We not all elite


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2007
Comon with these FAO threads, it's no good for the game:( we need folk to come back to this fine game, but when they log on fh read all this clap trap they wont renew accounts? i read threads is it worth coming back, and reply no play another server:twak: this server sucks, Comon all.

Ps...When all the mist clears you are left with Gamers not as elite as you due to class style clash, and big rr diffrence they need to leech to get there with the big boys no? Maybe not even in a guild and got rog armour? give em a break stop whinning ffs:fluffle:

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Comon with these FAO threads, it's no good for the game:( we need folk to come back to this fine game, but when they log on fh read all this clap trap they wont renew accounts? i read threads is it worth coming back, and reply no play another server:twak: this server sucks, Comon all.

Ps...When all the mist clears you are left with Gamers not as elite as you due to class style clash, and big rr diffrence they need to leech to get there with the big boys no? Maybe not even in a guild and got rog armour? give em a break stop whinning ffs:fluffle:

he may play a warlock, be he at least got more sense than most around here.


Apr 27, 2007
Hey - I might be a bit eh - pissed, but hell I can still work things out. For one thing what is this Freddyshouse DAoC forum all about? Just catering for a few entrenched die-hard players. Sorry but you are all well dead. Bugger off to new accounts on the US servers cos no-one in their right minds wants to level up here now. This forum is like trawling through a cemetary - you are all dead and buried. And I ain't kidding either.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
i dont feel inclined to say dyvet suxs for any other reason than it suxs...

I would rather a potential player to the game went on a populated serer and experience the game as it should be... rather than play dyvet and think hmmm ok.. this suxs etc... what a crap game...

i think its just a case of being realistic.

I also feel this dyvet population problem hasnt been addressed with any sense or urgency or even vague regard for the people paying 10 bux a month (or whatever it is) for the experience... I would at the very least expect some communication from goa about how they realise theres a problem... and we get a firm commitment on a solution even if that commitment states its going to take 1 months or 1 year. I just hate the fact the server is dead number wise and theres pretty much no acknowledgement theres even a problem (when the situation merrits crisis status)((in online gaming terms!))(((because well theres more important things in life than an underpopulated server)))((((etc))))

:) imo anyway... and thats why my subs aint been reknew'd


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Comon with these FAO threads, it's no good for the game:( we need folk to come back to this fine game, but when they log on fh read all this clap trap they wont renew accounts? i read threads is it worth coming back, and reply no play another server:twak: this server sucks, Comon all.

Ps...When all the mist clears you are left with Gamers not as elite as you due to class style clash, and big rr diffrence they need to leech to get there with the big boys no? Maybe not even in a guild and got rog armour? give em a break stop whinning ffs:fluffle:

suck it up bitch, bet you are having a blast on the dead server now huh?

reap what you sow


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
I do wish peeps would return but is not gonna happen , when they get advised to go US or whatever by peeps ,,, roll on war.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
i dont feel inclined to say dyvet suxs for any other reason than it suxs...

I would rather a potential player to the game went on a populated serer and experience the game as it should be... rather than play dyvet and think hmmm ok.. this suxs etc... what a crap game...

i think its just a case of being realistic.

I also feel this dyvet population problem hasnt been addressed with any sense or urgency or even vague regard for the people paying 10 bux a month (or whatever it is) for the experience... I would at the very least expect some communication from goa about how they realise theres a problem... and we get a firm commitment on a solution even if that commitment states its going to take 1 months or 1 year. I just hate the fact the server is dead number wise and theres pretty much no acknowledgement theres even a problem (when the situation merrits crisis status)((in online gaming terms!))(((because well theres more important things in life than an underpopulated server)))((((etc))))

:) imo anyway... and thats why my subs aint been reknew'd

It aint THAT dead ... yet.
Just aint what it used to be..or what other clusters r atm...
Still enough peeps around... and still many pve more than rvr ..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Goa should remove the XP bonuses, to bring people out of PvE and to RvR on their chars.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Why DO ppl still pve? I mean it takes, what? A week to get from lvl1-50, toa'd and get the champ weapon? And after all these years ppl must have filled up their char slots and got them toa'd etc?

