wensday afternoon.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
However, the ammount of days in suspension does not matter to prove my arguement. The only reason I brought it up is because it proves you were very very much against the action.

you admit now that TT lied about what happened and that they manipulated a lot of peoples opinions and were responsible for a major amount of players leaving ?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
if you are talking about TT, i agree.

Well, you know he aint :]

And I can only agree to disagree with you. I will never understand how you can argue that what we did destroyed the server. As you've said yourself, only the "leet" majority hang around on FH.

Let's say we're both on a boat, and we play chess. The looser gotta jump out. I loose. Now why would you jump?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
if you are talking about TT, i agree.

Geee Muyl you 1 Blinkered Donkey what part of all these postings are you not seeing ???????

YOU and YOU Bumchums thought you were fucking untouchable PVEing Keeps/Relics that people are pissed off and now they are pissing off you don't like it well "Tough fucking luck m8".

How fuck you can blame TT for this decline is beyond me LOOK at the statistics you blind twat it the Hib/Mid realms that population dropped on NOT Fucking alb you dumb c**t but yet you elitist twat you still thought it was great to demorilise what was left of this server so fucking enjoy it tbh Muyl.

Albs didn't Win DAOC btw in this case there were no winners only losers.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Are you denying that you RightNowed the TT thing? Or talked to GM's about it? I can't remember who you talked to, but I'm sure, if you want me to, I can dig up a quote where you say you talked with GoA/GM's/whatever about this.

the only rightnow i ever did was the first time i saw a few fg`s wipe due to a bianshee conning through a wall, at no other time did i ever rightnow ANY player action. all my other rightnow contacts were about subscritpions tbh.

i deny rightnowing the TT incident, yes.
i deny talking to GM`s about it.
feel free an do so.

I did not say when anyone got banned, only that they got banned,

and that is a lie, noone got banned.

and that they got banned due to the complaints GoA received. Which, afaik, you were one of the people that sent. Correct me if I'm wrong please.

your opinion is just wrong or you are lieing.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
you admit now that TT lied about what happened and that they manipulated a lot of peoples opinions and were responsible for a major amount of players leaving ?

Lied about what? Noone ever claimed we were perma banned. Read up on it in the link. It was stated over and over and over and over, it was only 2 5-day suspensions.

And ffs, now I started writing all the same old arguements over again, I just had to delete them, it's all been said before.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 18, 2005
Let the albs have the fronteirs for them selfs, just like they want dead and empthy on enemies. Oh sorry yea you still got some guards to kill sorry my bad!
US servers ftw


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Lied about what? Noone ever claimed we were perma banned. Read up on it in the link. It was stated over and over and over and over, it was only 2 5-day suspensions.

now you use the correct word... SUSPENSION.
noone got banned.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 1, 2006
just wanna say im the biggest gay ever :sex: anyways less whine like big girls guys :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 24, 2005
Guess you still dont get it....

Hope well keep trying sarumman. Eventually you will get there.....i hope

well i jumped on the US band wagon instead cm can have their fun with the keeps i personally dont care.But that's what Custodia malaca maricones wanted all along wasnt it ?
empty server just keep guards to fight ? and hope that goa will reset frontier so they can take the keeps again ? have fun ;)

Ill even make it easyer for u ill release what i can so i can save guild bounty points for that day cluster is alive again. wich i seriously doubt.,


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
now you use the correct word... SUSPENSION.
noone got banned.

Seriously dude. You knew perfectly well what I meant by saying banned, and so did everyone else in here. YES THERE WERE 2 5-DAY SUSPENSIONS, "it's not fucking rocketscience you kno'!! " (hi Chris :wub:).

Stop arguing and bickering about words, when everyone know the meaning of them perfectly well. Ban is shorter and easier to spell than suspension, so I prefer using it. It causes no harm, and everyone knows what I'm aiming at. It's just like the old "olol it's not an AC raid mates! Cause we didn't use an Alarm-Clock!". Everyone know the meaning of the words. They're simply used in a different way than earlier.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
Seriously though, I always said to myself that I will play till the last man on Dyvet, however what I witnessed this morning: albs cutting ALL hib ports, albs cutting mid port to Emain, albs running in fgs randomly taking towers when there's like 3 enemies out.Now all I can say is fuck you and have fun on your private daoc server. Where you can capture all the towers and keeps you want and no one will interfere.

I played albion on Prydwen before cluster for a long time and I honestly can say that I never seen such idiots there, I dunno what happened.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Damnit, searched trough the thread, and I actually can't find Muyl saying he's interacted with GoA in any way about the subject :/
So, Muyl, did you interact with GoA in any way to assist in getting TT "banned"?

Anyhow, I still don't need that quote to prove my point, which is that you were highly against what we did. Whereas you now take an action I would classify as identical.

Although it may not appear this way to you, I agreed to this action, because I thought it would improve the RvR status of the server. Whether you agree that that was correct or not, does not matter, because it is my intentions with the actions I'm talking about, not the consequenses of it.

So, my point stands. Same action ("helping" the enemies). Same purpose (improve the status of RvR).

Edit: Please read: "I would classify as identical. I don't expect you to have the same view.
To me, the actions are the same.
This tells me you, and hopefully more with you, have come to realize, that sometimes you have to take a step back and cut your enemies some slack, to have anything at all left to fight.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Everyone should roll on US classic servers on alb & hib.

Mids out number albs/hibs 4 :1 in Thidranki. Maybe if the see Dyvet primetime drop below 100 they will do something..in the meantime come to thid on us classic - its busier than L50 RvR on our old server !


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
i`m happy your voice means nothing ingame.

Yeah thats the attidude we need atm ^^. 1 Hib less or not, who cares!

do so, you find that at that time a keep containing a rellic was set to level 1 without releasing it, contrary to the wish of the majority of albs.

There's no (hardly) any differance between a lvl 1 keep or 1 thats unclaimed, so go buy a big stfu, so seriously stop playing the /gc release /4tehrealm game.

now, a keep was released after consulting a large number of players ingame and no people ingame objected. if someone wanted it, he could reclaim and defend. noone did.

30 mins after hibs took the keep back, some albs were on the keep again, they were asked to leave the keep, they did.

Good luck with the empty server thats all i have to say. Seeing your responce so far, i noticed its far too l8 to get this cluster sorted in any way.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah thats the attidude we need atm ^^. 1 Hib less or not, who cares!

Not like it matters to the likes of DA/CM? As long as they have one enemy to add on and zerg down 'rvr' is kickass according to them. :)
Who cares anyway, this server is beyond dead, real shame but there are other servers aswell, only thing is that we wont get DA/CM on any other server because i highly doubt they'd last 2 seconds anywhere as a fresh rr1 group. xD


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
They worked so hard for breaking the server, and now they cry because they figured out what that means for them. Cute :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
if you are talking about TT, i agree.

Damn muylae you really are a prick arn't you.

Im glad i've gone and wont ever be comming back. Enjoy your server. The CM/DA/Arthur followers are now complaining about a dead server and trying to change things when they have only now just realised that they have made everyone leave. :worthy: How does it feel owning a frontier when there's no one else to fight?? Fun?? I thought so. :)

Tough luck tbh. If you were to ignorant to accept the fact that you and many others way of playstyle crushed the server over a period of time then you really are a prat.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Any responses from CM over the state of the server? Im interested. :)

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