Cleaned my 7970 out about 30 mins ago, removed dust from it (all I did) plugged it back in and on boot up I got a RED screen of death, the bios/boot screens were all red and fuzzy, evidently my 7970 has just bit the dust.
What annoys me about amd drivers is they will run as low as possible like 30% fan and go up to 80C, then they hit like 82 and woooomph the fan goes up to 70% and sounds like an airplane.
I just manual override and keep it at a constant speed for the temp and more importantly the volume control.
What you gonna replace it with?since april last year or something :/ I do game alot tho.
See above evga gtx 680
It should be under warranty still anyway? I wouldn't go wasteing 400 quid on a new card