We have the buffbot will we now have the stealth bot?



Originally posted by old.Mitsu
Actually you only need L1R8 - 8 Realm skill points for See Hidden.

When you get kicked out of the last bg you can afford it.
But I get truesight :flame:
Just as I thought so BGs will still be great fun for scouts :p
After Caledonia though... urgh... we'll see I guess.


great now with this skill i can avoid blood/anna/ all other damn midgard hunters that seem to walk next to me and bait me.

its an awefull feeling knowing that when you see through their stealth you are dead. since at lvl 37 i can't outmelee them, and can't outrun them as the bow hurts lots. and since they can see me i just get chance to /wave before i get cut down.



I cant understand Mythic, why did they implant this stupid realm ability for Assasins. Leveling up a stealth class is the hardest of all (maybe not for a minstrell) and at the end it will suck? Aint fair, and just becouse some noobs getting killed. (Yes i mean you casters, dont solo in emain and you wont die, get a tank + intercept + guard and you are going to live)
After this See hidden patch infis/sbs/nss prepare for getting nerfed couse ppl will whine about you this time.

Cher: you can avoid them by not going out till you get some lvls :) Lairiodd, Basil and the few higher lvl ns gang got no problems with midgardian hunters :)


bout time they nerf stealthers
seeing all the top rp holders its easy to see that something is wrong with stealthers and how they can farm rps :|


bout time they nerf tanks
seeing all the damage they can take its easy to see that something is wrong with tanks and how they can fight epic mobs :|


About time they nerf casters,they can AE nuke and farm RP :/


Nerf nerf nerf. BTW they aren't nerfing stealthers... they are nerfing us archers and other stealthing non-assassins. So the assassins are basically given more RPs after the next patch and us archers are fucked over. Tbh that makes no sense.


Hehe we are becoming the VN boards bit with a little less class. Thats how knowledge starts though. They have become highly proficient in the bad points of there class through whining. This makes them understand there classes better or at least seem too ;) We all have valid points. TBH looking at the rp tables is a good indicator as to whether the RvR battlefields are balanced. My own personal opinion is the only solo character on those fields should be people "scouting" for a purpose. If a character is encouraged to rp farm solo then it deserves a clever nerf bat which still makes them highly popular to play in a group but disables there ability to want to sit and kill easy prey. I think minstrels should lose stealth altogether it doesnt make sense for the class. Give them something else. This would take them away from soloing and back within a group. Albion would be a much stronger realm for it. I think Mystic are aware people choose a class because of its abilities so though you wont see stealth taken away things like see Hidden is aimed at nerfing you indirectly. I would make the timers longer on for restealth too. You still get your ability to damage the way you do but you only use it when its really necessary. So if you couldnt restealth for 25 seconds the net result should mean more risk, more death for you less rp less farming.

At the end of the day if you can sit in one space and rp farm you know your class needs to be changed. If you dont get the nerf expect the other classes to get something which helps take you out.


Assasins are already waay top of the RP tables. I say give Mercs/BM/Bezerkers True Sight too. After all they are supposed to be the 'Assasin Killers'. They would then become very viable keep defenders.

I dont mind so much that I cant sit in the trees and snipe at people and get away with it easily any more. What I do hate is the way that now there is only one stealth class with no natural enemies.

To anyone who just rolled an Assasin, be prepared for a good beating with the nerf bat.


I don't mind anymore as I have said in many other threads. I am now aiming for a very low stealth and will most likely not use it that much anymore (after 1.50 that is) since I will just be at the back of a fight with casters shooting my arrows into the foul bodies of midgardians and earthly hibernians.
Then again I think people will be asking for nerfs to each class as we go along because now that another was nerfed the others are stronger so they need nerfing. In the end we will all be hitting for 1 damage per hit and have no skills what-so-ever :D


'See Hidden' isn't that worse for hunters...

I can't solo in RvR anyways. The bow damage output was reduced that much with 1.39 and 1.41 that if I would try to kill a yellow con melee char at maximum range we would just walk up to me and kill me. I can't even get away with my speed burst since even a resisted mezz/stun/debuff kills the speed. So I just tag along with my guild interrupting casters or pretending to hit with my spear.