As someone above mentioned, most people will need to leech and zerg to get around rr5 and be ready to compete and I feel fine with that at some level. But those who just keeps on zerging and adding from there on gets no respect from me..

ps: Come back to Dyvet all.. One month and we will see how it goes? :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
goa should just give /level 30 back again :p remember when /level 30 was implemented to hib/pryd for abit there was fkin hundreds of people appearing out of nowhere :x


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003

goa should just give /level 30 back again :p remember when /level 30 was implemented to hib/pryd for abit there was fkin hundreds of people appearing out of nowhere :x

I still have slots full of /level 30 characters on my dead accounts I did nothing with, I think I made one for every Hib class in game at the time. :eek7:

I also agree with Preacherboy, when you bring up kids you should ignore the negative and praise the positive, perhaps some weeks of that may help? Rather than saying it "sux" and every other badly spelt expletive, perhaps we could say yah, it's great, renew and play again ... then more that come back the better the server and so more that come back etc. etc.

But I guess people just lives their lives to moan and groan, I would hate to be their neighbour when we are having a party!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
:) imo anyway... and thats why my subs aint been reknew'd

Come play with ze germans:) quite a few soloers and ofc the adding casters etc but superb amount of action more or less 24/7 and apart from the odd a-hole the germans are realy friendly:)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Soooo, mentioning to people that are thinking about renewing what status the server currently is in makes you an 'omfg 1337 d00d'? :x
For what possible reason should you lie to people, saying 'Ya, this server kicks ass, best action any server has to offer' when in fact Dyver is THE most dead server out of all GOA servers. Unless GOA intervenes Dyvets population will keep dropping and eventually the server will be beyond rescue (not that it's not on the brink already :()

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Comon with these FAO threads, it's no good for the game:( we need folk to come back to this fine game, but when they log on fh read all this clap trap they wont renew accounts? i read threads is it worth coming back, and reply no play another server:twak: this server sucks, Comon all.

Ps...When all the mist clears you are left with Gamers not as elite as you due to class style clash, and big rr diffrence they need to leech to get there with the big boys no? Maybe not even in a guild and got rog armour? give em a break stop whinning ffs:fluffle:

You could become elite by repeating the elementary school. Or by going to it in the first place.


Dec 22, 2003

I said this to you and everyone else on the forum years ago that if you continue to add and not respect other players in the game you'll find yourself on a dead server.

How sweet it was to be right :D I remember pip the hunter shooting me from any bridge I was near and running like a scared little bitch when I got close.

I remember pip the pre-nerf warlock adding and intsa killing me and emoting my corpse.

You little adding bitches didn't listen and now it's come to pass your crying like babies.

Well, to coin a popular yet underused phrase..."I told ya so"


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
lol thats funny, n1 adder and griefer cries that no ppl left on the server.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2007
lol the thread is about the moans and groans on fh not a dying server ya muppets:) I think this server is fine imo, Try playing wl I see plenty of the enemy:) might have something to do with all wanting to kill me:( German server is ok but to dam laggy due to high numbers:fluffle: Ho and Gamah thought you like me putting arrows in your ass.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 12, 2006
Comon with these FAO threads, it's no good for the game:( we need folk to come back to this fine game, but when they log on fh read all this clap trap they wont renew accounts? i read threads is it worth coming back, and reply no play another server:twak: this server sucks, Comon all.

