Your a nothing will allways be a nothing ye even a alb with a di bot is more worthy than youcome here insult all and use the word spaz as a mod just shows what a real ass wipe you are you prob killed me in fg of 8 but solo nah don't think so t**tthe person that even in the warlock love days made you eat dirt every single time i saw you on your own.
(I wont say solo because running about on a warlock looking for fights to add on isnt soloing)
chained by High RR prats (HI hi nuxtopopolopodos or whatever your name is)
/surrender versus Nuxto might have helped,
TAG= talk a good game
When ever i see you i'm going to rip your head ofbut quess what big mouth pricks like you can only talk a good game i call em TAG= talk a good gameyour a nothing will allways be a nothing ok.
It's bitter people throwing venom about in this thread (every single one of them) that's the reason the server is now dead. Can it be saved, of course it can't.. Why? Ask Pip and Raven to have a conversation where they don't just yell unimportant crap at each other for 10 minutes and witness the results.
Yer cause on the german server no-one whines about zergs and adds ´