one server to another if one server is overloaded (when they are down), which they sometimes do (eg when NF came out, other stuff was moved off the frontier server (I believe it used to host the main cities too).

Not all the servers are set up as each other are - population differences mean that the sweet spot for performance varies with the server - so getting an exact match on a test server is tricky. Besides, actually getting 1000 people on to test realistically isn't easy.

I don't know exactly what the issue was yesterday (I had none - zoned fine between Camelot and Camelot Hills, and into the level 11-20 instance), but it sounds a bit like a more frequent version of the issue where you zone to character screen, rather than the place you expected (which is an intermittant issue, and is still there in the US in 1.82). I believe that it's what happens when for some reason the server you are trying to move to isn't available momentarily. Maybe one server, or a zone on it, was struggling with lots of people on it, and this didn't show in testing.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Shit happens.

Unpredictable events happen - get over it. They will come up given time. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if you logged on to find your char deleted in the database as they were rushing to get the servers up.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Actualyl if players were given the opportunity to test 1.83 on a patch server in 2-3 weeks Gorre would have 2000+ players on primetime.


ok with the servers and everythign but one thign worries me the most....

rampant said:
well i burnt my pop tart and made a mess in my £147 toaster :(

jesus christ man £147 for a toaster? to brown off some BREAD?!? what the hell sort of toaster is it? does it wank you off in the process? christ even the 'profesisonals' around the corner dont cost that much for a handjob, and i bet they woudlnt throw in toast as part of the deal either

mine cost about a tenner, yes it takes 4 slices yes it has a bun rack. no it cant control the weather and it doesnt make me rich.

lol where did you buy it from? i want to google it i truly do.

£147!!!!!!! :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Biggilus said:
yes it has a bun rack. no it cant control the weather and it doesnt make me rich.

Haha repped for making me splurt my coffee out :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Biggilus said:
yes it has a bun rack.

so thats what it is on my toaster, thought it was to stop the toast from jumping out and decapitating me...



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
scorge said:
i disagree, the test enviroment should mimic a live enviroment as much as possible, and that includes simulating thousands of connections at once. I understand that minor bugs might find there way in, in which a hot fix with limited server downtime can be applied.
But for exteneded downtime and the the servers closed because people cannot login to various zones shows that testing was not done correctly.


As much as it mimic's a live environment it simply isn't one. Opening Gorre upto the public might catch one or two extra things, but it would more likely just mean they spent time fixing things that were Gorre bugs instead of Live server bugs.
A space shuttle exploded because someone missed a semi-colon at the end of a line of code. What may appear to be a small minor bug to you, can completely mess up just about every piece of information on a server. Someone could do something as simple as call their character a name that hadn't been tested and corrupt the entire data base due to a simple software bug, characters, zones the whole lot. Testing helps catch bugs, it will never and can never catch them all. I'd much rather they spent 12 hours fixing it properly than try to patch a workaround in and cause a far more serious problem.

Most of the people whining that it takes 24 hours to apply a patch to a live server really need to go understand computing slightly better, then come back and whine. Most systems will have downtime when a patch is applied, unless someone spends alot more time actually creating the patch. Which would you rather have.. the new patch now with 24 hours server downtime or the patch sometime in 2008 with 5 minutes downtime..


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
atos said:
Exactly, thats the only way to get a real live enviorment.

Why cant Goa open up Gorre like 1-2 weeks before patching?

it doesn't get a real live environment.

Last time they did that we had about 100 people in the bowl in OF emain dueling...

and not one of them noticed that caster AF buffs and absorb buffs weren't working.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Behmoth said:
i bet 1 plat it's at least a month before its up and running again as per usual

u lost :) as far as i can tell they are fine ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
and not one of them noticed that caster AF buffs and absorb buffs weren't working.

that only shows it isnt doing anything to help even if it IS working ;) its THAT crap hehe xD


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
AngelHeal said:
we talking about the same goa here?
Earth to AngelHeal, time for a reality check. All recent patches have gone flawlessly, even the Darkness Rising launch. This patch there was a problem. Get over it.

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