Ps...When all the mist clears you are left with Gamers not as elite as you due to class style clash, and big rr diffrence they need to leech to get there with the big boys no? Maybe not even in a guild and got rog armour? give em a break stop whinning ffs:fluffle:


You`r so right PIP.. thats what i`ve been thinking everytime a new. " should i come back- post " is made at FH ..
( still wonder why people find it nessecary, to ask in here though.. instead of just logging in game, and see for them selves ^^ )

Server might be dead, in " old " players opp. , but as a " new " ( -1 year ) player... I actually think its pretty okay ... ( must days )


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
I can quite understand that ppl who started 1 year ago to play, might think the server is okay. U guys started on an already low pop server so u never witnessed Uk Cluster when it was a vital server.
That doesn't change the fact that, actually, is dead (go figure avg pop between various Eu clusters and do your mats).
As for the reasons why the Uk Cluster died out, we ain't gonna achieve an agreement anytime soon.
Bare in mind that most peeps who starts threads about "is it worth to come back" are people with a kind of playstyle which, generally speaking, leftover Cluster players don't endorse.
Can understand that u feel sorry for not having more "mob alike" to zerg down, but u started the vicious circle, enjoy the results imo.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
I spotted you several times at Eras yesterday, heading out with your 3man strong stealthzerg, this kind of play is what generates whine.

Keep it up pip, just need to make a few 500 more leave so you can have the server for yourself.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I can quite understand that ppl who started 1 year ago to play, might think the server is okay. U guys started on an already low pop server so u never witnessed Uk Cluster when it was a vital server.
That doesn't change the fact that, actually, is dead (go figure avg pop between various Eu clusters and do your mats).
As for the reasons why the Uk Cluster died out, we ain't gonna achieve an agreement anytime soon.
Bare in mind that most peeps who starts threads about "is it worth to come back" are people with a kind of playstyle which, generally speaking, leftover Cluster players don't endorse.
Can understand that u feel sorry for not having more "mob alike" to zerg down, but u started the vicious circle, enjoy the results imo.

Nothing changed over the last 2,5 years, it is just less people doing it.


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
lol the thread is about the moans and groans on fh not a dying server ya muppets:) I think this server is fine imo, Try playing wl I see plenty of the enemy:) might have something to do with all wanting to kill me:( German server is ok but to dam laggy due to high numbers:fluffle: Ho and Gamah thought you like me putting arrows in your ass.

Yet in your first post you say "we need people to come back to the game"

I've recently renewed, i havent really played divot since christmas, been back 2 weeks & "imo" the cluster is shit, full of arseholes, w*nker's, adders & zergers.

Ive been repeatedly steamrolled by a high RR mid grp (hi hi Netcode & boooomer & co), chained by High RR prats (HI hi nuxtopopolopodos or whatever your name is) duo'd, trio'd even got chased by 3fg of albs. Ive managed 1 good fight this last week (V's jiradon & <o/ sp) & its not like i expected to win but it was fun anyways.

If anyone asked me if DAoC was good & worth a try, i'd say yes, just dont play pryd/excal.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Yet in your first post you say "we need people to come back to the game"

I've recently renewed, i havent really played divot since christmas, been back 2 weeks & "imo" the cluster is shit, full of arseholes, w*nker's, adders & zergers.

Ive been repeatedly steamrolled by a high RR mid grp (hi hi Netcode & boooomer & co), chained by High RR prats (HI hi nuxtopopolopodos or whatever your name is) duo'd, trio'd even got chased by 3fg of albs. Ive managed 1 good fight this last week (V's jiradon & <o/ sp) & its not like i expected to win but it was fun anyways.

If anyone asked me if DAoC was good & worth a try, i'd say yes, just dont play pryd/excal.

/surrender versus Nuxto might have helped, Boomer and Netcode are full of shit, just some random tards racing for RR12, no hope there :(.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
i didnt expect anything new from you 2 , get a grip and grow some balls to answer like a normal posters instead of insulting others over the net.

but ofc i cant imagine a decent reply from you guys.

haha lol :D


/surrender versus Nuxto might have helped, Boomer and Netcode are full of shit, just some random tards racing for RR12, no hope there :(.

lol appologies for running a fg when we can which will most likely end soon, and appologised for dard's group being unable to beat us even with help

have discussed trying to field a hib group as there are no hibs, but we shall see

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