There was a time when I took out a group of 3 orange cons, 2 yellows and 1 blue on my own. Back there I was overpowered for sure! So i didn't mind a few draw time increases or damage reductions...
But Mythic has done to much 'good'. Where is the point in further archer 'nerfs'? Where is the point in giving Infiltrators 'vanish'? Where is the point in minstrels (read stealthers) having insta mezzes/stuns? Where is the point in Hunters not being able to train shield? Where is the point in Albion and Hibernia having pbaoe and Midgard not (don't tell me about Thane pbaoe now)? Where is the point in Albion having 12 classes and Midgard only 10? You can ask many more of these questions I bet.



Cheese anyone?

Minstrels dont have insta mezzes nor stuns. They have one single target insta stun.

Hunters don't get speccable shield because they are strong enough the way they are. They have a high damage spear, a pet, buffs and on top of that even an insta speed buff!

Midgard gets PBAE in a later patch so no point whining about it.

Do you really think it is an advantage to have 12 classes instead of 10? I would really love to see Mythic taking some alb classes out of the game. Maybe then they would concentrate the spells on one class like they did in Midgard by creating the runemaster (2xbolts, group pbt, group speed buff, DDs, root, ranged AE, nearsight).

Stop whining and take a look at the good sides of your realm and class...

[EDIT: mixed up stun and mezz :)]


Originally posted by old.k70
Cheese anyone?

Minstrels dont have insta mezzes nor stuns. They have one single target insta mezz.

So a single target insta mezz is no insta mezz? And hey I was _stunned_ by minstrels way to often!

Hunters don't get speccable shield because they are strong enough the way they are. They have a high damage spear, a pet, buffs and on top of that even an insta speed buff!

high damage spear - yes we have... fighting with a spear looks like this:
xxx evades
xxx hits you
xxx hits you
xxx hits you
xxx blocks
xxx hits you
u r dead

a pet - yes we have... I charm one if I want to say 'I'M HERE SO KILL ME PLEASE'

buffs - yes we have... but they don't help much. How would you feel when you aggro 3 green mobs and know you are dead?

an instant speed buff - yes we have... it got insta cast time and insta vanishing time. even running into a grasshopper breaks the spell (read: a _failed_ mezz/stun, a missed hit)

I'm leveling a Runie now. I feel so damn overpowered when chain killing orange con mobs. And I'm not whinning... the people causing the hunter nerfs were whinning.


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence i guess.

You get a 2 hander, it doesn't hit. You get a pet, it's useless. You get buffs, they are crap. You get insta speed, it doesn't help.

If you get killed by 3 green mobs jumping you you should maybe start using your pet...

To clear up: Minstrel get an insta stun which is on a timer and a castable single target mezz. You were talking about "insta mezzes/stuns" (plural). The reason you have to differate here is because they get 2 insta DDs.

Every realm has it's unique pros and cons and you won't get anywhere when you ask why a realm or a class has something what you don't have. They are just differences and make the game more interesting.


Whining about minstrels killing you as a hunter is pointless. Minstrels are caster/stealther killers. It's what the class does well. You have the advantage as a hunter that you can kill a yellow caster in a group and stealth away, I can't do that because to kill anyone I have to be in melee range... if they're grouped, I'm shafted.
As for the stun/mez, the stun gets nerfed to the point of uselessness anyway and mez just gets nerfed in general. Also my mez isn't affected by dex modifiers (so despite my 168 unbuffed dex, I still take 3 secs to mez anyone :rolleyes:).


or if your like me and munro the minstrel you run about waiting for an archer to lose your BT (QC another BT just incase they actually hit quite hard) then munro goes and stuns them and lets me burn them to death :D

hello anna and the other victims from tomorrow who fell for the same trap over and over again.


Yep its balanced for albs :d Minstrel and Infi the 2 stealther killer classes versus SBs and NSs. Feel the Balance Luke! :D


You know what, I REALLY think that us friars should get a realm ability very similar to the insta speed buff that some classes in other realms have. We are fairly often mistaken for casters and this would really help in teh sense that we could actually catch the bastard who tried to kill us. I hate this most in Thidranki but then again I doubt that at higher levels people still fail to recognise a friar, or do they.

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