Warhammer delayed


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
You seem to be forgetting all the other types of RvR mentioned that are based in WAR.

Aye, but Mythic have been ramming the much vaunted 'Scenarios' (please, can we call them BGs) down our throats as if they are a new innovation.

We all know BGs are the basis for WOWs (taken as granted) pants PVP.

For me, Mythic yelling about their game by shouting 'hey look at this we have SCENARIOS!!!!! They rock, is just like saying 'hey we have copied WOWs pants system and given it a new name.

Still, I would like to think that this new estimated release date is going to address this issue and bring a game we can all come to know and love in its own right. With some heavy portions of mass carnage, not repatative 'fair' 20 vs 20 identical fights, where you rush to capture point A b and C then repeat the same fight 9 times.

TBH I have faith they will pull it off.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
What was so innovative about BG's that Mythic has to of copied Blizzard when making Scenario's?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
What I mean, is that Mythic have been hyping Scenarios, as if they are some new innovation. (when everybody knows they are just straight out of WOW).


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Have you tried one? You keep telling us how they a straight copy yet its just an assumption. For all you know scenarios maybe the most fun pvp we have ever tried, maybe they will maybe they wont but UNTIL we try them we cant judge.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
What I mean, is that Mythic have been hyping Scenarios, as if they are some new innovation. (when everybody knows they are just straight out of WOW).

None knows how the scenarios sistem look like atm, so pretty rich to make an assumption like that w/o even tested it no?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 16, 2007
None knows how the scenarios sistem look like atm, so pretty rich to make an assumption like that w/o even tested it no?

Well it's hard to immagine a big difference, but perhaps Mythic will surprise us. I really have to say I like the idea of constant PvP. No matter what type it will be, cities, or open or scenarios. It's still constant PvP, or RvR as Mythic likes to call it. But then again, instanced is hardly RvR ofcourse...but still. I like the idea of constant PvP. No wait...I love that idea! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
I'm imagining that the whole process of capturing a zone is a lengthy one. Requiring an effort from all facets of RvR and many many people.

Some of the best and most desperate game play will come when you log on to see the enemy at your doorstep, I can see everyone coming to the defence of a zone knowing that if it falls they are on your capital, that in itself will bring on combat akin to relic raids from DaoC.

And from the other side of the coin logging in to see you close to an enemy capital will draw everyone in for the loot.

All in all I expect big open world fights over the zones controlled areas, scenario goals that are varied and complex differing by and related to the zones they're in, and active participation from the lower tiers in the fight for conquest.

I would urge people to think of the big picture rather than focusing on a single facet of RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 16, 2007
I would urge people to think of the big picture rather than focusing on a single facet of RvR.

Well, the main concerns like "Oh no, it's gonna be BG PvP just like WoW" have been named quite a few times, it's not really needed to push this concern any further, as I'm sure people at Mythic have in the first place thought about this themselves, and second, by now, they've read these concerns ;)

So I'm not concerned about things too much. I'll just buy the game, give it a go. If I don't like it...heck, I'll just play something else. Not my problem ^^


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
the other thing to bear in mind ofc is the players themselves. if they put in (to use the WoW system) ; BGs and "world pvp" in WAR. if noone uses the BG instances and everyone uses the world pvp, they will change them in an update anyway.
and fighting in a seperate pvp zone isnt a wow thing, its more a DAoC thing anyway, wow just copied each zone lots and put a player cap on it ;)
thidranki etc were all instanced, just there was only ever one instance open


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
well good news they delaying it will only make it better....

btw the disscusion about mythic "stole" bg's from wow.... think for a sec what wow "stole" from rest of the mmorpgs that was out long before wow was released.

this is how it works in the mmorpg scene....nothing new here..


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
BUT....Blizzard didnt bang on about it being a new thing.

Mythic have slobbered over us with 'Scenarios' as if its a new and stunning innovation which will revolutionise PVP.

Having said that they are now (hopefully) taking note.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
again you havent even tried a scenario yet ffs lol. For all any of us know they maybe the most fun PVP things ever. Everyone has rigths to voice opinions ofc but yours comes across almost like its a fact that scenarios are just crappy copys of wow bgs. Instead of it being just a concern that it SOUNDS like it MAYBE is SIMILIAR to wows bgs.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 16, 2007
BUT....Blizzard didnt bang on about it being a new thing.

Mythic have slobbered over us with 'Scenarios' as if its a new and stunning innovation which will revolutionise PVP.

Having said that they are now (hopefully) taking note.

Well shame on their marketing team then. Because it's all it is. Marketing. And tbh, although we might know better (or be completely wrong if it actually turns out to be something new), I hope it works: more n00bs to pwn ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
You are right, I havnt played a 'Scenario'.

But, you know what, no matter how u dress it up or what you put in there, sticking 20 people in a fair and 'artificially seperate' area to fight a battle which is...(nailed on if you read any review of them) repetative....is NOT RVR.

See my point?

They bang on about RVR, realm vs realm isa concept brilliantly brought to life by Mythic in DAOC.....amazing stuff.

Having people seperated and fighting little skirmishes isnt anyhting like the same, THAT is what annoys me, when they (goign back a while) continously banged on about 'scenarios' as being the principle form of 'RVR'.

Regardless of how much more fun they make scenarios over WOWs BGs...it will mean there is ZERO community exactly the same as WOW. Everyone off playing in their own little 10 vs 10 worlds. I just thankg god they appaer to have had a rethink and focusing somewhat more on REALM VS REALM instead of PVP.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
DAOC had 'epic' RVR targets and rewards.

like what? the relics? they sure werent worth fighting over :)

the keeps on the other hand might have. but only for the sole purpose of pissing the other side off :)

the "epic" part of daoc died when the zergs stopped.

god i miss having 10 - 15 FG's of mids fight it out against 10 - 15 Fg's of albs or hibs :/ that was the only "epic" and actual fun about daoc rvr.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
it's not really needed to push this concern any further, as I'm sure people at Mythic have in the first place thought about this themselves,
i'm sure they have. but the question still remains if they LIKE how WoW pvp currently is. if they do then the concerns are still valid as they will do their best to copy as much of it as possible.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
like what? the relics? they sure werent worth fighting over :)

the keeps on the other hand might have. but only for the sole purpose of pissing the other side off :)

the "epic" part of daoc died when the zergs stopped.

god i miss having 10 - 15 FG's of mids fight it out against 10 - 15 Fg's of albs or hibs :/ that was the only "epic" and actual fun about daoc rvr.

hehe the fun about daoc was the open RvR with Fg's vs FG's. with no adding :)

that was epic...but hey turning on clock to get back a relic early in the morning.... i sure do miss also haha :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
1 fg vs 1 fg, is ok

When you start saying 'no adding'

sorry, that IS NOT RVR.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
well what i MEANT to say was fg vs fg WHEN there was no adding :)

rvr sure is zerging vs zerging yes .. :)

ofc u got added on about 70% of the fightes ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
Aye then we agree ;]

I loved a mix.

I went to (back in the day) HW for 1fg of LOE running

Odins was usually a 2fg affair (my personal favorite was 2fg vs 2fg)

Then there was emain for the bigger battles.

What I must reiterrate, is that although I loved 2fg vs 2fg, if other joined the fight (on either side) i didnt look upon it as an annoyance coz 'its our fight', it was just what happens in warfare, the randomness added so many possible situations, was awesome.

So much better than the cut n paste of 20 vs 20 each fight, when u know whats coming.

Bring back the days of 'omg 4fgs mids' (you start to put up a hopeless fight) then just as you are getting overun, 3 FGs of Albs charge over the hill turnign the tables....YAY...oops hang on, who invited the hibS!! ALL KILL THE HIBS (ok i made that bit up p).

That kinda thing is what made RVR great.

Not muppets saying 'no adding please'. (although I never actually encountered that on my 2.5 years of daoc...but i understand it was rife with muppets sayign that in later years).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Aye then we agree ;]

I loved a mix.

I went to (back in the day) HW for 1fg of LOE running

Odins was usually a 2fg affair (my personal favorite was 2fg vs 2fg)

Then there was emain for the bigger battles.

What I must reiterrate, is that although I loved 2fg vs 2fg, if other joined the fight (on either side) i didnt look upon it as an annoyance coz 'its our fight', it was just what happens in warfare, the randomness added so many possible situations, was awesome.

So much better than the cut n paste of 20 vs 20 each fight, when u know whats coming.

Bring back the days of 'omg 4fgs mids' (you start to put up a hopeless fight) then just as you are getting overun, 3 FGs of Albs charge over the hill turnign the tables....YAY...oops hang on, who invited the hibS!! ALL KILL THE HIBS (ok i made that bit up p).

That kinda thing is what made RVR great.

Not muppets saying 'no adding please'. (although I never actually encountered that on my 2.5 years of daoc...but i understand it was rife with muppets sayign that in later years).

Very much agree, and you'll find the vast majority of DAoC players were of the same opinion.

The "No Add" brigade was very much limited to a few groups/soloers, most of who were very vocal, but generally ignored by most players. US is great atm btw mainly because you simply don't get that attitude and when you do find it, it's usually ex-euro players (who are generally laughed at and ridiculed for taking the game too seriously).


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
Good to hear, I heard loads of the 'no adds' muppets became prevailant in the later years. Would have been very sad if that was true.

Its one of those things and im sure they are doign good things, but I do reckon a third 'realm' added extra spice in terms of possibilities on the battlefield ;p Even if one side was dominant to the point of pushing (say mids) back to the portal keep.....there was always dem hibbies who were comign from behind.

That meant no boring 'penned back in' scenarios where is just monotonous slaughter of the weaker side.

hope that isnt going to be the case ;]


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Then there was emain for the bigger battles.

man how i miss that zone :)

i absolutly loved the AMG/MMG camps with hibs surprise attacking all over the place :)

and when there was a relic raid alert going u had like 400 - 500+ ppl fighting at the MG's :)

yes it was laggy, but i enjoyed every single second of it.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 16, 2007
Very much agree, and you'll find the vast majority of DAoC players were of the same opinion.

The "No Add" brigade was very much limited to a few groups/soloers, most of who were very vocal, but generally ignored by most players. US is great atm btw mainly because you simply don't get that attitude and when you do find it, it's usually ex-euro players (who are generally laughed at and ridiculed for taking the game too seriously).

I'm part of the no-add brigade and I'm proud of it. Playing on US server now screaming "Please don't add" and I'm not the only one I can tell.

Thing is (I take it you're an alb btw), you can always ask nicely not to add, I just prefer it that way. If people don't, nice, thanks. If people do, can't really help it, it's the game. I can't blame them for adding. But when they don't after I ask them not to add, thank you very much.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Well meet alot of people yelling dont add ffs, and when they died why the hell didnt you help me.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 16, 2007
Well meet alot of people yelling dont add ffs, and when they died why the hell didnt you help me.

Yeah, I have a special word for those people. Crazy. It makes no sense. Doesn't mean everyone who likes to play 8 vs 8 is a madman ;)

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